Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3092: Repaying Kindness with Revenge

Chapter 3092: Repay kindness with hatred!

He was afraid of causing trouble and always had an ominous premonition in his heart.

But it's still too late.

At this time, the sword light seemed to notice the nameless broken sword that resonated with it.

It seemed to glance slightly this way.

But just at this glance, there were countless sword lights crashing down.

This square and the Guanghan Dao Sect have existed for tens of thousands of years and are extremely hard.

How many powerful enemies have come before, but they have been difficult to defeat.

It was built using secret techniques and extremely rare materials.

But with just one glance, countless sword lights fell.

It turned into ruins, with boulders flying and the magic circle broken.

Everyone fled in panic.

And Ye Xinghe was also extremely vigilant and hid in the crowd.

He was horrified.

"What kind of existence is this?"

At this time, it was also deep in the Guanghan Dao Sect.

A voice full of sadness and anger sounded.


It was just two words, but it fell down like a big yellow bell.

This sound made everyone's heart beat wildly and gave rise to unspeakable fear.

The sword light was violently shaken.

In an instant, it became much darker.

The next moment, a terrifying giant seal appeared in the void.

This huge square seal is square and upright, with bright yellow power lingering all over it.

Suppressing the sword light fiercely.

In just a moment, the sword light quickly disappeared.

It's like it's never been here.

Everyone was still in a state of panic.

And soon, a considerable number of high-level elders appeared to comfort people everywhere.

On this square, there is also a second-level Elder Chiyue.

"Everyone, there was a small incident, but it has been resolved now. Everything is business as usual. Don't worry."

He waved his sleeves and power surged out.

The square quickly returned to its original state.

It was as if the scene just now had never happened.

But Ye Xinghe knew it very clearly.

The buzzing of the nameless broken sword in his sleeves meant something.

Ye Xinghe's eyes were filled with deep thoughts, but he didn't say much.

Instead, he was thinking about everything that had just happened.

After a moment, Ye Xinghe's eyes lit up and the corner of his mouth curled into a slight smile.

"If I get noticed, it doesn't seem to be a bad thing. I can't tell, but there will be great luck waiting for me!"

Sun Kunyang pulled Ye Xinghe's arm.

"Let's go, why are you still standing there?"

It's not like he didn't see what happened to Ye Xinghe just now.

But he pretended not to know.

Ye Xinghe glanced at him and felt grateful in his heart.

Knowing that he was keeping it a secret for himself, he didn't mention it at all.

Ye Xinghe first found a secluded place and took out the Nameless Broken Sword to look at it.

Moreover, the nameless broken sword at this time was becoming sharper and more complete.

There is also a shallow layer of black light on its surface.

However, this layer of black light is very light.

You need to hold this nameless broken sword under the sun and find the right angle to refract it before you can see it.

Ye Xinghe's mouth curled up.

"This black light is the poisonous rule. It seems that it has been completely smelted into it!"

After this year, the opportunity just now came again.

The three rules that Ye Xinghe obtained before in the clouds and mountains and fog.

They have all been integrated into the Nameless Broken Sword.

Even the poisonous rules have been integrated into it.

The current nameless broken sword is extremely powerful.

However, Ye Xinghe hasn’t had a chance to give it a try yet!

I saw two people walking towards the teaching hall.

At this time, several people suddenly appeared in front.

After their eyes glanced at Ye Xinghe and Sun Kunyang, they were slightly stunned.

Then, it was confirmed.

Then, he came to the two people.

One of them looked at Sun Kunyang up and down and laughed: "Isn't this Senior Brother Sun?"

"Oh, I've been hiding in that bastard shell of yours for long enough, and now I'm finally willing to show up!"

"We haven't seen each other for seventy or eighty years!"

After that, he burst into laughter.

Several people nearby also burst into laughter.

One of them laughed and said: "Senior Brother Xu, aren't you just trying to dig out other people's pain with your words!"

"You still don't know why Sun Kunyang doesn't show up usually?"

"After so many years, another new generation of disciples has arrived. I'm afraid Sun Kunyang's cultivation level has still not improved at all!"


A skinny man next to him laughed.

"I remember that more than a hundred years ago, when we started, Sun Kunyang had this level of cultivation. Now that a hundred years have passed, there really is no progress at all!"

"This kind of person is really a shame to Guanghan Dao Sect. I don't know how he got into Guanghan Dao Sect."

Facing the ridicule and ridicule from several people, Sun Kunyang's face turned red.

He gritted his teeth and looked angry.

Ye Xinghe frowned and asked, "Are these people in the same class as you?"

Sun Kunyang nodded.

Ye Xinghe frowned and said, "What's your conflict?"

A bitter look appeared on Sun Kunyang's face, and he said softly: "At that time, when we participated in the selection of Guanghan Dao Sect, I came all the way, but I saved a little brother."

"He was chased and seriously injured. I saved him and healed him. He considered me his big brother."

"I also took him to the Lieyang Dynasty to participate in the selection of the Guanghan Dao Sect."

"Unexpectedly, he was also very lucky. The two of us took care of each other and both entered the Guanghan Dao Sect."

"And after he entered the Guanghan Dao Sect, his talent appeared and he was highly valued. His strength also improved by leaps and bounds. He can already be regarded as a middle-to-upper-level character in my generation."

"However, the fact that he recognized me as his eldest brother has always been regarded as a great shame by him."

"This person's name is Jiang Lingchen."

Ye Xinghe asked clearly in his heart: "Are Xu Pengbin and others in front of me all Jiang Lingchen's followers?"

Sun Kunyang nodded and said bitterly: "They have nothing to do, so they come to humiliate me."

Ye Xinghe knew what Jiang Lingchen was thinking.

He felt that it was his greatest shame to accept Sun Kunyang, a loser, as his elder brother.

To wash away this shame, we must continue to suppress Sun Kunyang.

Better to just let him die.

After that, no one would remember it.

When Xu Pengbin heard these words, his expression turned cold, and he said in a cold voice: "Sun Kunyang, Senior Brother Jiang is not here, but if you dare to say such a thing again, I will cut out your tongue and let you never say it again for the rest of your life. Speechless!”

Then, his eyes fell on Ye Xinghe.

He frowned and said, "Who are you?"

"You seem to be a newcomer. You can't get involved in this kind of muddy water. With your level of cultivation, why do you still want to fight for others!"

After saying that, everyone burst into laughter again.

In their eyes, the cultivation level of Ye Xinghe's second-level Nascent Soul was not worth mentioning at all.

The skinny man mocked and said, "Sure enough, you just hang out with whoever you want!"

"A loser like Sun Kunyang can only make friends like this, right?"

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