Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3173 Conditions

Chapter 3173 Conditions!

Moreover, he must have committed many murders.

He must have encountered a strong enemy when he went out.

The rare and top-grade spiritual treasure-level sword was cut into two pieces.

It was even broken into many pieces.

He brought back a little, and the others were scattered all over the continent.

One of the pieces was accidentally found by himself, which was this nameless broken sword.

And presumably, only this sword can cut off their chains.

Ye Xinghe stared at them and said, "I can help you cut off the chains, and even break the shackles."

"I also have a place to accommodate your souls, and I will never let them dissipate."

"I am a soul refiner and deal with souls a lot."

At this moment, the Ice Sword Master said lightly: "Just help us cut off the chains. As for where to go, we have our own place to go. You don't need to use things to accommodate our souls."

Ye Xinghe shook his head, feeling a little sorry in his heart.

His proposal just now was actually to control them.

If there were six powerful souls like these, and they were subdued by me and placed in the container.

Wouldn't the fighting power be greatly improved?

But unfortunately, these six people were also old and smart, and they acted very carefully.

How could Ye Xinghe take advantage of this?

One of them couldn't help but feel anxious, and urged loudly: "Why are you still standing there? Help us cut the chains!"

Ye Xinghe slowly straightened his body, looked at them, and said with a smile: "We just came in, and you wanted to fight to the death and kill us."

"Why should I help you just because you want to cut the chains?"

"Not to mention, every time I help you cut the chains, I will suffer the backlash of this sword. After a few times, I will be dead!"

He smiled and stretched out his hand, saying generously: "Since you are helping, there must be some benefits."

In an instant, the atmosphere here stagnated.

Several people looked at each other, and they all saw some disbelief.

Not to mention, they were very powerful in their lifetime and rarely had rivals.

Even if he is trapped here, he is still a peerless master.

And this kid in front of him actually dared to bargain with the six of them here.

The Ice Sword Master said coldly: "Boy, don't think about the benefits, we have nothing."

"Moreover, according to the rules set by the tomb owner back then, anyone who comes in will be chopped by a sword."

"In other words, you have to take my sword again. If you don't die, we can talk about other things."

This person is really mean.

Not only does he not intend to give Ye Xinghe any benefits, but he also wants to control him.

Ye Xinghe didn't believe his nonsense at all, and sneered: "The rules left by the tomb owner for you back then should be some forced restrictions. You already know how to break the rules."

"Otherwise, even if I help you cut the chains, you can't get out of trouble."

"So, don't fool me with that nonsense, I don't believe it at all!"

He spread his hands with an indifferent attitude.

"Okay, since you are not willing to give me any benefits, then you will be trapped here and die. No one will come to save you in tens of thousands of years!" As he said that, he casually threw the nameless broken sword on the ground. "By the way, this sword can only be used by me, and none of you can use it. If you don't believe me, you can try it." In an instant, the atmosphere here dropped to the freezing point. The Ice Sword Master's voice was emotionless: "Boy, if you don't listen, we will kill you now!" Ye Xinghe laughed and simply lay on the ground, looking indifferent. "Okay, kill me, kill me now!" "I wonder if your life is more valuable, or my cheap life is more valuable!" He looked at Zheng Yi and the others and said, "You two, are you afraid of death?" "Today I am afraid that I will implicate you and die here together!" Zheng Yi and the others were so experienced that they naturally knew his plan. Both of them said proudly: "I lived a little longer just now, it doesn't matter, the two of us are willing to accompany you!" The three of them all put on a reckless and fearless attitude. The Ice Sword Master also had a cold face, and he went straight forward and slapped down with a sword.

It seemed that he didn't care about the lives of several people, and decided to kill them.

The sword was about to fall, and the three people felt the breath of death.

But Ye Xinghe's face was calm.

He knew that now it was a matter of who could not hold back.

He didn't believe that these people would give up this once-in-a-millennium opportunity.

Ye Xinghe knew it very well.

These people were very strong and cold-tempered.

They didn't care about the lives of others.

But they definitely cared about their own lives.

Moreover, they were definitely very eager for this opportunity.

So, they would definitely compromise.

Sure enough, at the moment when the bronze giant sword was about to fall.

It was shaken away by a black long sword next to it.

Then, the voice of the Floating Cloud Sword Master rang: "Let's talk about the conditions."

Ye Xinghe stood up with a smile on his lips.

Everything was as he expected! The Ice Sword Master didn't dare to kill him.

The Floating Cloud Sword Master did this just to give him face.

Let him have a way out.

Fuyun Jianzun said in a deep voice: "You can take all of that man's relics. There are several spiritual treasures of high quality in them."

"Also, the corpse of the demon saint he raised is also an excellent material for refining weapons."

Ye Xinghe showed no signs of weakness and sneered.

"You're fooling the devil!"

"This senior is originally the senior of our sect, and we want to take back his things."

"Besides, I just want to help you out of trouble for this small price. Senior, you are a bit unkind!"

Sword Master Fuyun whispered: "Then what do you want?"

Ye Xinghe laughed.

"Give us all the treasures you had during your lifetime!"

"Also, you must have gained enlightenment after practicing Taoism for many years. You should have some secret books and so on. Bring them all out!"

"As for the rules"

Seeing the murderous gazes of these people, Ye Xinghe changed the subject wisely.

He laughed dryly: "You are practicing the rules of the sword, I will leave them to you."

He opened his mouth directly.

Sword Master Fuyun sneered: "You really have the nerve to speak!"

Ye Xinghe chuckled.

"On condition that you let me drive it!"

Afterwards, the two had a heated exchange of words and finally finalized the terms.

What they gave Ye Xinghe was a sixth-grade magic weapon, the Demon Refining Pot.

And Zheng Yi and Qian Feiyuan did not come in vain.

Then they each got a third-grade spiritual treasure.

Although, Ye Xinghe looked down on third-grade spiritual treasures.

But they are different.

For them, the third-grade spiritual treasure is already extremely precious and can be used as a trump card.

Moreover, both of them originally thought they would die this time.

Unexpectedly, not only did I save my life, but I also got benefits. I was very happy.

He thanked Ye Xinghe again and again.

In addition, the treasure hidden in this tomb also belongs to Ye Xinghe.

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