Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3093 I vent my anger for you

Chapter 3093 I will vent my anger on you!

Ye Xinghe's eyes fell on Sun Kunyang, and he didn't bother to pay attention to what Xu Pengbin and others said.

Sun Kunyang was trembling all over at this time.

There is fear, there is anger.

Obviously, he had been bullied badly by these people before.

Now there is still a shadow in their hearts.

Ye Xinghe suddenly said: "Are you angry?"

Sun Kunyang gritted his teeth and said: "I'm so angry that I want to kill them!"

Ye Xinghe asked again: "Can you beat me?"

Sun Kunyang immediately shook his head like a deflated rubber ball.

"I'm not your opponent yet."

Ye Xinghe said with a half-smile, "Are you going to let people bully you like that?"

He smiled coldly and walked straight towards Xu Pengbin and others.

Leave only one sentence.

"I'm taking it out on you."

Sun Kunyang quickly tugged on his sleeve and said in shock: "Brother Ye, no, you are no match for them!"

He knew very well that the general strength of Xu Pengbin and others was above rank three of Nascent Soul.

Xu Pengbin himself has reached the peak of the fourth level of Nascent Soul.

Although he is not as good as some geniuses, he is still the best.

They have a large number of people, how can Ye Xinghe compete with them.

However, he grasped nothing with one hand.

Seeing Ye Xinghe coming over, Xu Pengbin and others were stunned.

Then, they all laughed in disbelief.

"Am I right? This kid wants to vent his anger on Sun Kunyang?"

"This kid is crazy, right? He's just a new Yuan Ying who has just turned around, and he's venting his anger on Sun Kunyang. Who does he think he is?"

"That's right, a mere newcomer is still talking nonsense here!"

They didn't take Ye Xinghe seriously at all.

And just now, Sun Kunyang's behavior also convinced them.

This newcomer's strength is very average.

Ye Xinghe said: "There is so much nonsense."

He pointed at Xu Pengbin and others.

"You, you, and you, you three come together."

These three people were all the ones who had just ridiculed Sun Kunyang.

Seeing Ye Xinghe being so arrogant, Xu Pengbin was furious.

He said harshly: "Boy, do you think that since private fights are prohibited in the sect, you think you can't do anything to us?"

The skinny man next to him said coldly: "You will be unlucky if you offend us!"

"You may not know yet, but there is something in the sect called the Duel Talisman."

As he spoke, a yellow jade talisman appeared in his hand.

Above it is a symbol of crossed swords, and below it is the pattern of a ring.

Ye Xinghe raised his eyebrows.

This was his first time seeing such a thing.

Xu Pengbin sneered disdainfully: "Boy, you don't even know this thing, do you?"

"Let me tell you, this duel talisman also needs to be exchanged for meritorious deeds. Five meritorious deeds are exchanged for one."

"After the duel talisman is used, the challenged party cannot refuse the challenger's request and must accept the challenge!"

Sun Kunyang explained to Ye Xinghe via sound transmission.

Ye Xinghe understood.

In the design of Guanghan Daozong, exquisiteness is reflected everywhere.

In order to prevent the disciples from fighting against each other privately, it can be said that they took great pains.

But sometimes, fighting is unavoidable.

So, they came up with this method.

Duel talisman, one for five meritorious deeds.

Not to mention how cheap it is, not everyone can afford it.

A fight costs so much.

Think for yourself whether it is worth it.

This way, many disputes can be avoided.

Moreover, after using the Duel Talisman, you will be pulled into a special space.

People outside cannot see this space, it is like a small independent world.

What happened inside was only known to the two parties in the duel.

This way, confusion can be minimized.

Xu Pengbin smiled and said: "Boy, are you afraid of this thing?"

"Did you just think that we couldn't do anything to you at all?"

"I'm telling you, with this thing, you're just waiting to die!"

As he said that, he was about to ask the skinny man to use a duel talisman.

At this time, Ye Xinghe did say: "Wait a minute."

Several people were stunned for a moment, then laughed wildly.

"What, you're scared, are you giving in?"

Even Sun Kunyang thought so.

However, he was pleased.

I think Ye Xinghe is a hero who knows current affairs.

Why fight if you can't beat it.

Ye Xinghe sneered: "Who said we should give in? You are thinking too much."

"What's the point of using dueling charms one by one!"

"After I beat him, I'll beat you again."

"I don't have that much time!"

He looked at Sun Kunyang and said, "Do you have a dueling charm?"

Everyone in Sun Kunyang was dumbfounded.

But he certainly has the dueling talisman.

This thing is a must-have for his disciples.

He took out three and handed them to Ye Xinghe.

"Just these three, that's all."

Ye Xinghe weighed it in his hands.


Then, everyone looked at him in astonishment.

Throw these three dueling charms.

It landed on the bodies of Xu Pengbin and the others with great precision.

Ye Xinghe said lightly: "I, Ye Xinghe, use the duel talisman today to challenge the three of you."

Xu Pengbin and others looked at Ye Xinghe as if they were crazy.

"Are you losing your mind and going crazy? Who gave you the courage and guts to challenge three people?"

The next moment, four lights appeared in the void.

This directly enveloped Ye Xinghe and Xu Pengbin.

Only the four of them could see this light shield.

Others cannot see it.

Then, within the light barrier, a calm and indifferent voice sounded.

"Ye Xinghe, a disciple of the Guanghan Dao Sect, uses three duel talismans to challenge disciples Xu Pengbin, Wen Zhongfeng, and Xiao Hong. Xu Pengbin is not qualified to refuse!"

Xu Pengbin sneered: "Why refuse?"

He looked at Ye Xinghe and made a gesture of cutting his throat.

His face was filled with bloodthirsty and ferocious expression.

"Since you are looking for death, I will help you!"

Ye Xinghe smiled and said: "When I come out later, I will make you kneel on the ground and apologize to Sun Kunyang!"

Amidst the disdainful laughter of Xu Pengbin and others.

Ye Xinghe and the other four people disappeared instantly.

Ye Xinghe has seen this kind of scene many times and his thinking is extremely clear.

He recovered quickly.

When they opened their eyes, they appeared on a void arena, surrounded by darkness.

There are countless stars twinkling in the distance.

This seems to be the depths of the universe.

At the foot is a ring, a hundred meters in diameter, not too big.

There is a semicircular light mask surrounding it.

Apart from that, there is nothing else.

This scene made Ye Xinghe quite surprised.

"This scene seems a bit familiar!"

He whispered to himself: "The scene around Fangcun Mountain seems to be the same."

"However, it was created by the Taixu Holy Realm."

"Could it be that Guanghan Dao Sect."

A suspicion suddenly came into his mind.

At this time, on the opposite side of the ring, Xu Pengbin and three others also appeared.

This is not the first time they have experienced this scene, so they are not surprised.

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