Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3170 Breaking the situation

Chapter 3170 Breaking the situation!

He snapped: "Get back to me!"

The space in this room is originally small.

When the two heard Ye Xinghe's words, they immediately felt a sense of hope in their hearts.

I don’t know what trump cards this mysterious and powerful rookie player has.

Can it cope with the current predicament?

In an instant, the three of them huddled together.

The next moment, Ye Xinghe waved his hand.

Yellow sand all over the sky suddenly appeared.

At this time, the ancestor of Huangsha Rules had been successfully refined by him for so long.

Ye Xinghe has also practiced it many times and has already mastered it.

It is extremely easy to use.

And, more importantly, the ancestor of Huangsha Rules has his own set of spiritual consciousness.

It itself has its own attack methods and extremely diverse attack methods.

Therefore, there is no need for Ye Xinghe to worry too much.

Just sacrifice it.

The ancestor of Huangsha Rules will naturally make his own judgment on how to attack based on the current situation.

For a moment, Zheng Yi and Qian Feiyuan felt as if they were in the vast desert.

Yellow sand filled this small space, spinning around in the air.

The strong wind swept across, making strange sounds.

Then, Ye Xinghe pointed forward with his hand.

The ancestor of Huangsha Rules immediately rushed towards the golden flying ant cavalry.

The golden flying ant cavalry only knows how to kill and has no spiritual knowledge, so naturally they will not avoid it.

In an instant, the two collided fiercely.

When Zheng Yi and Zheng Yi saw Ye Xinghe offering this rule, their eyes lit up.

They can feel how scary this rule is.

However, he still had doubts about whether he could defeat these golden flying ants.

But when they saw the scene in front of them, both of them shouted excitedly.

Qian Feiyuan laughed loudly and said, "I don't have to die here!"

It turned out that in an instant, the ancestor of Huangsha Rules divided his troops into more than 300 groups.

There are about hundreds of grains of yellow sand in each strand.

Then, hundreds of grains of yellow sand attacked a golden flying ant.

In an instant, the two sides collided hard.

At the moment of impact, these yellow sands turned into various weapons.

Long swords, long knives, crossbows, shields, etc.

Every golden flying ant cavalry suddenly discovered.

What he needs to face seems to be a powerful army.

They are hard enough, but this yellow sand is even harder!

They are subtle enough, but these yellow sands are even more subtle than them!

In an instant, the two sides met each other.

Those terrifying offensives of the yellow sand came crashing down.

Because these yellow sands are from the Wanling Valley Desert, it took countless thousands of years to develop.

The hardness itself is also extremely high.

After turning into various weapons, the lethality is doubled.

With one slash of the knife, a gap was instantly cut into the golden flying ant.

When the big gun fell, it flattened the golden mechanical villain above.

It's just a face-to-face effort.

At least hundreds of golden flying ant cavalry were smashed to pieces and fell directly.

The remaining yellow sand is in hot pursuit.

Then he smashed all the last golden flying ant cavalry.

Only then did he return with unfinished thoughts and hover around Ye Xinghe.

Ye Xinghe laughed and praised a few words in a low voice.

Then, he put it away.

Qian Feiyuan and Zheng Yi both sat down slumped on the ground, showing how happy they were to survive the disaster.

Zheng Yi praised and said: "Junior brother Ye, to be honest, when you first came here, I didn't want a new person to join my team. I just felt it would be a drag."

"I didn't realize how strong you were at the time, but now I'm convinced, wholeheartedly!"

He and Qian Feiyuan stood up, cupped their hands and said, "Thank you for saving me!"

Ye Xinghe laughed and patted their shoulders.

"We are partners who live and die together, so why bother talking about thanks!"

Rested where he was for a moment.

Ye Xinghe took the golden flying ant cavalry in his hand and looked at it carefully.

I discovered that although this thing is small, it is extremely delicate.

There are probably thousands of components inside.

No wonder the combination is quite powerful.

But Ye Xinghe frowned slightly.

He looked carefully for a moment and found that this thing was very delicate.

But it's definitely not these parts that give it its power.

There should be something else.

However, this thing should not be on these golden flying ant cavalry.

Ye Xinghe suddenly thought that they came out of the magic circle.

He immediately stood up and looked carefully.

Explore the magic circle on the ceiling.

The array is complicated.

But this place is not big, it will take about half an hour.

Ye Xinghe found the location of the formation's eye.

At this time, there are no more golden flying ant cavalry guards.

This magic circle has also become very fragile.

Ye Xinghe easily punched the formation's eye.

There was a soft 'click' sound.

The stone slab where the formation's eye was was dented directly.

A hole appeared on the spot, only the size of a wine jar.

Ye Xinghe took out a small box from it.

The box is made of wood and looks rough.

Moreover, the material is also the most common kind of poplar wood.

The top is in a state of decay, and I don’t know how many years it has gone through.

Ye Xinghe carefully observed it for a moment, and after making sure there was no trap, he opened it.

A strong breath of life came towards him.

Inside was a sword, as long as a palm.

It was very simple, a small wooden sword.

Its surface was painted gold, and the workmanship was rough, even a little childish.

It was as clumsy as if it was cut by a child at random.

But it appeared here, and it was obvious that this thing was absolutely extraordinary.

Ye Xinghe saw that a trace of golden power was constantly emanating from this golden wooden sword.

These golden powers are the most refined rule power.

These rule powers are only possessed when the sword rules are refined to the extreme.

It was revealed to the bodies of the golden flying ant soldiers on the ground.

Even some of the relatively intact golden flying ant cavalry almost came back to life again.

Ye Xinghe understood and sealed the wooden box again.

Then he said to the two of them: "This thing is quite special. It should be related to some secrets of this tomb. I'll keep it here first. If there are spoils, we will divide it later." Zheng Yi and the others were convinced by him at this time, so they naturally had no objection. Then, the magic circle returned to its original state. There were a few "clicks". The door and the stone wall at the end of the room were all moved aside. A stone door was placed in front of them. The owner's intention was naturally very obvious. Now you can choose to stop while you are ahead and retreat directly. You can also continue to force your way forward. Ye Xinghe did not move forward immediately, but took them back to the abyss with the divine way. He searched on the ground for a while. Soon, he also found a magic circle, and then opened the eye of the circle in the same way. Sure enough, he found another poplar wood box inside. Sealed inside was a small silver sword, which was also roughly made and the size of a palm.

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