Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3229: Keep your word

Chapter 3229: Do what you say!

He immediately sat cross-legged and began to practice.

He took several more pills.

Then, after waiting for half an hour, he let out a low roar and spat out a mouthful of black blood.

Ye Xinghe said in shock: "Senior, what's wrong with you?"

It seems that things were not that simple just now.

Starlight Immortal seemed to be suppressing him lightly just now, but in fact he seemed to be injured.

Starlight Immortal took a moment to catch his breath, and there was a look of shock in his eyes.

He gritted his teeth and said, "I didn't expect that the old guy's cultivation level has reached such a level!"

He said softly: "It seemed that I had the upper hand just now, but I arrived in my own body, while his body was trapped and could only appear as a projection in the training place."

"Even so, he found my weakness and injured me."

"His projection already has 70% of my strength. As for his true body, he's just not far behind me!"

"When he comes out of isolation, I will most likely not be his opponent."

Ye Xinghe was also severely shocked.

He always thought that the ancestor of the Beast King Clan was no match for the Starlight Immortal.

Unexpectedly, he was actually stronger than the Starlight Immortal.

Starlight Immortal also showed a bit of shock in his eyes.

"I don't know what means he used, but his strength has grown so fast. This is unreasonable."

"He was not my opponent before, and according to my expectations, he will not be my opponent in the future."

Starlight Immortal frowned and suddenly said: "Ye Xinghe, I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to stand up to the Beast King Clan for you in the future."

"In addition to the matter of strength, there is also the extremely delicate relationship between the Guanghan Dao Sect and the Beast King Clan."

"I forcefully stand up for you today. It's okay to suppress the Beast King Clan once. If it happens more times, Guanghan Dao Sect and the Beast King Clan may become enemies."

Ye Xinghe nodded, understanding what Xingguang Immortal meant.

He also didn't want Starlight Immortal to take on these things for him.

He looked deeply and said softly: "Don't worry, I understand in my heart."

Ye Xinghe sent Zheng Yi and Qian Feiyuan back to the Tianpu team.

When he entered the gate of the Tianpu Team, he was stunned for a moment.

At this moment, the large courtyard of the Heavenly Punishment Team was actually densely packed with dozens of people standing there.

I'm afraid all the members of the Heavenly Punishment Team are here now.

And the one at the front is Wang Xiongchen.

Looking at Zheng Yi and Qian Feiyuan in Ye Xinghe’s hands.

Wang Xiongchen's eyes sore, and tears fell directly.

Although Zheng Yi and Qian Feiyuan were tortured to the point of being reduced to human form, their bodies were covered in bruises and bruises.

But they are still alive after all.

Moreover, he was rescued safely by Ye Xinghe.

Wang Xiongchen wiped his tears violently, walked up to Ye Xinghe, and shouted loudly: "Ye Xinghe, from today on, you are the benefactor of our Heaven's Punishment Team. If you have any assignments, my Heaven's Punishment Team will never say anything!"

Behind him, many people who were punished by heaven also shouted in unison.

Everyone looked at Ye Xinghe with eyes full of gratitude and admiration.

Before, Ye Xinghe said that he would go to the Beast King Clan alone to rescue the two of them.

Many people in the Heavenly Punishment Team thought this was a fantasy.

Some people think Ye Xinghe is bragging.

However, Wang Xiongchen firmly believes this.

But today, everyone in the Heavenly Punishment Team was waiting, but they discovered something.

There was a huge noise from the Beast King Clan.

Then news came that Ye Xinghe had rescued people!

Everyone in the Heavenly Punishment Team was overjoyed, and they were all waiting here.

Not to mention the many disciples of the Heavenly Punishment Team who were in agitated moods. ,

Even the eyes of many elders were full of praise for Ye Xinghe.

I feel that this is the brother who can truly trust me with my life.

This is the Beast King Clan!

It was a being that even the strong men of the Guanghan Dao Sect did not dare to provoke easily.

He actually snatched the food from the tiger's mouth and saved the person!

Zheng Yi was sent for treatment by the two of them.

The Heavenly Punishment Team also has strong men with medical rules, so it is natural to treat them easily.

Ye Xinghe met Uncle Zhao in the small courtyard behind.

Uncle Zhao knocked the pipe in his hand and said with half a smile: "Okay, boy, I didn't expect such a powerful city and means."

"I originally thought that you would rush in recklessly, but I didn't expect that you would use this method to rescue people!"

Ye Xinghe touched his nose and said with a smile: "It's a pity that I missed a move and was almost made dumplings by my ancestor, so I didn't come back alive."

"Okay, kid, stop pretending!"

Uncle Zhao looked at him with squinted eyes and said with a faint smile: "I thought I couldn't tell. Even if the Starlight Immortal didn't take action, I'm afraid you still have a back-up card!"

Ye Xinghe was slightly stunned: "How did you see it?"

Uncle Zhao laughed.

"You little fox, you still want to hide it from me!"

Ye Xinghe felt more and more that Uncle Zhao in front of him was a bit unclear.

When Ye Xinghe came out of the small courtyard, the smile on his face disappeared without a trace.

Showing a deep sense of alertness and vigilance.

This time, the Beast King Clan was suppressed by the Starlight Immortal.

It is conceivable that there should be no more incidents in a short time.

But Ye Xinghe is very sure that since they are here for Master Qiang, they must be determined to win.

Plus the current hatred.

At that time, when they take action again, it will most likely be thunderous.

Ye Xinghe gritted his teeth and whispered to himself: "Just give me a few more years and that's enough!"

Soon, Ye Xinghe went to the Discipline Academy of Guanghan Dao Sect.

Because he was captured before, he disappeared for nearly a year.

There was a big fuss about this matter.

Now that Ye Xinghe is back, he naturally needs to explain the reason.

Ye Xinghe didn't care. After he went there, he told a random lie and settled the matter.

The people in the Discipline Academy could naturally see that he was lying.

But who is Ye Xinghe.

At that time, the Discipline Academy was almost completely wiped out because of him!

The head of the Discipline Academy was killed because of him.

Even if they knew he was lying, who would dare to say anything.

Then, Ye Xinghe went to meet his master and other senior brothers and sisters to chat for a few words.

Ye Xinghe reminisced with them about old times and what happened after they parted.

The main point was to ask Chu Zhongyuan for advice.

Ye Xinghe has now reached the fifth level of Nascent Soul and has experienced a lot.

The understanding of the rules is getting deeper and deeper, and there are many questions.

Regarding his request for advice, Chu Zhongyuan was surprised, but also extremely happy.

I feel that I can finally fulfill some of the responsibilities of a master.

However, what surprised him was that many of the questions asked by Ye Xinghe were from the seventh level of Nascent Soul.

Even higher levels will encounter problems.

Considering Ye Xinghe's cultivation level, he definitely shouldn't ask.

He was a little surprised, frowned and said, "Aren't you only at the fifth level of Nascent Soul?"

Ye Xinghe blinked his eyes.

"If you can hit the seventh level of the Nascent Soul, you can naturally ask questions about the seventh level of the Nascent Soul."

Chu Zhongyuan was stunned for a moment, and then laughed dumbly.

He solves problems. Ye Xinghe felt enlightened.

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