Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3174 Escape

Chapter 3174 Escape!

Of course, Ye Xinghe must have the strength to take it away.

If he can't take it away and dies inside, it has nothing to do with anyone else.

Ye Xinghe shook his head with some pity.

He knew that these guys must have a lot of treasures on hand.

But he also knew very well that it would be difficult to have better conditions.

They should keep these treasures for their own future plans.

If they continue to ask for it, they will really become anxious.

If you fall out, you won't be able to bear the consequences.

Ye Xinghe looked at the sixth-grade spiritual treasure demon refining pot in his hand.

This is something the size of a fist and shaped like a spiritual furnace.

The shape is strange and ancient, and the whole body seems to be made of a brass-like metal.

The effect is also extremely simple.

Just suck the enemy in and refine it.

Of course, there is a lot of skill in this refining.

There are nine great tribulations in the Demon Refining Pot, including thunder, ice, fire, etc.

Every great calamity is extremely terrifying.

For example, one of the catastrophes of fire.

Its power is comparable to the flame used by the top magical pharmacists in the Magical Medicine Association.

If a strong person enters it, he will be burned to ashes.

According to what the Ice Sword Master said.

This sixth-grade spiritual treasure demon refining pot can trap all opponents below the eighth level of Nascent Soul.

If one enters it below the eighth level of Nascent Soul, the only way is to lose his soul and turn into ashes.

But the disadvantage is that only one can exist in this demon refining pot.

"As for a bigger drawback, that's..."

"What is it?"

Ye Xinghe quickly asked.

The Ice Sword Lord seemed to have some cunning in his eyes at this time.

"Every time you use it, you have to sacrifice a high-grade spiritual treasure!"

An ominous premonition suddenly surged in Ye Xinghe's heart.

"How high is the grade?"

Lord Ice laughed and said: "The minimum level must be level four!"

"Fourth grade!"

Ye Xinghe suddenly smiled bitterly after hearing this.

Fourth-grade spiritual treasures are already very precious, and I only have one.

It is the Naman Indhara Pagoda.

However, at the beginning, Ye Xinghe wanted to develop Manyindra Pagoda into a more powerful spiritual treasure.

Therefore, many methods were even used to improve it.

It turned out to have no effect.

The characteristics of this demon refining pot are somewhat similar to those of Manindra Pagoda.

Therefore, he did not feel any distress after sacrificing Manindra Tower.

Knowing that he had been tricked by the Ice Sword Lord.

However, it is nothing to Ye Xinghe.

Just go back and collect a few more.

He liked the power of this demon refining pot very much.

"Okay, kid, can you help us now?"

Sword Master Fuyun urged.

Ye Xinghe nodded.

But he simply ignored Floating Cloud Sword Master and Ice Sword Master.

Instead, he came to one of the sword masters who had been silent.

He knew very well that the Floating Cloud Sword Master and the Ice Sword Master were the strongest among the six sword masters.

The strongest and the highest status.

So, it was the two of them who were giving the orders.

And if we release the two of them first.

Ye Xinghe will most likely be killed by them.

Because the two of them might disregard the lives of the other four companions.

After choosing to kill Ye Xinghe, he left on his own.

Therefore, Ye Xinghe chose to release the weakest people first.

Let them out first.

Ice Sword Master and Floating Cloud Sword Master will no longer have any other strange ideas.

Because they were still busy suppressing the little brother who had already escaped from trouble in advance.

Afraid that Ye Xinghe would go back on his word, he even asked Ye Xinghe.

The two great sword masters immediately understood Ye Xinghe's plan.

He couldn't help but sigh and said nothing more.

I just sighed, this young man is really scheming.

Ye Xinghe unsheathed the nameless broken sword in his hand and slashed hard at the chain behind the weakest sword master.

The nameless broken sword can actually not hurt anyone if it is unsheathed.

But Ye Xinghe himself needs to bear the backlash.

Therefore, this sword slashed down hard.

It was equivalent to slashing Ye Xinghe himself.

The powerful backlash made Ye Xinghe feel like he had been hit hard.

He took a few steps back.

In an instant, a huge sword mark appeared on his chest.

Blood spurted out and his face turned pale.

He used many pills one after another to control his injuries, and his expression became dull.

Of course, the backlash from this sword was not in vain.

As the nameless broken sword fell.

That chain was extremely hard and had trapped them for tens of thousands of years.

Under their eager eyes, it was cut open as easily as a knife cutting tofu.

The sword master broke free from the prison in an instant.

He looked at himself in disbelief, and then yelled with excitement.

Then, his earnest eyes fell on Ye Xinghe.

Ye Xinghe smiled bitterly and said: "You saw it just now. Every time I kill you, I will suffer a backlash."

"This injury is serious. It will take at least three days to recover. I am not fooling you."

The Ice Sword Master and others nodded, and they naturally saw it clearly.

I had to wait patiently.

In the next three days, Ye Xinghe nursed back to health.

Three days later, he was struck down with another sword.

What was released this time was a relatively weak sword master.

Next, Ye Xinghe will release one every three days.

Ye Xinghe's layout also began to gradually show its effect.

When the fourth sword master was released.

An extremely violent dispute broke out between them.

It turned out that it was just as Ye Xinghe guessed.

Several other Sword Masters have been suppressed by the Ice Sword Master and Floating Cloud Sword Master over the years.

I was already extremely dissatisfied.

At this time, he escaped from the prison a little earlier than them, and suddenly had other ideas.

Two of the sword masters actually wanted to leave directly without waiting for the two ice sword masters.

It was a direct fight between the two sides.

The battle was earth-shattering.

However, Ice Sword Master and Floating Cloud Sword Master are stronger after all.

Although there are chains to restrain his hands and feet.

But with all their efforts, both sides joined forces.

However, he still suppressed the two sword masters who wanted to leave early.

But the relationship between them has become particularly subtle as a result.

Even those sword masters who have escaped from trouble have a tendency to win over Ye Xinghe.

He wanted to take Ye Xinghe away and directly abandon the Ice Sword Master and Floating Cloud Sword Master here.

Keeping them from getting out of trouble.

And that changed almost overnight.

Ye Xinghe can easily handle the Ice Sword Master and Floating Cloud Sword Master.

Now these two are begging him.

Ye Xinghe was waiting for this opportunity.

However, he didn't go too far.

It just made the Ice Sword Master and Floating Cloud Sword Master swear a poisonous oath.

Don't touch yourself after you get out of trouble, and you have to do yourself a favor in the future.

This oath is not too much.

The two of them wanted something from Ye Xinghe, so they naturally made an oath.

Then, he forced the other sword masters to swear an oath as well.

After Ye Xinghe ensured that he would not have any worries, he felt relieved.

When Ye Xinghe's last sword slashed down, the Ice Sword Master finally escaped from the trap.

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