Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3169 I have a way

Chapter 3169 I have a way!

Not to mention, those mechanical monsters are still in the center of the flames.

Mechanical creations like them are fearless in many attacks.

But what I fear most is the flame.

Red flames followed every crack in them and burned inside.

Suddenly, Ye Xinghe heard a 'click' and a crisp sound of explosion.

The mechanical monster not far in front of him suddenly stopped any activity and froze in place.

Ye Xinghe estimated that the core mechanical components in its body should have been burned.

The fire raged for a quarter of an hour.

These mechanical monsters were all burned.

He could no longer maintain his body shape and fell directly into the endless darkness.

This level is finally solved.

Zheng Yi was obviously exhausted and looked dull.

He swallowed a lot of pills and kept adjusting his breath.

Then, he smiled bitterly and said: "You two, my strength has been reduced and there is not much left. I'm afraid I will have to rely on you more."

At this time, the extremely heavy gravity also disappeared.

The three of them slowly fell down and reached the bottom of the abyss.

I found that this place is an extremely large space.

It is a square, rectangular in shape.

A broad road in the middle stretches toward the dark end.

On both sides of the road, there were some figures kneeling here.

When everyone saw it, they discovered that those figures were also the mechanical monsters.

Wearing a white cloak outside.

They basically all kneeled on their knees in a very respectful posture.

Ye Xinghe stepped forward to take a look and found that they were basically damaged.

Unable to move normally.

He looked at the mechanical monsters that fell everywhere and were burned to black.

"They should be kneeling on both sides of the road. When they encounter an enemy, they will get up and kill them."

Ye Xinghe frowned and said: "Do you feel that this place is more like a big tomb?"

Zheng Yi and both of them were stunned.

Looking around, I found that what Ye Xinghe said made sense.

This way is the divine way.

The kneeling mechanical monsters on both sides are like the stone statues next to the Shinto.

Several people searched for clues but to no avail.

Just continue walking along the Shinto.

When they arrived at the end of the Shinto, there was a giant stone door in front of them.

The word "death" is written densely on it.

It's a bit eerie.

The three of them burst out laughing.

They had seen this kind of scene so many times that they didn't care at all.

After confirming that there were no traps, he pushed open the stone door and walked in.

And strangely enough, the space outside is so huge.

This stone gate is also huge.

However, the space behind the stone gate is very small.

The radius is only six feet, and the height is only about five feet.

There are countless magic circles carved around the wall.

In such a small space, the three of them had to bend down when entering and could not stand up straight.

Moreover, after the three of them walked in, it was already very crowded.

At a time of uncertainty.

Suddenly, the door slammed shut.

Then, all the magic circles around this simple room lit up at the same time.

Zheng Yi punched it away and found that the wall was protected by the magic circle and could not be destroyed at all, it was extremely hard.

Then, small holes appeared one after another on the magic circle.

That is, it is as big as a grain of rice and extremely tiny.

Then everyone suddenly felt that their eyes were blurred, as if a large black fog was rushing over.

Then, there was a 'buzzing' sound in his ears.

That is the sound that occurs when wings flap the air and fly at extremely high speeds.

The next moment, when you clearly see what the black mist in front of you is.

Everyone's faces instantly turned pale, and despair flashed in their eyes.

It turned out that the thing in the black mist was extremely strange.

It turned out to be extremely tiny flying ant cavalry.

The shape of the golden flying ants is no different from ordinary ants.

It is only two-thirds of the length of a grain of rice and is entirely golden.

It is made of a special metal.

It is also full of traces of metal creation.

And on these golden flying ants, which are as small as rice grains, each of them is riding a golden man.

This little golden man is only as tall as half a grain of rice, almost invisible, and is also made of metal.

In his hands were waving small swords.

The little sword looks like a toy.

This golden flying ant cavalry is like a plaything.

But what shocked the three of them was.

However, an extremely majestic and terrifying aura emerged from the plaything's body!

Every golden flying ant cavalry has the aura of the fifth level of Nascent Soul, and is only strong but not weak.

The fifth level of Nascent Soul is not terrible, but their size is so tiny.

It is extremely difficult to deal with.

This large mass of black mist instantly enveloped the three of them.

The number of golden flying ant cavalry inside reached three hundred.

There are three times more than those mechanical monsters in the first level!

Moreover, their attack methods are extremely strange.

It actually pounced directly on the seven orifices of several people.

Drill toward their eyes, ears, nostrils, and mouths.

From the looks of it, he wants to enter their bodies.

Zheng Yi and Qian Feiyuan quickly stopped.

However, relatively speaking, they are huge and move much slower.

There were several soft sounds of ‘Puff-Puff-Puff’.

Their palms were penetrated directly!

The pain caused the two of them to scream.

Zheng Yi offered his big shield.

Qian Feiyuan took out the sword array he had pressed at the bottom of the box.

But unfortunately, the large shield can't defend against larger and more powerful enemies.

But he couldn't resist these guys who were as small as grains of rice.

Qian Feiyuan's sword array looks impenetrable, but in fact there are quite large gaps inside.

Anyway, it is enough for these golden flying ant cavalry to pass.

In an instant, their defense was broken.

Watching these golden flying ant cavalry rush towards the eyes, ears, mouth and nose.

The two of them were already in despair.

Qian Feiyuan smiled miserably and said: "It's over, I'm going to die here today!"

Zheng Yi looked at Ye Xinghe with a bit of guilt in his eyes.

"Junior Brother Ye, I'm sorry that my first mission brought you to such a dangerous place."

The two of them no longer had the spirit to fight.

Ye Xinghe frowned and kept thinking.

He was also horrified by the strength of these golden flying ant cavalry.

Their Nascent Soul fifth level, coupled with their size, their strength can be improved to another level.

The quantity is three times higher than the previous level.

This is a nightmare to deal with.

I'm afraid that the elder has the strength to surpass the sixth level of Nascent Soul, so he won't have a hard time at this level.

No wonder there was no news from him after that.

It was probably at this level that he was seriously injured.

Moreover, the terrain here is simply tailor-made for them.

Normal cultivators cannot use it at all.

But there is enough space for them.

But the next moment, Ye Xinghe's brows widened.

He has found a way to deal with these golden flying ant cavalry.

If you are small, then I will find someone smaller!

If you are fierce enough, then I will find someone even more fierce!

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