Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3010: Self-humiliation

Ye Xinghe said helplessly: "There is nothing left in the fourth floor, what's the use of going in?"

At this time, Qiao Tianhui and Qiu Yutian also frowned.

He actually quite appreciated Ye Xinghe.

This boy is powerful and has a strong command of the city, and his layout ability is unparalleled.

But now Ye Xinghe's words seem too arrogant to him.

He deliberately suppressed him to prevent him from getting too anxious.

He said lightly: "Ye Xinghe, the command flags on the fourth floor were arranged by the senior masters of the sect."

"Even the two of us must work together to open this fourth floor. It cannot be done by just one of us."

"Is it possible that you have entered the fourth level?"

There was a bit of joking in the words, and the original intention was to light up Ye Xinghe a little.

Unexpectedly, Ye Xinghe smiled and said: "Yes, not only have I entered the fourth level, but I have also taken away all the command flags inside!"

Duan Huaishan laughed wildly with disdain.

"Ye Xinghe, are you crazy?"

"You can enter the fourth floor, and you also took away all the green command horses on the fourth floor. Who do you think you are?"

Qiao Tianhui and Qiu Yutian were also a little unhappy.

Although, Ye Xinghe did have the upper hand before.

But what he said was too crazy.

He simply regarded the arrangements of Guanghan Dao Sect as if they were nothing.

But suddenly, Duan Huaishan's laughter stopped and he choked in his throat.

It turned out that ten green flags appeared in Ye Xinghe's hand.

On each green flag, there are two small words written on it.


It is extremely exquisite and contains a unique rhythm that cannot be faked.

Qiao Tianhui immediately walked up quickly and took it in his hand in disbelief.

He looked at it carefully for a moment, and then lost his voice: "This is actually a real green flag. How did you get it?"

Ye Xinghe smiled and said: "Of course I got it from the fourth floor."

Duan Huaishan felt like he was going crazy.

You know, there are only ten green flags in the fourth level and two thousand points!

Ye Xinghe took out these ten green flags.

His points suddenly increased by 20,000.

It has reached about three times the strength of Duan Huaishan and completely crushed him.

More than 10,000 people compared to more than 30,000 people are not of the same magnitude at all.

Duan Huaishan is truly humiliating himself.

Qiao Tianhui and Qiu Yutian's expressions changed drastically.

Qiao Tianhui shouted in shock: "We clearly haven't opened the fourth level, how did you get these command flags?"

Ye Xinghe smiled and pointed to the depths of the cloud mountains and foggy sea.

Qiao Tianhui and Qiao Tianhui understood immediately.

I'm afraid it was given to Ye Xinghe by that extremely terrifying existence!

There were bitter expressions on both of their faces.

What else is there to say?

That being is the true master of the clouds, mountains, and seas of mist.

According to the rules, since Ye Xinghe holds these command flags, the points will be awarded to him.

At this time, Duan Huaishan was like crazy, shouting: "Elder, I don't believe it. These flags in his hand must be fake, I don't believe it!"

"You have to make the decision for me!"

Qiao Tianhui and Qiu Yutian said no more.

The two of them worked together to use the treasure and instantly opened the passage to the fourth floor.

Then, with a wave of his hand, he led everyone into the fourth floor.

After arriving on the fourth floor, Qiao Tianhui and Qiu Yutian quickly walked around.

Then he came back and said in a deep voice: "Everyone, Ye Xinghe did not lie. All the flags in the fourth floor have been taken away!"

"The flags in his hands are real!"

Duan Huaishan's face was dull, he took a few steps back and sat down on the ground.

He was speechless and couldn't even speak.

This time, two elders personally confirmed it.

Moreover, when everyone reached the fourth floor, they did not find any command flag.

Now everyone was convinced, and no one questioned Ye Xinghe again.

Ye Xinghe sighed and said softly: "Duan Huaishan, I have warned you a long time ago that you have to think twice before you compare yourself to me. Why bother to humiliate yourself again and again?"

Duan Huaishan's veins were pulsing on his forehead, his face was blood red, and he was extremely angry.

He clenched his fists and stared at Ye Xinghe.

Teeth clenched.

But Ye Xinghe completely ignored it. He just took away three thousand Fierce Yang Spirit Jade.

Qiao Tianhui activated a spiritual treasure at this time.

In an instant, everyone felt as if their bodies were being controlled, and they couldn't help but fly upwards.

I don't know how long it took, but I escaped from the range of the clouds, mountains, and sea of ​​fog, and returned to the huge flying boat.

The flying boat hovers beside the clouds, mountains and foggy sea.

And in the clouds, mountains and fog, disciples are constantly being summoned back.

Soon, all the surviving disciples were gathered here.

There are those disciples who were in other places just now and didn’t know the inside story.

At this moment, they looked at each other, not knowing what happened.

Qiao Tianhui and Qiu Yutian discussed for a moment, and then said to everyone: "Everyone, originally we should open the fourth level and start the final battle."

"But now, all the green command flags in the fourth level have been owned by Ye Xinghe, so there is no need to open them again."

"The trial of our new disciple Yunshan Wuhai of Guanghan Dao Sect is officially over!"

Many disciples were shocked and talking about it.

Then, they learned from the disciples who witnessed what happened to Ye Xinghe.

Suddenly, the eyes looking at Ye Xinghe became extremely strange.

There's awe, there's disbelief, there's shock, etc.

Then, Qiao Tianhui and Qiu Yutian began to sort out the order based on everyone's points.

It was finally announced that the first one hundred people could enter the Guanghan Dao Sect.

Those who were selected naturally cheered for joy.

The top ten will get the final reward of this Yunshanwuhai experience.

One disciple couldn't hold himself back and asked loudly: "Elder, what is the final reward?"

Qiao Tianhui smiled slightly.

"We can't say it yet, but you will know it then."

"Invite the first ten people to come forward!"

The top ten people stepped forward.

The number one ranking is undoubtedly Ye Xinghe.

Ranked second is Duan Huaishan.

The third one is Yuan Kong Valley.

The other seven people are also elites and extremely powerful.

Generally, they have reached the peak of the third level of Nascent Soul and above.

Qiao Tianhui hasn't spoken yet.

One person suddenly sneered and said: "The top ten people are all powerful people, I am convinced."

"But there is only one person who can stand here just by luck, and he is worthy to be compared with the few of us!"

As he said that, his eyes glanced at Ye Xinghe's face, and he was obviously talking about Ye Xinghe.

Ye Xinghe raised his eyebrows and looked at the person speaking. He still knew him.

It was actually Bai Hanzhou.

It turned out that Bai Hanzhou had a conflict with Ye Xinghe before.

That day at the inn, he almost made a move, but was stopped by the commanders of both sides.

And after he came to Yunshan and the foggy sea, he also searched for Ye Xinghe's traces many times, hoping to avenge that day.

As a result, due to some strange combination of circumstances, the two never met.

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