Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3168 Monster

Chapter 3168 Monster!

In the darkness around them, hundreds of figures suddenly rushed out.

Hundreds of strong men wearing white cloaks, tall and holding five-foot-long swords appeared in an instant.

And each of them was standing on a crane.

This crane was about nine feet long, white all over, with sharp eyes, and looked extremely majestic.

The pair of sharp iron beaks also had a good killing power.

It was very fast, and with a wave of its arms, it came in front of everyone.

Then, the bird's beak stabbed at Ye Xinghe fiercely.

At the same time, the white-cloaked swordsman on his back also stabbed the vital point with his sword.

Whether it was on the crane or the white-cloaked swordsman.

There was a strong breath of sword rules surging.

Ye Xinghe frowned.

"There are so many strong men lying in ambush deep underground. Have they been here all the time?"

Ye Xinghe wanted to test their strength, so he did not dodge or use his trump card.

He just slapped them with his palm.

The powerful force of rules surged out, and the man and the crane on the opposite side were repelled several steps.

But Ye Xinghe frowned and looked down.

I saw that his clothes on his chest were torn, and blood slowly seeped out.

A deep wound suddenly appeared there.

It turned out that it was at the moment of the confrontation just now.

Ye Xinghe had obviously forced him back.

However, when he retreated, he flicked his fingers slightly, and the long sword in his hand flew forward instantly.

Ye Xinghe was caught off guard and was directly scratched.

Ye Xinghe frowned slightly, and he already knew their strength.

It was probably between the peak of the fourth turn of the Nascent Soul and the fifth turn of the Nascent Soul.

However, this skill of throwing the flying sword was very strange.

It was hard to defend against, and there was no sign.

But the power was so strong that it could hurt him directly.

Although Ye Xinghe did not use the rule of blood.

But his physical defense was also very strong.

And the next moment, as dozens of cranes fluttered their wings and came in front of Ye Xinghe.

He was immediately surrounded by more than 30 powerful enemies.

Ye Xinghe waved his hand, and the rule of cloud immediately surged out, covering a radius of 100 meters.

These dozens of powerful enemies were all covered.

Ye Xinghe wanted to use the rule of cloud to block their sight so that they could not see clearly.

But Ye Xinghe soon found that this trick was useless.

After they entered the rule of cloud, they were not affected by the rule of cloud at all.

Still extremely determined, they quickly killed Ye Xinghe.

It was clear where Ye Xinghe was.

Ye Xinghe frowned slightly, and another ice-blue light flashed.

The thick ice instantly sealed them in.

Ye Xinghe wanted to trap them temporarily and defeat them one by one.

As a result, the ice was not able to stop them even for a moment.

They directly shattered the ice with their powerful bodies.

Ye Xinghe shook his head and smiled bitterly.

The rules of cloud and ice are indeed too bad now.

Enemies of this level can hardly be hurt.

Ye Xinghe didn't want to show too many cards now.

So, he waved his hand.

Then, more than 30,000 cow hair needles rushed towards these white cloaked swordsmen again.

The blue poison on them was more violent than before.

During this period, Ye Xinghe quenched several kinds of poison on them.

However, when these more than 30,000 cow hair needles touched their white cloaks.

But it made a sound of metal clashing.

Then, those cow hair needles were bounced back.

The poison on them was still there.

Many cow hair needles broke and twisted directly, but still failed to stop the opponent.

Ye Xinghe's mind moved, and he raised his palm, and a gust of wind came.

The hood on the head of the white-cloaked swordsman in the front was blown off, revealing a silver-white cold face underneath.

"Damn it!"

Ye Xinghe cursed.

He understood why Zheng Yi could not sense the breath of living beings here before.

Why was the opponent's strength obviously around the peak of the fourth turn of the Nascent Soul.

But it was much more difficult to deal with than the average fourth turn of the Nascent Soul!

It turned out that they were not living people at all.

They were the creations of the God Blacksmith, and they were mechanical monsters!

The size of these mechanical monsters was almost the same as that of normal people.

They were covered tightly by the cloak, so it was naturally difficult to distinguish.

Moreover, Ye Xinghe discovered.

Even the cranes under their feet were made of a special silver-white metal.

Ye Xinghe thought to himself: "If this is the case, my Heart Demon Rule is useless."

To deal with these mechanical monsters, they don't even have thoughts and consciousness, how can the Heart Demon Rule be broken.

Ye Xinghe felt a little tricky.

Beside them, Zheng Yi and the other person instantly fell into an extremely desperate bitter battle.

These mechanical monsters have extremely strong attack power.

A long sword cuts through them and leaves a deep scar.

The power of rules is not weak either, and the body is extremely hard, and there are those cranes to help.

It is difficult to deal with one, let alone each person has to deal with more than 30.

In just a moment, Zheng Yi was covered in blood and had wounds on his body.

The more Zheng Yi fought, the colder he felt, and he made a decision in an instant.

The big shield in his hand slammed into the void.

The aura on his body burst out, and he instantly reached the peak of the fifth turn of the Nascent Soul.

He was going to use his trump card.

At the same time, he winked at Qian Feiyuan.

Qian Feiyuan understood, and roared, trying his best.

He slashed dozens of knives in succession, smashing the two mechanical monsters in front of him.

Of course, the price he paid was that he was slashed several times on his back, and his injuries worsened instantly.

However, he opened the road in front of him and immediately met up with Zheng Yi.

The two of them obviously cooperated more than once or twice, and they had a tacit understanding.

He stood in front of Zheng Yi.

The rules of these knives rotated wildly, turning into a rolling knife formation.

The defense within six feet around was so tight that water could not be poured in.

Not to mention the offensive.

The offensive of those mechanical monsters was immediately blocked outside.

And Zheng Yi also completed his preparations within just a few breaths.

He sprayed a mouthful of blood from his heart on the red shield.

Suddenly, the red shield shone with a dazzling and shocking light.

Then, he smashed the shield hard in front of him.

The red shield turned into a red halo, rippling around.

Instantly illuminated the abyss, covering hundreds of meters in radius.

The next moment, the red halo turned into a group of red flames.

But it did not attack Ye Xinghe and the other two.

As if it had spirituality, it covered the hundreds of mechanical monsters and burned wildly.

It turned into a group of red fireballs.

This flame looks inconspicuous, but in fact it is extremely lethal.

Ye Xinghe felt that even he himself might not be able to withstand this extreme high temperature.

Although it was a little far from the ground.

He felt that his flesh and blood seemed to be steaming up.

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