Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3129 Not Afraid of Me

Chapter 3129 Aren’t you afraid of me?

It made them even more arrogant.

And after this person said that he didn't know Qian Tianfeng.

The atmosphere of Qiu Shaoci and others immediately changed.

They looked at each other, feeling happy and angry at the same time.

I heard that they had nothing to do with Qian Tianfeng.

How could Qiu Shaoci still spoil them?

Just a big slap in the face and slapped him hard.

He cursed angrily: "You damn didn't tell me earlier!"

The strong man from the underground world was knocked to the ground, inexplicably.

But then came the rage.

He yelled sternly: "Damn it, you still dare to hit us, it seems you don't know how to write the word death!"

After that, he waved his hand.

"Come on, brothers, kill them and destroy his shop!"

Qiu Shaoci clenched his fists and said ferociously: "You will be unlucky if you run into me!"

With that said, he went straight to kill them.

These powerful men in the underground world are not top figures.

At most, he can be regarded as a middle-level person in the hall, but he is no match for Qiu Shaoci.

In an instant, he was beaten by Qiu Shaoci, and no one knew how many bones were broken in his body.

All the limbs were crippled, like several dead dogs, paralyzed on the ground, unable to move.

"Big brother, you are so skilled!"

"Haha, senior brother, it's so satisfying to relieve the hatred in my heart!"

"It's just that these people from the underground world all want to sit on our heads and poop and pee on us. They have nothing to do with Qian Tianfeng. It's easy to cripple them!"

Ling Wenxia suddenly glanced at Ye Xinghe, with a bit of disgust in his eyes.

She frowned in disgust and said, "Hey, isn't this Junior Brother Ye? When did he come?"

Yuan Ruoxiu sneered and said: "I was here all the time just now, but I was just watching from the sidelines. I didn't even have the intention to take action."

Ling Wenxia sneered: "Junior brother Ye, haven't I heard before that you are quite powerful and arrogant?"

"How come you always know how to hide when something happens?"

"You're going to scare the hell out of these people in the underground world, right?"

Several others were also sarcastic.

At this time, the strong man in the underground world who had just started to stir up trouble gritted his teeth and said: "Okay, you are cruel enough. If you dare to destroy our cultivation, don't run away if you have the guts!"

"If you run away, I will destroy your store!"

Qiu Shaoci knew that they had nothing to do with Qian Tianfeng, so how could he still be afraid.

He sneered and said: "You can find anyone you want, and I will destroy the one who comes today!"

The strong man from the underground world took out the treasure and sent the news back.

At this time, not far away, there was a hall in the underground world.

Several strong men were sitting there, drinking tea and chatting.

At the top is a tall man with a beard on his face, who is extremely powerful.

There was an unspeakable domineering look in his eyes.

The aura on his body is like smoke and sea, unfathomable.

The few people sitting under him are also very strong, and they have generally reached the fifth rank of Nascent Soul or above.

In the underground world, this could be considered a hall master level master.

Soon, one of them took out the spiritual treasure in his arms.

Hearing the noise coming from inside, he couldn't help but frown.

The big man with beard smiled and said, "What's wrong?"

The master at the hall master level said: "The people below are not sensible. They received Han Yue's visit for money, but it is the property of a senior elder of Guanghan Dao Sect, and they were taught a lesson by the people inside."

It turns out that this person is the master of this hall.

And he respected the bearded man so much.

The identity of the bearded man was already revealed.

A person who can make the hall master be so respectful. He can only be one of the kings of the underground world.

The big man with the beard became interested, laughed and said, "Let's go and have a look."

The hall leader hurriedly said: "Sir, you can just stay here. I will handle it. How dare I bother you to leave in person?"

The bearded man shook his head.

"It doesn't matter, I've been busy lately and I'd like to go see the excitement."

"rest assured."

He patted the hall leader on the shoulder and said, "That's a member of the Guanghan Dao Sect. I have my own sense of discretion."

"Big things are important right now. I'm just watching from the sidelines and won't take action."

With that said, several people left the hall.

Soon, we arrived at Hanyuefang.

After entering, he saw the miserable state of several of his men.

The hall master frowned slightly.

Although these subordinates do not understand the rules and come to collect money.

But the opponent's attack was too harsh.

Directly destroy your cultivation and cut off your hands and feet.

Isn’t this a slap in the face?

He suppressed the anger in his heart, looked at Qiu Shaoci, and said coldly: "Are you from the Guanghan Dao Sect?"

Qiu Shaoci said proudly: "The eldest disciple of Guanghan Dao Sect Hanyue Elder Chu Zhongyuan, Qiu Shaoci!"

He looked at the hall master and suddenly asked: "Are you from Qian Tianfeng?"

The hall master's heart skipped a beat and he cursed secretly: "This bitch is trying to hurt me!"

He immediately denied it: "No, I have nothing to do with Qian Tianfeng!"

Upon hearing this, Qiu Shaoci immediately felt relieved and his attitude became very arrogant.

"Then you are here to avenge them?"

"Come on, let me try your weight!"

The hall master originally wanted to settle the matter.

But he didn't expect Qiu Shaoci's attitude to be so arrogant.

Suddenly I felt a little unable to get off the stage.

At this time, the bearded man suddenly asked: "You mentioned Qian Tianfeng just now. Why, as long as he is not Qian Tianfeng's person, aren't you afraid?"

Qiu Shaoci glanced at him sideways, but didn't take it to heart.

I thought it was a follower brought by the lobby master.

He laughed and said, "I'm not from Qian Tianfeng. What am I afraid of you doing? Who do you think you are?"

"Oh, is it so?"

The bearded man smiled coldly and walked forward slowly.

"It seems that what I, Wang Tianyang, say is far less effective than Qian Tianfeng!"

"I haven't been out and about for so long that the juniors below have forgotten who I am!"

Qiu Shaoci suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart and was about to speak.

But Wang Tianyang took a step forward.

He didn't make any other moves, he just took a step forward.

But the aura on his body was suppressed overwhelmingly.

He didn't take any action, just this one action.

Qiu Shaoci and others felt as if the sky had fallen.

It's like a top strong man suppressing all the power of rules.

Leave them breathless.

Qiu Shaoci and others wanted to struggle and retreat.

They already had a premonition that something bad was going to happen.

But he found that he could not retreat, his body was stiff and unable to move.

Then, Wang Tianyang took another step forward, and the pressure strengthened again.

It was so heavy that Qiu Shaoci and others' knees and legs creaked, and they could no longer stand up straight.

Then, Wang Tianyang took another step forward.

This directly pressed Qiu Shaoci and others to the ground, trembling all over.

Wang Tianyang looked down at them and said with a smile: "Now, who do you think is more powerful between me and Qian Tianfeng?"

Qiu Shaoci and others were so frightened that their faces turned pale.

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