Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3172 The only chance of survival

Chapter 3172 The only chance of survival!

They wanted to escape, but found that their breath had been locked.

He could only freeze in place and wait for death, unable to move.

This is the natural suppression after the huge gap in strength.

The master of the seventh level of Nascent Soul took action, and it was so terrifying!

Zheng Yi and Qian Feiyuan closed their eyes in despair.

But at this moment, Ye Xinghe suddenly spoke with a calm voice: "Don't you want to escape from this cage, don't want to return to the outside world, do you want to be trapped here for the rest of your life and be his slave?"

The sound was not loud, but it passed by like a groundbreaking sound.

Zheng Yi and Qian Feiyuan closed their eyes and waited for death, but they found out.

After a long time, the giant sword did not fall.

The two of them looked up in shock, only to see the giant sword hanging three inches above their heads, stopping there.

The bronze guard statue looked at Ye Xinghe and said in a thick voice: "How do you know?"

However, they don't care.

Maybe this person had received a lot of information before coming.

Got some inside information.

Ye Xinghe looked calmly and said: "Not only do I know this, I also know the origins of the six of you."

"You were all originally powerful sword masters who dominated the world in the Xuanhuang World and were hard to defeat. However, after you were killed by that existence, your souls were taken out and placed in this metal giant statue."

"This metal giant statue is not only a protection, which can make your soul immortal, but it is also a shackle, so that you can't escape from this place in this life, so you have to become his tombkeeper."

Then, Ye Xinghe didn't wait for them to speak.

He pointed at the bronze guardian statue and said, "You are the Ice Sword Master of the Northern Territory."

Then, he pointed at another giant statue of the Seventh Transformation of the Nascent Soul: "You are the Floating Cloud Sword Master who has traversed the East China Sea for seven hundred years and is hard to defeat."

These metal giants looked at each other with horror in their hearts.

"How did this kid know so many secrets?"

You know, this past story is only known to them and the dead being.

In addition, even his disciples, the monsters he raised during his lifetime, etc., have absolutely no idea.

They all immediately became interested.

The bronze guard statue stared at Ye Xinghe and asked: "What is your purpose?"

Ye Xinghe smiled slightly and pointed to the depths of this space.

"I want to take away the most precious things he left in the tomb."

The giant bronze guard statue laughed loudly, causing Ye Xinghe and others to feel pain in their eardrums and their eyes turned black.

Suddenly, he chuckled: "Six of us are here to guard you on his orders, how could we watch you take those things away!"

Ye Xinghe stared at them and said seriously: "I help you escape from this cage and regain your life. Is this price enough?"

The Fuyun Sword Master next to him suddenly took two steps forward.

Then, a huge chain emerged from the deep darkness.

Only then did everyone see it.

It turned out that there was a giant chain behind the six of them, which was firmly cast with their bodies.

The other end of the chain was submerged in the darkness, reaching deep into the bottom of this space.

Sword Master Fuyun said calmly: "There is a huge magic circle below this space, and these chains are born to control us."

"If we have different intentions, even if we have some disrespectful thoughts, these chains will cause unbearable pain to our souls."

"Moreover, if we show any signs of wanting to escape from here, the power in the chains will directly tear our souls into pieces."

The bronze guardian statue continued: "As far as I know, there is only one thing in the world that can cut off this chain, and you definitely don't have it."

He looked down at Ye Xinghe, with a chill in his voice.

"What are you doing to save us?"

The gazes of several other colossi were also looking down at Ye Xinghe.

With cold murderous intent.

They feel that their hopes are aroused and then destroyed.

Then he put all his hatred on Ye Xinghe.

Ye Xinghe smiled and said: "Who said I didn't?"

The next moment, the nameless broken sword in his hand was unsheathed.

There was a soft dragon's roar, and the nameless broken sword was unsheathed.

Originally, he was displaying the power of dozens of rules in a arrogant manner.

Wondering if there is another strong opponent.

He was about to pass the judgment and kill his opponent directly.

As a result, when it came out, it was dumbfounded.

Opposite these six terrifying monsters.

At first glance, you can tell that it is powerful and cannot be dealt with by you.

It immediately returned to the scabbard in despair.

But he was directly stopped by Ye Xinghe.

Ye Xinghe displayed the nameless broken sword in front of these powerful sword masters.

And the moment I saw this sword.

They heard extremely violent aura fluctuations, walked forward directly, and exclaimed: "The aura of this sword is actually his!"

"Yes, it's the sword he has used for thousands of years!"

"But then one time when he came back, the sword was broken into two pieces, and only half of the blade was left, which he brought back."

"Yes, I remember that day very clearly. He was seriously injured, and his cherished sword was cut off by someone else."

"I have no choice but to take it out on us!"

Instantly, these six people became extremely excited.

"If there is any sword that can break the chains on our bodies, then it is the only one!"

At this moment, because they were too excited.

Therefore, there is no way to deliberately suppress your thoughts.

In an instant, he was sensed by the large formation hidden below.

The magic circle immediately launched an attack.

I saw six red rays of light rushing upwards from the chain.

It invaded their bodies and began to burn their souls.

Severe pain from deep within the soul.

Although they have endured it many times, it is still unbearable.

They all made shrill screams.

Angry roars echoed deep in the underground space.

It lasted for a full quarter of an hour before the torture ended.

The bronze guardian statue asked: "How did you get this sword?"

"What's your relationship with him?"

When he talked about it later, his voice and tone were fierce.

Ye Xinghe can naturally see it.

They were trapped here, and they actually hated the person who trapped them here.

That is, the owner of the tomb.

Seeing their eager expressions, Ye Xinghe often felt relieved.

My heart was completely relieved.

My whole body felt like I could barely hold on, and I was about to collapse to the ground.

Just now, he was facing six powerful masters, facing life and death.

Examine, calm, and calm.

But it doesn't mean that there is no fear in his heart.

Ye Xinghe calmed down for a moment.

The whole process of the matter has been sorted out.

The owner of this tomb must have been an extremely powerful man back then.

But he has a violent temper and kills cruelly.

Not only did he kill six of them and capture them here, he prepared to guard the tomb for himself.

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