Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2994 Captured

Chapter 2994 Captured!

Sure enough, not long after, he found the traces of Ye Xinghe.

After seeing Duan Huaishan and his party, Ye Xinghe was shocked and angry.

He gritted his teeth and said: "How did you find me? I have obviously sealed my breath!"

Duan Huaishan glanced at him proudly and laughed wildly: "I didn't expect that even if you have a sealed aura, you can't escape my search!"

After that, he brought those people up.

Looking at those ordinary disciples, Ye Xinghe showed a look of regret on his face.

He gritted his teeth and said: "You really shouldn't have let them go so easily that they have become a future trouble!"

Duan Huaishan laughed and said, "There's no use regretting now!"

Ye Xinghe didn't have any nonsense. With a wave of his hand, the rules of the cloud burst out.

The overwhelming clouds enveloped everyone in an instant.

At the same time, in the rules of the cloud, those thin needles of cow hair that have been quenched with poison.

He immediately rushed towards Duan Huaishan and others.

Ye Xinghe quickly ran away from the other side.

At the same time, the rules of ice emerged, trying to freeze everyone inside.

However, Duan Huaishan and Ye Xinghe had already fought against each other once before.

I also understand these methods of his.

He sneered: "If this is the first time we meet, you might be able to take advantage of me and use this trick to work."


As he sneered, the small red sword flew forward quickly.

With a loud explosion, the rules of the cloud were shattered.

Then, the blue ice rules were also shattered.

The small red sword fell hard on Ye Xinghe.

He smashed Ye Xinghe until he vomited blood and flew out, seriously injuring him again!

In an instant, Duan Huaishan and others had caught up to the area and surrounded Ye Xinghe.

Ye Xinghe's eyes were full of ferocity, and he once again pushed the rules of the inner demon.

However, Duan Huaishan was also prepared.

He used a spiritual treasure to directly block the magician.

Then, another palm was slapped on Ye Xinghe.

He knocked Ye Xinghe to the ground, unable to move.

He walked forward ferociously and said coldly: "Let's see what other methods you have!"

And during the whole process, seeing Ye Xinghe resisting so desperately, he would rather die than surrender.

The slight doubts in Duan Huaishan's heart were immediately dissipated.

Ye Xinghe has always had this kind of character.

This was consistent with the Ye Xinghe he knew.

Ye Xinghe said coldly: "If you want to kill or behead me, please do as you please!"

Duan Huaishan smiled.

"I won't kill you."

"You have so many rules and so many secrets, I don't know how many benefits there are!"

"I'm reluctant to kill you before I get these benefits!"

With that said, he ordered people to tie Ye Xinghe tightly.

This chain shackle is a special spiritual treasure, specially designed to limit the power of rules.

After being tied to his body, Ye Xinghe suddenly felt that he couldn't use the power of the rules.

The whole person's strength is tightly restrained.

Duan Huaishan looked around.

Then, he led everyone away quickly.

This is not the place to talk.

About an hour later, they took Ye Xinghe to an abandoned temple.

This place was originally a rather large building.

I don’t know when I was involved in the turbulence of time and space, and came to this sea of ​​clouds, mountains and mist.

It is quite well preserved and relatively neat.

At this time, everyone under Duan Huaishan was in the temple.

Obviously, this is one of their strongholds.

Duan Huaishan threw Ye Xinghe down and then retreated to everyone.

He asked word by word: "Ye Xinghe, if you don't want to suffer more, tell me where is the great opportunity you got after entering the deep sea of ​​clouds and fog?"

It turns out that Duan Huaishan got the news.

Some disciples were sent into a secret realm after entering the Yunshan Mist Sea.

Among them, Ye Xinghe got a big opportunity.

Duan Huaishan is determined to win this great opportunity!

He believes that this may be related to the ultimate secret of Yunshan and Wuhai.

However, Duan Huaishan naturally didn't know.

The great opportunity he wanted was now resting on Ye Xinghe's shoulders.

There he was combing his hair.

In fact, Duan Huaishan noticed this black falcon when he saw Ye Xinghe for the first time.

However, he didn't care.

Thinking that this black falcon is Ye Xinghe's demon pet or something like that.

Moreover, it doesn't seem to show any fighting ability.

So I didn't bother to pay attention to it.

At this time, Ye Xinghe winked at Mr. Qiang on his shoulder.

Master Qiang understood, and immediately an invisible black light flashed across his body.

Quietly wiped away the barrier of aura on Ye Xinghe's body.

It turned out that it was under Ye Xinghe’s signal before.

Adding a layer of sealing aura to Ye Xinghe.

Now, this seal has been broken.

At this time, Ye Xinghe's aura became obvious again.

However, Duan Huaishan was not aware of this subtle change.

Because Ye Xinghe is right in front of him now.

How could he still use means to sense Ye Xinghe's aura?

Hearing his words, Ye Xinghe sneered repeatedly.

"I still want to get my big chance!"

"I'm telling you, even if you die, you can't get it!"

"Moreover, don't even think about using the soul-searching method on me. I am a very high-level spiritual refiner myself. If you dare to use the soul-searching method on me, my soul will explode immediately and you won't get a cent at all!"

Seeing Ye Xinghe's resolute attitude, Duan Huaishan couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

He really wanted to use the soul-searching method just now.

As Ye Xinghe said, the soul-searching method may not be effective on him yet.

He felt very troubled.

"This kid is really difficult to handle!"

But at this moment, he suddenly made a keen discovery.

Although Ye Xinghe said it very decisively.

But his eyes seemed to glance towards his neck unconsciously.

This movement is extremely subtle.

If it were anyone else, they wouldn't be able to detect it.

But Duan Huaishan was thoughtful and had been keeping an eye on Ye Xinghe's actions.

But it couldn't be hidden from him.

He suddenly felt happy and immediately reached out to grab it.

Suddenly, a look of panic appeared in Ye Xinghe's eyes.

He snapped: "What are you going to do?"

Seeing his reaction like this, Duan Huaishan was even more convinced that he had guessed it right!

He laughed and sucked in Ye Xinghe's jade pendant with one hand.

Hold it in your hand and look at it carefully.

This jade pendant is an ancient thing. It has a strong aura and is absolutely extraordinary at first glance.

Duan Huaishan laughed and said: "It seems that this is the opportunity you got in the deep sea of ​​clouds and fog, isn't it?"

"Boy, even though you are very thoughtful, you can't hide it from me!"

At this time, Ye Xinghe showed an angry look on his face.

He said sternly: "This is not a big opportunity, this is something passed down from my ancestors!"

The more he said this, the more convinced Duan Huaishan became that he had found no fault, and the more proud he became.

His greedy gaze fell on Ye Xinghe again.

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