Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2993 Layout

Chapter 2993 Layout!

Now he has a taste for it.

This strong man is actually an extremely cold-blooded and realistic existence at his core.

It followed him all the way, but did not take action.

It means with some consideration.

It depends on your own strength, character, and potential.

But this time, it was probably because he felt he was valuable, so he took action.

Just this once.

But there are always tests.

Ye Xinghe naturally would not let him look down upon him.

He smiled and said, "Master Qiang, sometimes many problems don't need to be solved with strength."

"However, Mr. Qiang, I still need your help."

Mr. Qiang said: "I will not help you escape again. I can't be your rely on."

"Besides, if I take action, the price I will pay will be high."

Ye Xinghe was keenly aware of some information.

However, it was not broken.

Ye Xinghe also understood this and said with a smile: "You don't need to take action anymore. I just saw that when you took me to escape, not only did you leave physically, but you also blocked your breath."

"Do you have a way to help me temporarily block my aura and prevent that person from finding me?"

Mr. Qiang nodded.

"This is quite simple."

Ye Xinghe smiled and said: "Okay, but there is no need to block my aura now."

Mr. Qiang was stunned for a moment.

"How long will it take?"

Ye Xinghe smiled and said: "You will know later."

Mr. Qiang didn’t know what kind of medicine he was selling in his gourd.

However, it admires this young man and looks forward to it.

But next, Ye Xinghe's operation made him confused.

It turned out that next, Ye Xinghe was looking for something everywhere.

Finally, after seeing somewhere, his eyes suddenly lit up and he rushed towards it.

Master Qiang saw that there were about seven or eight people here.

It seems that they are competing for two red flags.

These people are naturally the disciples who came to Yunshan Wuhai for training.

Ye Xinghe just went over without saying a word, just taking action.

These people are just ordinary disciples, no match for him.

Soon, they were defeated by Ye Xinghe and won the red flag.

Moreover, they were asked to hand over all the red and white flags they had on hand.

This group of people was no match for Ye Xinghe, so they had no choice but to admit they were unlucky and follow the instructions one by one.

But Ye Xinghe was indeed quite restrained and did not kill them.

But let them go.

These people chose to leave with resentment on their faces.

Mr. Qiang was a little confused.

Nowadays, what Ye Xinghe is most afraid of is exposing his traces.

But he took action to stir up the muddy water and snatch the red flag.

But instead of eradicating the roots, he allowed them to leave.

This would have endless consequences.

As you can imagine, these people left with resentment.

The news that Ye Xinghe is here will definitely spread.

But, it didn't ask.

Instead, as if he thought of something, a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes.

After Ye Xinghe snatched these things, he didn't go far.

He found a place nearby and began to heal his injuries and regain his strength.

Almost at the same time, the disciples who were expelled by him all had angry faces.

All the things they had worked so hard to find these days were in vain.

Not long after traveling, several of them met a rather powerful disciple named Zeng Shouyuan.

When he saw these ordinary disciples, his eyes suddenly lit up.

He immediately flew over and stood in front of them.

He smiled softly and said: "Several junior brothers, we met here by fate, let's get some benefits out of it."

"Otherwise, don't blame me, senior brother, for being rude to you!"

Seeing that Zeng Shouyuan's arrival was not good, the ordinary disciples also became angry.

They were dealt a blow by Ye Xinghe, and they were already full of anger.

At this time, he met Zeng Shouyuan again and tried to blackmail him.

Amidst the roar, several people attacked Zeng Shouyuan together.

However, Zeng Shouyuan's strength was far superior to them.

Within a short time, several people were beaten badly.

Everyone immediately became honest and stood there obediently, not daring to say a word.

Zeng Shouyuan clicked his tongue twice and said jokingly: "Why do you think you are so troublesome? If I punish you, you will have to hand over the benefits in the end!"

One of the disciples said with a mournful face: "Brother, we really have nothing!"

"Just now, we met Ye Xinghe and took away all our belongings!"

"Yes, senior brother, please forgive me. It's not that we don't want to give, it's that we really have nothing!"

"What, you met Ye Xinghe before!"

Hearing this name, Zeng Shouyuan's eyes suddenly lit up.

He said urgently: "Tell me quickly, what's going on?"

Zeng Shouyuan was a member of Duan Huaishan's team.

Duan Huaishan wanted to kill Ye Xinghe and pursued him relentlessly.

He also dispersed all his men.

Zeng Shouyuan was also one of them.

However, he didn't care much about it.

Instead, I took the opportunity to make some extra money.

He robbed some ordinary disciples and got a lot of benefits.

However, the unexpected news about Ye Xinghe made him ecstatic.

After listening to what these disciples said, he was convinced that they had indeed met Ye Xinghe.

What he described is no different from Ye Xinghe.

Moreover, looking at it like this, Ye Xinghe's injury seems to be not serious.

He high-fived excitedly.

"Damn it, I should have had this opportunity!"

It turns out that he can only be regarded as a marginal figure in Duan Huaishan's team.

I usually just do odd jobs, which basically brings me no benefit.

He can only get some soup from Duan Huaishan's fingers.

Now we have traces of Ye Xinghe.

After returning to report, Duan Huaishan was overjoyed and would definitely give him a generous reward.

Moreover, Duan Huaishan had promised before.

Whoever finds Ye Xinghe can take half of the harvest from Ye Xinghe.

Thinking of Ye Xinghe's performance when facing himself and others, and thinking of the benefits of his spiritual treasures.

Zeng Shouyuan's eyes were burning.

He immediately said: "Okay, you guys will go somewhere with me!"

Those people looked at each other, but they didn't dare to resist.

He had no choice but to follow Zeng Shouyuan and rush forward.

An hour later, Duan Huaishan learned the news.

He was also extremely excited and immediately took out a spiritual treasure.

Start searching for traces of Ye Xinghe on it.

However, after searching for a long time, there was no response from this spiritual treasure.

Duan Huaishan said clearly in his heart: "I understand, Ye Xinghe must have used some method to cover his aura with the seal, so we have never been able to find him before."

"But despite all his efforts, he was eventually exposed."

"Let's go, let's just kill him!"

He immediately took the people and searched there.

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