Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3014: You are worthy

Chapter 3014 Are you worthy?

After saying that, he took out a piece of paper and handed it to the chief steward.

After reading it, the chief steward nodded slowly.

Although the things on this are very precious, they are nothing to the Shenlong Chamber of Commerce.

They all have it in stock here.

Ye Xinghe said: "I want the highest quality, and I want two copies of everything."

Ye Xinghe must ensure success this time.

Three high-level rule source stones have been consumed, but there are no more!

He couldn't afford the risk.

The chief steward nodded and said: "Of course you can, it's just..."

The chief steward was a little embarrassed and said: "Sir, your previous quota has been used up. These materials require about a thousand Lieyang Lingyu. I don't know this time."

Ye Xinghe smiled and said: "Don't worry, I will make up for the previous limit of one thousand Lieyang Lingyu, and this time the payment will be settled in cash."

He got three thousand Lieyang Spirit Jade, and he was already very rich.

Although the materials this time were expensive, they were only worth about a thousand Lieyang Spiritual Jade.

After all, he still has a lot left.

The chief steward immediately ordered people to fetch these things.

Then, tea was served, and the two chatted here.

The big steward glanced at Master Qiang on Ye Xinghe's shoulder, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

He exclaimed in shock: "Mr. Ye, the person on your shoulder seems to be extremely precious!"

"What kind of monster is this? I've never seen it before!"

Of course he knows the goods.

Moreover, I can feel an extremely deep and terrifying aura from Master Qiang.

It made him feel terrified.

Even when facing Yang Luofeng, I had never felt like this.

As the head of the Shenlong Chamber of Commerce, he is naturally well-informed.

I immediately realized how extraordinary this thing was.

Immediately, his eyes became hot and he looked at Ye Xinghe.

Before he could speak, Ye Xinghe waved his hands and said with a smile: "This is my friend, an old friend of mine, so don't mention it, so as not to hurt our feelings."

The chief steward laughed and said nothing more.

I just couldn't help but look at Mr. Qiang a few more times.

Qiang Ye ignored him at all and just combed his feathers slowly.

About a quarter of an hour later, someone delivered the materials Ye Xinghe needed.

There are six types in total.

Ye Xinghe opened the jade box, looked at it carefully, and then nodded with satisfaction.

The quality of each of these materials is extremely high-quality and the portions are substantial.

Only a thousand Liyang Lingyu.

Obviously, the Shenlong Chamber of Commerce has given itself a huge discount.

He was about to take out the Lieyang Lingyu and pay.

Suddenly, with a bang, the door was kicked open and several people walked in.

They are all wearing the costumes of the Shenlong Chamber of Commerce.

The chief steward suddenly became furious and shouted coldly: "You dare to break into my room, who gave you the courage!"

"Who gave me the courage? Why, why can't I come to your big shopkeeper's place?"

The middle-aged man in the lead sneered.

After the big shopkeeper saw his face, he was suddenly shocked, with an embarrassed expression on his face.

He suppressed his anger, forced out a smile, and said with a smile: "It turns out to be Mr. Gu!"

"Of course you can come to my place, I'm waiting for you at any time!"

The middle-aged man whom he called Mr. Gu smiled proudly.

His eyes swept across the room, landed on Ye Xinghe, and then sneered: "Are you Ye Xinghe?"

Ye Xinghe nodded.

"It turns out that the only Amethyst card our Shenlong Chamber of Commerce has issued in the past year was given to you."

"Are you worthy enough?"

The chief steward said coldly: "Gu Changlin, don't go too far!"

"Ye Xinghe's amethyst card was given to him personally by the president!"

Gu Changlin laughed and said: "It's useless for you to use the president to suppress me. No matter what we say today, it can't make more sense."

"This Ye Xinghe has no power, strength, or background. Let me ask you, why should you give him this amethyst card?"

"If you give him this amethyst card, you will hurt the interests of our Shenlong Chamber of Commerce!"

"Presumably, the president did this for his own selfish reasons."

Although he called Yang Luofeng President, there was no hint of respect in his words.

Instead, he deliberately poured dirty water on him.

At this time, there were heavy footsteps outside.

Soon, dozens of people walked in.

Seeing them, the big steward's expression suddenly changed.

These people are basically the top executives of the Shenlong Chamber of Commerce.

Each holds considerable power.

The chief steward said angrily: "What do you mean?"

Gu Changlin smiled and said: "It's not interesting, let everyone comment."

Ye Xinghe frowned slightly.

Realizing that the situation of the Shenlong Chamber of Commerce was somewhat complicated, he was also involved in it.

The chief steward said a few words through the voice slightly, and Ye Xinghe only found out at this time.

It turns out that the president of the Shenlong Chamber of Commerce is Yang Luofeng.

Nowadays, the power in this meeting is gradually shifting to Yang Shuyue.

If nothing else happens, she will be the helmsman of the Shenlong Chamber of Commerce in the future.

But in fact, the relationship between the Shenlong Chamber of Commerce is much more complicated than it seems from the outside.

It is intricately connected and contains many forces.

Except for the forces of the president Yang Luofeng.

The largest force is that of Vice Chairman Gu Nanzhong.

Weaker than Yang Luofeng but not much weaker.

He has a strong influence in the Shenlong Chamber of Commerce.

The Shenlong Chamber of Commerce was founded by seven or eight powerful families with many experts.

It is to create a big foundation.

Although their goal was achieved, they left many sequelae.

The descendants of these families compete with each other for power, and no one submits to the other.

Gu Nanzhong was born into one of the top families in the Shenlong Chamber of Commerce.

He has occupied the position of president of Yang Luofeng for a long time and commands everyone.

I have long been dissatisfied.

Over the years, it has secretly expanded and developed its own power.

Want to replace Yang Luofeng.

Originally, his plan went very smoothly.

In the previous decades, Yang Luofeng was tortured by illness and almost ignored the affairs of the Chamber of Commerce.

As a result, many people in the chamber of commerce became attached to Gu Nanzhong.

Gu Nanzhong is also happy to see the success, seeing that it will soon be successful.

Unexpectedly, Yang Luofeng recovered.

Disrupted all his arrangements.

The two forces are now in constant conflict.

This Gu Changlin is the direct descendant of Gu Nazhong.

It is also the main accounting room of the Shenlong Chamber of Commerce.

The big accountant manages all money transactions, keeps detailed accounts, and has great power.

Can restrict everyone in Shenlong Chamber of Commerce.

Even the big shopkeeper had to be polite when he saw him.

Even tolerate a little.

After Gu Changlin heard about Ye Xinghe, he immediately thought.

This is a great opportunity to suppress Yang Luofeng's side!

Eyeliner has been arranged long ago.

After hearing that Ye Xinghe had arrived, he immediately led people over.

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