Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3091 The opportunity for the Nameless Broken Sword to awaken

The crescent moon where Guanghan Daozong was located was shaking slightly.

There are jagged gaps in space on its edges, emerging and disappearing between light and shadow.

Causing unspeakable turmoil.

At this moment, countless masters in Lieyang Imperial City suddenly stood up.

Looking at this scene, his eyes showed solemn shock.

Powers like the Guanghan Dao Sect were the first in the Lieyang Dynasty.

It was so shocking.

It is obvious that a huge change has occurred quietly.

This will affect the entire Lieyang Dynasty!

And Ye Xinghe and others, being in the game, felt it extremely clearly.

At this moment, countless disciples of Guanghan Dao Sect were filled with horror.

"What happened?"

"Why is the entire sect shaken by this?"

Everyone looked at each other, not knowing why.

After a while, more and more disciples gathered in the square.

There were even many elders who showed up.

It is also on some extremely hidden mountain peaks that are very close to the depths of Guanghan Dao Sect.

There are many old monsters who have been in seclusion for decades or even hundreds of years, and they all break out.

Looking at the shaking and shaking scene in shock.

Someone suddenly looked shocked, with a look of death on his face.

"Could it be said that that language is about to come true and that the real being has awakened?"

"If this is really the case, it will be a blessing or a curse for me, Guanghan Dao Sect!"

Several elders who knew the inside story and had extremely high status showed worried expressions at this time.

More people are ignorant.

A few more moments later.

In the deepest part of the back mountain, suddenly there were more than a dozen giant peaks hundreds of thousands of feet high, which exploded into pieces at the same time.

An extremely sharp and bright sword light rose from it and shot straight into the sky.

The brilliance of this sword light illuminated the entire blue Guanghan Dao Sect.

At this moment, Guanghan Daozong was as bright as the sun.

There is no more peace and mystery.

At this moment, the sky above Guanghan Daozong seemed to be divided into two by this sword light.

It seems that the mysterious universe and endless starry sky can be seen deep in the sky.

At this moment, everyone in Lieyang Imperial City saw it.

In the sky, there seemed to be another sun.

This round of sun is extremely bright and beautiful.

It turned into a sword light and shot straight into the sky.

It's like cutting the sky in half!

This scene made everyone extremely horrified.

What kind of terrifying existence is this? Can a sword light have such power?

At this moment, deep in the Datianlong Mountains far away from Guanghan Dao Sect.

On top of the lonely mountain peak that Ye Xinghe once visited.

Xingguang Immortal pushed open the door and stood on the steps, looking in the direction of Guanghan Dao Sect.

This terrifying being at the level of the Sky-Qingjuju was able to single-handedly overwhelm nearly the entire strong men of the Lieyang Dynasty.

At this moment, there was a look of deep worry between his eyebrows.

He whispered to himself: "He actually came out of seclusion!"

Huo Tianjing's eyes also showed a rare look of panic.

You must know that Huo Tianjing is a fierce and fierce person who is invincible.

He never makes false remarks to anyone.

Anyone who doesn't like it will be struck with a sword.

He is extremely powerful, and few people can stand him.

That is to say, they have some respect for Xingguang Immortal and Ye Xinghe.

But at this moment, such a being had a look of intense fear on his face, and his voice was trembling.

"Master, isn't he already dead?"

Starlight Immortal slowly shook his head.

"It's not death, it's just a matter of death."

"But at that time, no one inside or outside the Guanghan Dao Sect thought that he could break through."

"After all, the pass he chose is also called Asura Pass. It is the most terrifying one among all the death passes in our Guanghan Dao Sect."

"For tens of thousands of years, no one has ever been able to succeed."

Huo Tianjing paused for a moment and said softly: "As soon as he comes out of seclusion, there will be another bloody storm in the Guanghan Dao Sect."

He looked at Xingguang Immortal and asked: "Master, are you not sure even you?"

Xingguang Immortal was silent for a long time, then slowly uttered four words.

"Just try your best."

Huo Tianjing knew him too well.

Knowing what he said, that meant he was really unsure!

What kind of existence can even the Starlight Immortal be unsure of dealing with?

At this moment, Ye Xinghe naturally did not know everything that happened on that solitary peak.

When this sword light appeared, Ye Xinghe's reaction was very different from that of others.

It turned out that it was at this moment when the sword light flew up.

Ye Xinghe felt that his nameless broken sword was shaking violently.

There were constant low-pitched dragon roars resounding in it.

Ye Xinghe was instantly pleasantly surprised.

The performance of the Wuming Broken Sword in the past year also confused Ye Xinghe.

Previously, Ye Xinghe obtained the three rules in the clouds, mountains and fog.

He had already given Wuming a broken sword and let it devour it.

According to past experience, it will take about half a year.

The Nameless Broken Sword should be able to finish devouring it.

But this time, a full year has passed and there has been no progress.

Not even a single rule was swallowed.

Because Ye Xinghe felt it.

The Nameless Broken Sword seems to be refining the three major rules at the same time.

He didn't know why either.

Ye Xinghe vaguely noticed that there seemed to be a lack of opportunity.

But at this moment, he felt an unspeakable excitement in his heart.

"The opportunity has arrived!"

Sure enough, the dragon's roar continued for about ten seconds.

When Ye Xinghe took out the nameless broken sword, he saw it.

On top of the Nameless Broken Sword, there are three major rules that have been refining and absorbed before.

At this time, it had disappeared without a trace.

On the nameless broken sword, there are three more mysterious lines.

Obviously, these three rules have been completely absorbed by the Wuming Broken Sword.

The next moment, Wuming Broken Sword's size increased by one foot compared to before.

It became about three and a half feet long.

Although, the surface is still in tatters.

But Ye Xinghe knew that it was completely different.

Then, the Wuming Broken Sword and Ye Xinghe once again connected spiritually.

Ye Xinghe knew that the Nameless Broken Sword had already evolved.

He was extremely excited. He pressed his hand on the nameless broken sword and slowly felt it.

But he found that at this moment, there was a very anxious and excited feeling coming from the nameless broken sword.

But it is also called the emotion of admiration.

It seemed to want to head towards the sword light that shot straight into the sky.

Ye Xinghe's eyes narrowed and he whispered to himself: "Could it be said that the Nameless Broken Sword completely completed its evolution just because it felt the sword light?"

Ye Xinghe immediately gathered the power of rules and suppressed the Wuming Broken Sword.

Don't let it fly towards the sword light.

Moreover, it is even necessary to isolate the breath of the nameless interval.

Because Ye Xinghe clearly sensed how terrifying that sword light was.

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