Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3015 Who said I can’t take it out?

Chapter 3015 Who says I can’t take it out?

When he slapped Ye Xinghe in the face, he wanted to slap the big manager in the face, and he wanted to slap Yang Luofeng in the face severely!

Ye Xinghe is just a reason!

The chief steward said a few words.

He immediately understood what a smart person Ye Xinghe was.

Gu Changlin faced everyone and said loudly: "Everyone, everyone is here to bear witness today. The president gave the amethyst card to Ye Xinghe."

"Why does he have this qualification?"

Everyone shook their heads.

"I have never heard of who Ye Xinghe is."

"With no strong background, no power, and no strength, how can he get the Amethyst Card!"

"That's right, the Amethyst Card is not necessarily obtained by first-class families. Why should I give it to him? The president must be an old fool!"

Everyone said one after another.

But the chief steward gritted his teeth, but couldn't say a word.

He knew that talking too much at this time would be wrong.

Ye Xinghe took a deep breath, took out the amethyst card, and placed it on the table.

"Since the Shenlong Chamber of Commerce has this attitude, I will return this amethyst card."

Ye Xinghe did not want to embarrass Yang Luofeng and Yang Shuyue.

The quota of one thousand Lieyang Spiritual Jade may have been very important to him in the past.

But now, Ye Xinghe has three thousand Fierce Yang Spirit Jade on hand.

I no longer attach much importance to this.

And now, since this matter has been used by Gu Changlin to attack Yang Luofeng's family.

So, consider these two as friends.

Ye Xinghe naturally didn't want to look at them because this matter was embarrassing.

He said in a deep voice: "If that's the case, then I'll just refund my Amethyst Card."

With that said, he took out the amethyst card and placed it in front of Gu Changlin.

Seeing his behavior, Gu Changlin's eyes suddenly flashed with pride.

In his opinion, Ye Xinghe was shrinking and weak.

He didn't dare to compete with himself at all, and felt guilty.

Therefore, the Amethyst Card will be returned directly.

He sneered and said, "Is it enough to just return the Amethyst Card?"

"This amethyst card has a limit of one thousand Fiery Yang Spiritual Jade. I heard that you have used up all of it. You have to pay back the one thousand Fiery Yang Spiritual Jade!"

Ye Xinghe said lightly: "Of course I will pay it back."

"What are you going to repay with your life?"

Gu Changlin sneered with disdain on his face.

His eyes suddenly fell on the jade boxes on the table.

He immediately stepped forward and opened it.

After seeing these precious materials, his expression suddenly changed.

He stared at the chief steward and said coldly: "Wu Hai, you are so brave, you dare to secretly give such precious materials from our chamber of commerce to Ye Xinghe!"

"Did you know that this is already committing the three major sins of the Chamber of Commerce!"

"Just because of this incident, I can put you on hold, capture you, and send you to the prison!"

And the people behind him naturally saw these precious materials.

Suddenly they were whispering to each other and discussing in low voices.

"These materials are very valuable. Even if you are at the level of a big manager, you cannot use them easily, let alone secretly give them to outsiders. This is a serious crime!"

"I'm afraid the boss will be in trouble this time!"

"Yes, if it falls into the hands of Gu Changlin, I'm afraid life would be worse than death!"

The chief steward immediately explained: "This is to be sold to Mr. Ye, not to be given to him for free!"

"Sell it to him, are you kidding me?"

Gu Changlin walked up to the chief steward and sneered: "These six boxes of precious materials are worth at least a thousand Fiery Yang Spirit Jade. They are so expensive that even the first-class wealthy families in the city may not be able to afford them!"

He turned to look at Ye Xinghe and pointed at him a few times with a look of contempt on his face.

"He is a pariah from a barbaric land, with no strength, no background, and a poor man. Can he afford it?"

He decided to pursue the victory without giving Ye Xinghe and others any chance to breathe.

Just kill them right here.

He immediately waved and a steward came over.

Gu Changlin ordered: "Now calculate how much these materials cost."

"Also, let's calculate how much Fierce Yang Spirit Jade Ye Xinghe owes to our Shenlong Chamber of Commerce!"


The steward immediately took out the materials, did some mental calculations, and then said loudly: "These materials are worth a total of one thousand five hundred and seventy Fiery Yang Spirit Jade. Ye Xinghe owes our Shenlong Chamber of Commerce nine hundred and thirty Fiery Yang Spirit Jade. The total is two thousand five hundred Liyang Spirit Jade!"

Gu Changlin sneered and said: "Two thousand five hundred Liyang Lingyu, you have to pay with your life!"

"Your life is not worth this money!"

He waved his hand and said sternly: "Get him and put him in a prison. I want to interrogate him personally!"

"I want to see who in the Shenlong Chamber of Commerce he colluded with to get the Amethyst Card, causing our Shenlong Chamber of Commerce to suffer such huge losses!"

It turned out that he didn't intend to let Ye Xinghe go just like that.

Instead, he wanted to go one step further, capture him, and force some words out of his mouth.

Or simply frame it and throw dirty water on Yang Luofeng's group.

This will make this matter even bigger.


The guards were about to take action.

Ye Xinghe said lightly: "Who said I can't take it out?"

Gu Changlin's laughter paused for a moment, and then became more arrogant.

"Hahaha, if you are still talking tough and bluffing, take it now!"

He was sure that Ye Xinghe definitely did not have such financial resources.

But the next moment, his laughter stopped abruptly.

As Ye Xinghe waved his hand.

Instantly, a brilliant light poured out from his palm.

Countless Fiery Sun Spirit Jades flowed out.

Directly formed a brilliant waterfall in the air.

In an instant, a pile of them filled the ground.

This light dazzled everyone's eyes!

Ye Xinghe Lazy Sheep said: "Come on, count how many Fiery Sun Spirit Jades there are."

Everyone's face became full of shock.

Although they did not have a specific statistics.

But everyone is knowledgeable and has seen a lot of Fiery Sun Spirit Jades.

At a glance, you can tell that the pile of Fiery Sun Spirit Jades in front of you is more than 2,500!

The chief steward immediately became excited and winked at one of his confidants in the crowd.

The confidant understood and immediately jumped out of the crowd and counted them carefully.

Then he said loudly: "Here are three thousand Fiery Sun Spirit Jades!"

Ye Xinghe smiled and said: "Three thousand Fiery Sun Spirit Jades, is that enough?"

This sentence was like a loud slap in Gu Changlin's face.

At this moment, in the room, many high-level people from the Shenlong Chamber of Commerce all looked strange.

Some people almost couldn't hold back their laughter, but they forced themselves to hold it back.

But for fear of offending Gu Changlin, they didn't dare to laugh out loud.

Three thousand Fiery Sun Spirit Jades were certainly enough.

Even for some first-rate forces, it would be very difficult to come up with so many Fiery Sun Spirit Jades.

Three thousand Fiery Sun Spirit Jades proved that Ye Xinghe had extremely terrifying financial resources!

It was more than enough to become a Purple Crystal Card VIP of the Shenlong Chamber of Commerce!

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