Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3167 Crisis

Chapter 3167 Crisis abounds!

Added together, it has a terrifying power close to hundreds of grains.

Facing the more than fifty sharp flying swords attacking him.

The Nameless Broken Sword sensed their aura.

In an instant, a tyrannical pressure rose fiercely.

This is the consciousness that belongs to the Wuming Broken Sword itself.

Every time it encounters an extremely powerful sword, it will reveal such an aura.

The next moment, light and shadow flashed above the nameless broken sword.

The judgment was instant success.

There are more than fifty swords, and about ten grains of regular power.

It is still far inferior to the twenty-element rule on the Wuming Broken Sword.

Then, in an instant, the terrifying power of the Nameless Broken Sword exploded.

Its unsheathed kill is not just for opponents or monsters.

The same is true for this kind of weapon, the long sword.

In an instant, the extremely majestic power of rules exploded on the nameless broken sword.

They poured into the fifty or so sharp swords.

The next moment, there was a dull continuous sound of 'bang bang bang bang'.

These fifty or so bright swords were instantly shattered into pieces and dissipated in the wind.

Not even a trace was left.

And when Ye Xinghe faced these sharp swords.

Zheng Yi and Qian Feiyuan were also faced with attacks from a large number of sharp swords.

Because not all of them were killed by the sharp sword, there were only more than a hundred.

And they seemed to think that Ye Xinghe was in the flying boat just now and should give the first reminder.

Therefore, his strength is the strongest.

Therefore, Ye Xinghe is regarded as the strongest opponent.

Therefore, fifty sharp swords were divided to attack Ye Xinghe.

Zheng Yi and Qian Feiyuan faced only more than thirty birds each.

Zheng and Yi also instantly revealed the tyrannical strength of the senior members of the Tianpu team.

Zheng Yi's core rule is a thick giant shield.

With a wave of his hand, Nascent Soul flashed in the air.

It's over three meters high and two meters wide.

The rules of the thick red shield are like a giant door panel.

It stood in front of him instantly.

Those sharp swords that struck it were instantly bounced back.

Qian Feiyuan's rules are quite special.

It turns out to be the rule of the sword.

Moreover, his Nascent Soul's fifth revolution has six rules, and each of them is a rule of the sword.

It's just a different variation of the rules of the sword.

There is a giant knife, as if one knife can split a mountain.

There is also an extremely delicate flying knife that is only half the length of a finger.

As his thoughts circulated, Nascent Soul erupted.

Six knives came out at once.

Also knocked back these sharp swords.

Although he was a little embarrassed, at least he was not injured.

He shouted loudly: "Senior Brother, go and save Junior Brother Ye quickly, he faces the most enemies!"

The two of them took great care of Ye Xinghe.

After repelling the opponent in front of him, he immediately rushed towards Ye Xing.

I want to help him defend against the enemy.

In their opinion, this Ye Xinghe should also be at the peak of the fifth level of Nascent Soul.

But after all, the entry time is short.

Moreover, this is the first time to join the Tianpu team.

There is a risk of not being able to cope with this dangerous situation.

The opponent he faced was the strongest, so naturally he couldn't cope with it.

Both of them are ready, but Ye Xinghe is now seriously injured.

But when they turned back, they happened to see it.

The scene where the nameless broken sword made a roaring sound and shattered more than fifty sharp swords.

The two of them were stunned for a moment.

After a while, Zheng Yifang exclaimed in amazement: "It turns out that Junior Brother Ye is so powerful!"

Qian Feiyuan also smiled bitterly and said: "Yes, it seems that we are the ones who need help."

Soon, the three of them fought off these sharp swords.

The body fell rapidly and came to the edge of the pool.

But those sharp swords were floating in the air and no longer attacked.

Ye Xinghe discovered that they seemed to have stopped falling when they reached a distance of about a hundred meters from the ground.

He nodded solemnly, thoughtfully.

Zheng Yi said softly: "No wonder that elder would stay here, this place is dangerous!"

"There are already so many arrangements on the outermost periphery!"

Ye Xinghe suddenly said in a deep voice: "Two senior brothers, I suspect that the elder did not tell the truth to the sect."

Zheng Yi frowned and said, "How do you say that?"

Ye Xinghe said softly: "Look, this outer formation is so complete, the reaction is so fast, the defense is tight, and there is no trace of damage."

"The elder said before that this is a ruins that he accidentally learned about. It seems that the sect has moved away long ago or disappeared for unknown reasons."

"But no matter what the situation is, this protective circle should not be preserved so completely."

Zheng and Yi both nodded, feeling that what he said made sense.

Ye Xinghe walked forward first.

"Let's go, let's look ahead, there should be more clues."

After identifying the direction, the three of them headed to the north of the pool and into the mountains and forests.

The way forward.

Soon, we walked out for dozens of miles.

A large field of white camellias appeared in front of them.

The petals of these flowers are very large and extremely beautiful.

There is even a rich and refreshing aroma.

If it were an ordinary person, I'm afraid they wouldn't care.

But Zheng and Yi are very experienced.

Zheng Yi immediately waved his hand to stop the three of them.

Then, he frowned and said, "I'm afraid there might be something wrong with this aroma."

With that said, he took out six small pills.

Signaling the two of them to stuff it into their nostrils.

Ye Xinghe felt it immediately as the elixir was stuffed into his nostrils.

A light and elegant smell filled the air.

Make your brain extra clear.

My brain, which had been a little groggy just now because of the fragrant aroma, immediately woke up.

Several people stepped into this large field of camellias.

They had been extremely careful about the camellia.

I was afraid that there were some traps inside, or that this special bouquet was simply used to form a magic circle.

Unexpectedly, it had no effect after entering it.

The three of them just felt a little relaxed.

Suddenly, the bright long sword in the thin clouds above his head appeared.

Killed the three of them again.

It's coming fiercely, there are hundreds of them.

Several people were shocked, stepped on the ground, gathered their breath, and prepared to fight.

But at this time, the real murderous intention appeared under the feet.

There was a soft 'click' sound, and the ground beneath his feet suddenly collapsed.

At the same time, an extremely terrifying suction force came over.

In an instant, all three of them felt that their bodies were as heavy as a mountain.

Originally, even if the ground collapsed, they could float in the air and deal with it calmly.

But now, under this huge suction.

The three of them fell down like weights.

Beneath him is a huge abyss, leading straight to the ground.

There seems to be no end.

But at this moment, the danger came instantly.

The ultimate murderous intent shrouded them.

Zheng Yi sensed it and saw that there was no aura of life, so there seemed to be no danger.

Ye Xinghe shook his head and said: "That's not necessarily the case."

Just as he finished speaking.

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