Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3130 Distinguished Guest

Chapter 3130 Distinguished Guest!

Although Wang Tianyang did not take action, the strength he displayed was not weaker than Qian Tianfeng at all.

They realized at this time that they and others had caused a big trouble.

He actually offended a master who was not inferior to Qian Tianfeng!

Qiu Shaoci's heart was almost filled with fear.

He did not hesitate and directly begged for mercy: "Senior, I am blind, but you are more powerful!"

"Don't wait for common sense with me, just let me wait!"

He didn't hesitate and immediately gave in. He was already frightened out of his wits.

Behind him, Ling Wenxia and others also begged.

Wang Tianyang ignored them at all.

He just cast his slightly condensed gaze on Ye Xinghe.

He could naturally tell that Ye Xinghe was with Qiu Shaoci and others.

And his coercion also included Ye Xinghe.

But under his pressure, Ye Xinghe remained motionless.

Naturally, he didn't know that Ye Xinghe's body was extremely hard.

It is simply not something that can be suppressed by his coercion.

Even if a mountain does come, I'm afraid it won't be able to push him down.

Wang Tianyang said coldly: "Junior, how dare you not kneel down?"

At this moment, Ye Xinghe's brows suddenly widened.

Just now, the name Wang Tianyang made him fall into deep thought.

He had been wondering who this person was, and the name sounded familiar.

Now I suddenly remembered.

On that day, Lan Yunxi explained to him carefully.

Over the years, I have cultivated forces and masters in Lieyang Imperial City.

Among the several great kings in the underground world of Lieyang Imperial City, three of them were trained by him.

In addition to Qian Tianfeng, one of them is named Wang Tianyang.

Wang Tianyang's character is quite different from Qian Tianfeng's.

He is usually gentle and has no temper.

But if anyone offends his reverse scale, he will instantly become furious and show no mercy at all.

It can be said to be a bit moody.

And his rival is Qian Tianfeng.

Both of them were originally carefully trained by Lan Yunxi.

But then there was a fight for a big opportunity.

He was plotted by Qian Tianfeng and lost that opportunity.

Therefore, his cultivation has always been slightly inferior to Qian Tianfeng.

From then on, he and Qian Tianfeng were incompatible with each other.

Although they all work for Lan Yunxi.

But when he met Qian Tianfeng, he always spoke coldly.

Later, he practiced in seclusion for more than a hundred years before he caught up with this progress.

Ye Xinghe looked at him with interest.

"It turns out to be Wang Tianyang. As expected, he is no different from what Lan Yunxi said. He will explode when he hears the name Qian Tianfeng."

But Ye Xinghe didn't even kneel down.

Qiu Shaoci and the others were immediately anxious, fearing that they would be implicated by Ye Xinghe.

Qiu Shaoci glared at him fiercely and cursed sternly: "Are you deaf? Why don't you kneel down quickly!"

Ling Wenxia also stared at him resentfully.

"Ye Xinghe, kneel down quickly, don't make Senior Wang angry!"

But the next moment, what Ye Xinghe said almost scared them to the point of fainting.

Ye Xinghe looked at Wang Tianyang and said lightly: "Okay, let's stop this. Stop messing around."

As soon as these words came out, the whole hall fell into a dead silence.

Whether it is Qiu Shaoci and others.

Or those strong men next to Wang Tianyang.

They all looked at Ye Xinghe blankly, feeling numb.

"Here, is this junior from the Guanghan Dao Sect talking to Lord Wang?"

Ye Xinghe's tone was very calm, even a little impatient and commanding.

It was as if Wang Tianyang was his subordinate.

Everyone had only one thought in their minds at this time.

"It's over, this kid is done!"

"He actually dared to talk to Wang Tianyang like that. Isn't he looking for death?"

Qiu Shaoci was so frightened that he trembled all over and shouted in a hissing voice: "Ye Xinghe, you killed us!"

"Ye Xinghe, are you crazy? How dare you talk to Senior Wang like this!"

Ling Wenxia also roared viciously.

"Ye Xinghe, kneel down quickly and apologize to Senior Wang!"

"If you want to die, don't drag us along!"

Yuan Ruoxiu, Xu Yanhong and others also roared crazily.

They felt that they were killed by Ye Xinghe.

Even Wang Tianyang himself was stunned.

In his impression, there was only one person who dared to speak to him in this tone.

He laughed in anger and was about to explode.

But suddenly I felt that a name mentioned by Qiu Shaoci and others just now seemed a bit familiar.

Moreover, this name should be extremely important.

Someone once warned me that I must keep it in mind.

He suddenly asked: "What's your name?"

Ye Xinghe smiled and said: "My name is Ye Xinghe. Why, didn't Lan Yunxi mention me to you?"

As soon as this sentence is said.

In an instant, it was like an earth-shattering shock.

Wang Tianyang only felt that a thunderbolt struck him hard.

It made him shiver involuntarily.

He finally knew why the name sounded familiar.

He doesn't have half of the expert demeanor he had just now.

The ruthlessness of killing can determine the lives of others at will.

His face was pale and his voice was stuttering.

"You, you, you are Ye Xinghe, yes"

Before the words "Young Master" could be uttered, Ye Xinghe winked.

He understood and quickly kept silent.

He remembered what the name meant.

That day, Lan Yunxi, the emperor of the underground world, called them together.

Tell them very solemnly that they have found their young master.

This person is Ye Xinghe.

Wang Tianyang was also extremely excited.

Because Lan Yunxi adopted them and raised them up.

Tell them from the first day you teach them their cultivation.

They want to live for the young master in this life.

Their cultivation, and even their lives, do not belong to them.

But it belongs to the young master.

This idea has been deeply rooted in their minds for hundreds of years.

At this time, knowing that he had offended the young master, Wang Tianyang was extremely frightened.

He quickly collected his breath.

Qiu Shaoci and others felt that they had finally struggled out of the despair that was almost suffocating.

Breathing heavily.

Qiu Shaoci did not dare to neglect, and quickly stood up and said respectfully to Wang Tianyang: "Senior Wang, I'm sorry, Ye Xinghe has no manners and has offended you!"

After saying that, he yelled at Ye Xinghe: "Why don't you hurry up and apologize to Senior Wang!"

Before he finished speaking, Wang Tianyang pinched his neck and lifted him up fiercely.

Qiu Shaoci only felt that he was going to be crushed alive, and he was extremely frightened.

She was even more puzzled and thought to herself: "Is it possible that you flattered the horse's legs?"

Wang Tianyang stared at him and gritted his teeth and said: "What the hell do you think you are, how dare you speak to Mr. Ye like this!"

"Young Master Ye is a distinguished guest in my underground world, do you understand?"

"Even I have to be polite to him. You are impatient, aren't you?"

He had a ferocious look on his face, and he was going to crush Qiu Shaoci to death in the next moment.

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