Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3011 Alliance

But before, Ye Xinghe showed off his power and slapped Duan Huaishan hard on the face.

This Bai Hanzhou is also looking for command flags in other places and continues to practice and improve.

Therefore, I did not see that scene.

After he came back just now, he heard everyone talking about Ye Xinghe.

Suddenly, I felt jealous, resentful, and dissatisfied.

A voice echoed.

"Why, my strength, cultivation, talents, and family background are better than his, how come he can get this great opportunity, win the favor of the fog beast, and win the bet and take the first place!"

"Why is he so glorious? I am more qualified than him for all this!"

He watched Ye Xinghe provoke again.

Before he finished speaking, Qiao Tianhui shouted coldly: "Shut up!"

"If you dare to say nonsense again, you will be deprived of the first hundred qualifications!"

Bai Hanzhou gritted his teeth and lowered his head.

In his opinion, Qiao Tianhui was clearly partial to Ye Xinghe.

As everyone knows, if it weren't for Qiao Tianhui.

If he continues to provoke, the consequences will be very serious!

Ye Xinghe will let him know what the price is!

Then, Qiao Tianhui gave each of the top ten a sign.

Some are big and some are small.

The brand in Ye Xinghe's hand is the largest, as big as a palm.

The sign of the tenth person is only as big as a finger knuckle.

Qiao Tianhui said: "This is the amount of rewards you can receive when the time comes."

Everyone has some speculations in their minds.

At this point, this trial in the clouds, mountains and foggy seas has finally come to an end.

Everyone boarded the flying boat.

The flying boat floated into the air and quickly left in the direction of Lieyang Imperial City.

Ye Xinghe turned around and looked deeply at the clouds, mountains and foggy sea.

Suddenly, there was a strong aura coming from behind.

Ye Xinghe turned around and saw that the person coming was none other than Duan Huaishan.

Duan Huaishan said harshly: "Ye Xinghe, okay, very good, let's get out of the mountains and fog, see how I deal with you!"

Qiao Tianhui glanced at Duan Huaishan with a hint of warning.

Suddenly he said calmly: "The grievances and grievances in the clouds and mountains and foggy seas end at the clouds and mountains and foggy seas."

"Before Izumo Mountain and the Sea of ​​Mist, you were rivals, and fighting each other was inevitable."

"But after you leave Yunshan Wuhai, you will be my new disciples of Guanghan Dao Sect."

"So, if you are fighting with each other, you know the rules of Guanghan Dao Sect!"

His last words were spoken while looking at Duan Huaishan.

Duan Huaishan gritted his teeth and nodded: "Disciple understands, elders don't worry!"

Obviously, Qiao Tianhui was warning him very sternly not to do anything to Ye Xinghe again.

Seeing his unwillingness, Qiao Tianhui felt helpless.

But that's all.

From what happened just now, he was keenly aware that this Ye Xinghe was anything but simple.

If you touch him, there may be some trouble.

This is also for Duan Huaishan's benefit.

At this time, Bo Hanzhou was not far away. Seeing this scene, a strange look flashed in his eyes.

He thought to himself: "It seems that Ye Xinghe has Han Yun as his backer, and now he has Qiao Tianhui!"

He was very jealous and thought to himself: "Then we can't deal with him openly!"

"But it doesn't matter, I have plenty of means to deal with him!"

The boat sails above the clouds and sky.

Ye Xinghe suddenly tilted his head and glanced at Master Qiang on his shoulder.

He smiled and asked: "Master Qiang, tell me what's on your mind."

Ever since he met the Supreme Mist Beast, Master Qiang has been quite distracted.

Mr. Qiang pouted twice and waved his wings impatiently.

"Go away, you, Mr. Qiang, can't understand what I'm thinking."

Ye Xinghe chuckled and stopped talking.

He walked to a corner of the flying boat and sat down cross-legged.

Take stock of your gains from this trip.

Undoubtedly, Yunshan Wuhai’s biggest gain is.

It was he who got three high-level rule source stones from the Supreme Mist Beast.

After returning to the Flame Imperial City, collect other materials.

You can refine the time rule seeds into time rules!

Ye Xinghe is extremely looking forward to this.

Other materials are not difficult to assemble.

Ye Xinghe has seen it, and although they are all precious, they can be found after all.

As long as you spend some Fierce Yang Jade, you can naturally buy it.

In addition, he won the first place in this trial.

Able to obtain the legendary inheritance of God.

Ye Xinghe didn't understand this.

But being able to be used by the Guanghan Dao Sect as a reward for such a large-scale trial is definitely not bad.

In addition, each of his own rules has greatly improved his strength.

The overall level has been improved a lot.

The Rule of Blood also absorbed a bloodline.

It makes his body stronger, enough to rival the fourth level of Nascent Soul!

Overall, the harvest from Yunshan Wuhai this time was extremely rich.

But for some reason, Ye Xinghe always felt something in his heart.

It seems that the biggest gain from this trip is that it is right.

He cast his eyes on the black falcon on his shoulder.

At this time, the sound of footsteps came, and people were deliberately relaxed.

Obviously in order not to cause him any misunderstanding.

Ye Xinghe already knew who was coming, so there was no need to look back.

"What, Yuan Konggu, are you here to take revenge on me, or do you want to say some harsh words?"

Yuan Konggu chuckled, walked next to him, and sat down as well.

He leaned comfortably on the arm of the boat and looked up at the long blue sky.

He exhaled a breath, and his whole body relaxed.

At this moment, we have left the range of clouds, mountains and fog, and the blazing sunshine is shining down.

It is autumn and the weather is refreshing.

When it shines on people's faces, they can't help but feel tired and sleepy.

Yuan Konggu looked up at the sky and said leisurely: "I am neither speaking harshly, nor am I here to kill you."

He looked sideways at Ye Xinghe: "I'm here to form an alliance with you."

"An alliance?"

Ye Xinghe was very surprised. He never expected that these two words would come out of his mouth.


Yuan Konggu smiled and said: "After leaving the Yunshan and Wuhai, the hatred between you and me is in the past."

He looked at Ye Xinghe with sincere eyes.

"I can feel that you are very strong and have unlimited potential."

"Since I can't kill you now and I don't want to be your enemy, I can only turn you into my friend, so I want to show kindness to you."

"And next"

He lowered his voice to a whisper that only two people could hear.

"What we are facing is competition, extremely cruel competition among the top ten!"

"I don't want you as my enemy, so I want to fight alongside you."

Ye Xinghe frowned and looked at him and said, "What do you know about rewards?"

Yuan Konggu smiled mysteriously.

"You know, I know."

He seemed to be trying to gain Ye Xinghe's trust, and whispered: "This reward is called God's inheritance, you should already know it."

"But you may not know that this divine inheritance is actually for the top ten people to use together!"


Ye Xinghe frowned.

This was something he didn't expect.

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