Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3230 One of the Ten Prodigies

Chapter 3230 One of the top ten geniuses!

Many questions became clear.

It is also very helpful for cultivation.

This discussion lasted for seven days.

Ye Xinghe has solved all the questions.

But when he was saying goodbye, he suddenly thought of something and asked with a frown: "Master, I have a magical power that is very powerful and has serious side effects."

"Every time I use it, one of the rules on my Yuanying will disappear randomly, which is quite terrible."

"I wonder if you have any solution?"

Chu Zhongyuan was stunned for a moment after hearing this.

I just feel that this kind of thing is really weird, I have never heard of it before.

He thought for a moment, but there was nothing he could do.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up and he seemed to have thought of something.

"It's useless for you to ask me about this matter. Even if you ask the master, he may not know, but if you ask a person, he will definitely know!"

Ye Xinghe asked curiously: "Who is it? Can this person be more knowledgeable than the Starlight Immortal?"

Chu Zhongyuan smiled and said: "The Qingyue Tower of the Guanghan Dao Sect contains all the classics of the Guanghan Dao Sect from the past 30,000 years to the present. It also contains many classics from outside sects and family forces, with a total of 70,000 volumes. Vast and endless!”

"A practitioner who obtains a few of these volumes will be able to gain lifelong enlightenment and benefit a lot!"

Ye Xinghe nodded.

He had also heard of the name of Qingyue Tower.

It is roughly equivalent to the Sutra Library.

Chu Zhongyuan laughed and said: "Qi Wenqiu, the guard of Qingyue Tower, is known as the Immortal of Ten Thousand Volumes."

"It is said that he has read all the 70,000 volumes in the Sutra Pavilion. He is well-read and knows the past and present. No one in Lieyang Dynasty can compare with him!" "He might be able to answer this question."

Ye Xinghe's eyes showed a look of horror.

Ordinary cultivators can conquer the world with just a few volumes of books.

And he has actually read all these 70,000 volumes. What kind of existence is this!

Doesn’t he practice cultivation?

You must know that when you reach the Nascent Soul Realm, the classics among these monks are not as simple as ordinary books.

For an ordinary book, with Ye Xinghe's current strength, he could clearly remember ten lines at a glance.

In one hour, you can read thousands of books.

Moreover, every word, every sentence, which volume, which page and which line it is in, can be clearly stated.

But those are classics that belong to the mortal world.

The classics among monks are extremely obscure.

The writing also has spirituality and charm.

If you don't have enough cultivation, you won't be able to read at all.

There are obviously handwriting all over the article, but not a single word can be seen, and not a single sentence can be read.

All we can do is helpless.

And this person can do this, which shows that his cultivation is astonishing!

Ye Xinghe nodded and wrote it down.

Then go back to your cave.

As soon as I arrived near the cave, I felt something was wrong.

At this moment, a cry suddenly came from the side.

"Brother Ye, you are back. If you don't come back, I will let them bully you to death!"

Ye Xinghe frowned.

Next to him, a man covered in blood and in a state of embarrassment came staggering over.

Ye Xinghe looked at it, and a cold look suddenly flashed in his eyes.

This person is none other than Sun Kunyang!

At this time, he was covered in wounds.

Moreover, some are obviously new injuries compounding old ones.

Obviously, he was in this situation after being bullied for a long time and being severely punished before his injuries healed.

Moreover, his left leg was limping.

Obviously someone gave me a discount before!

Ye Xinghe's eyes turned cold: "Who did it?"

When Sun Kunyang saw him, he was so excited that he burst into tears.

He said while crying.

Only then did Ye Xinghe know.

It turned out that during the time he was away, someone coveted his cave and directly occupied it.

Sun Kunyang was too angry and argued with them, only to be beaten like this.

Moreover, after this group of people took over the cave, they seemed to resent Sun Kunyang's actions that day.

Therefore, Sun Kunyang always came here to make trouble every now and then, making Sun Kunyang miserable.

Ye Xinghe laughed angrily.

He took over his cave and beat his brothers.

There are still disciples in Guanghan Dao Sect who have such courage!

While he was talking, there was a 'bang' sound, and Ye Xinghe's door suddenly opened.

A figure walked out.

At this time, several caves nearby were opened one after another, and several people appeared.

It’s really Zhao Hong who is one of a kind.

"Hey, you must be Ye Xinghe."

Zhao Hong looked sideways at Ye Xinghe with a bit of scrutiny.

After seeing clearly that he was at the fifth level of Nascent Soul, he immediately relaxed.

He had heard Sun Kunyang say many times before that he would wait for Ye Xinghe to come back to avenge himself.

I originally thought that Ye Xinghe was some kind of powerful character.

Unexpectedly, it was just the fifth reincarnation of Nascent Soul.

This kind of strength is not worth mentioning in front of him.

With a bit of ridicule, he said to Sun Kunyang: "Sun Kunyang, is this the Ye Xinghe you often call?"

"I thought it was so awesome, but it turned out to be a fifth-level Nascent Soul!"

"What, you just expect him to come back to avenge you?"

"Based on him, you are crazy!"

Everyone also burst into laughter.

Zhou Linfeng, the follower next to Zhao Hong, also mocked and said: "Ye Xinghe, I heard Sun Kunyang say you were so magical before, what kind of existence did you think you were."

"Even if he is not one of the top ten geniuses of the sect, he is definitely a talented person. At least he must be at the sixth level of Nascent Soul."

"I didn't expect that you are the fifth level of Nascent Soul!"

Ye Xinghe said lightly: "To deal with you, Nascent Soul Five is enough."

Everyone laughed again, thinking that Ye Xinghe was bragging.

Zhao Hong pointed at himself and sneered: "Ye Xinghe, do you know who I am?"

"My name is Zhao Hong, one of the top ten geniuses of Guanghan Dao Sect!"

Zhou Linfeng also yelled arrogantly from the side: "Senior Brother Zhao has entered the seventh stage of Nascent Soul ten years ago. His combat power is extremely terrifying. He is considered the best among all the disciples of Guanghan Dao Sect and is rated as one of the top ten geniuses." one!"

"You still have to deal with Senior Brother Zhao. What are you going to do with it? Do you rely on your mouth?"

Zhao Hong had a mocking look on his face, pointed at himself and said, "I'll stand here and let you do three moves. If you can break through my defense, you will win!"

Ye Xinghe didn't have any nonsense, he flashed his body and came directly to Zhao Hong.

With a joking expression on his face, he pushed out with one punch.

"That's what you said!"

Zhao Hong stood proudly: "Yes, I said that!"

"Give you three chances, and you won't even be able to break through my defense!"

But as soon as he finished speaking, his expression changed drastically and turned into a exclamation.

"How come your punches are so strong!"

He didn't take Ye Xinghe seriously just now.

Standing still, Nascent Soul moved slightly, and a yellow light enveloped the whole body.

It turns out that most of his rules are related to defense.

This person's defense is also extremely strong, with multiple defense rules covering him.

Like a turtle shell, it cannot be opened at all.

Although he ranks last among the top ten geniuses.

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