Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3228: Shocking Sword

Chapter 3228 A shocking sword!

It has to be said that Ye Xinghe has a very thorough understanding of their psychology.

They really can't afford to gamble, and they don't dare to gamble.

Zheng Yi and Qian Feiyuan were let go.

Ye Xinghe waved his hand and took them to the flying boat.

There was no time to check on their situation.

He immediately drove the flying boat and flew in the direction outside the Beast King Clan.

But at the moment when Feizhou was about to leave the range of the Beast King Clan.

Suddenly, a terrifying aura descended from the sky.

In an instant, the entire spaceship was covered.

Just like the small boat in the stormy waves.

The moment he was thrown to the top of the big wave, he was nailed into the void and unable to move.

At this moment, Ye Xinghe also felt a chill in his heart, and was extremely frightened and angry.

It turned out that at this moment, he felt the ultimate danger.

He immediately began to push his right arm of God to activate the Nascent Soul.

But he found that the power in his body seemed to be sealed and could not be used at all.

And his body was frozen in place, unable to move at all.

He couldn't even move a finger now.

Ye Xinghe was extremely horrified.

There is only one explanation for this situation.

That is, there are people who are far more powerful than themselves, and with their powerful and heaven-defying cultivation, they can forcefully seal everything around them!

The next moment, Quan Jingxu and Quan Yuanhe floated into the air.

In an instant, he arrived next to Quan Kunyang and others.

Quan Kunyang and others hurriedly gathered them among them.

Quickly unseal them.

The elixir was stuffed in as if it was free of charge.

Quan Jingxu was finally able to speak at this time, his face full of resentment, and he shouted in a tearful voice: "Ancestor, you want to avenge me, kill him and cut him into pieces!"

At this time, Quan Kunyang and others were also half-kneeling on the ground, with respectful faces, and loudly said: "I have met our ancestors!"

At this moment, a face slowly condensed in the air.

That day the clouds turned into an old face.

"Quan Kunyang, why didn't you tell me this kind of thing?"

Although he was practicing in seclusion, he was unable to perceive things outside.

But Quan Kunyang was still able to notify him.

Quan Kunyang showed a look of shame on his face: "I'm sorry, ancestor, I didn't want to alarm you at first."

The ancestor of the Beast King clan said calmly: "Are you afraid that I will blame you for not being able to communicate with each other?"

Quan Kunyang's face was full of fear, he lowered his head and did not dare to speak any more.

The ancestor looked at everyone calmly, as if he was speaking to them, and also to the entire Beast King Clan.

His voice resounded throughout the entire Beast King Clan.

"Our beast royal family has stood here proudly for tens of thousands of years. We have always bullied others, but we have never been bullied by others!"

"No matter what the reason is, if you dare to come to our beast king clan to cause trouble, you will die!"

He lowered his head and looked at Ye Xinghe and the other three people in the flying boat, his voice was sudden and without any emotion.

"Just kill the three of you to scare the monkeys, lest anyone think that our beast royal family is weak and can be bullied!"

After saying that, the clouds turned and turned into a finger, pressing towards the three of them.

He didn't hesitate at all, just treating the three of them as ants who could kill at will.

Watch this finger fall.

Ye Xinghe and the others will be turned into powder together with the flying boat.

Looking at the falling finger, Ye Xinghe did not panic.

Quite the opposite. A voice suddenly sounded in his heart.

"Do you want to use that trump card?"

Ye Xinghe has never been a fool, and he always has backup plans.

This time is no exception.

He had already thought about various situations before.

But not yet waiting for Ye Xinghe to start.

In the distance, a sword light suddenly lit up.

In an instant, it was in front of you.

It turned into a huge sword that covered the sky and covered the sun, and spanned thousands of miles, and slashed hard at the finger.

The expression of the ancestor of the Beast King Clan changed, and he shifted his finger towards the big sword.

The two collided with each other.

The sword was unscathed.

The giant finger was directly shattered and turned into clouds in the sky.

Then, without hesitation, the sword showed that face again.

He actually chopped the face that had turned into floating clouds into pieces.

There seemed to be a painful roar in the void.

The ancestor's voice lost the calmness just now, and seemed to be the arrogance of being in control of everything.

Instead, it turned into a startled roar.

"Old man, how dare you break the rules!"

Everyone in the Beast King Clan was shocked.

In their eyes, they are like invincible ancestors.

At this moment, in this duel, he actually suffered a loss and was clearly at a disadvantage!

Who is coming, with such strength that he can defeat even the ancestors?

At this time, a sneer came.

"You broke my rules first!"

Before he finished speaking, a figure appeared.

The sounds of exclamation came one after another.

"It's actually Starlight Immortal!"

"Why is Xingguang Immortal here? He is the top expert in Guanghan Dao Sect!"

"Yes, this Xingguang Immortal actually stood up for Ye Xinghe. Could it be that the relationship between the two is extremely deep?"

"I didn't expect that Ye Xinghe would have such a background!"

They, the strong men of the Beast King Clan, are naturally quite aware of the affairs of the Guanghan Dao Sect.

It is even more clear how terrifying Starlight Immortal’s strength is.

Therefore, there was also a lot of fear in the eyes looking at Ye Xinghe.

I originally thought that Ye Xinghe was just an ordinary outstanding disciple of the Guanghan Dao Sect.

Unexpectedly, there is such a profound background.

The ancestor of the Beast King clan was shocked and said: "When did I break your rules?"

Xingguang Immortal laughed and said: "Ye Xinghe is my savior and my best friend. If you dare to touch him, you have broken my rules!"

Then, he ignored the ancestor of the Beast King Clan and just looked at Ye Xinghe.

He said with a bit of blame: "Why didn't you tell me this kind of thing?"

Ye Xinghe returned to normal at this time and scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Aren't you afraid that the relationship between the Guanghan Dao Sect and the Beast King Clan will become tense?"

Xingguang Immortal said calmly: "There is nothing to be afraid of. Remember one thing, there is nothing important except life and death."

"It's a matter of your life or death. This is a big deal."

"Even if the Guanghan Dao Sect and the Beast King Clan are at loggerheads, it's not as big a matter as your life and death!"

Ye Xinghe looked solemn, cupped his hands and said, "I will teach you!"

Then, Immortal Starlight came to the flying boat and stood proudly on the bow.

He said calmly to Ye Xinghe: "Let's go."

Ye Xinghe nodded, and the flying boat rushed forward.

The Starlight Immortal stands here proudly.

All the strong men of the Beast King Clan, including the ancestors.

Everyone watched helplessly, and no one dared to stop him.

Immortal Xingguang's shocking sword just now had cut off all their hearts and minds.

Feizhou quickly left the Beast King Clan.

In the clouds, a pair of malicious eyes were focused, staring at the direction they left.

But after returning to the Guanghan Dao Sect, Xingguang Immortal's expression suddenly changed.

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