Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3234 Yunlong Ancient Clan

Chapter 3234 The Ancient Yunlong Clan!

"what do you know!"

Emperor Lieyang scolded him coldly: "The Yunlong Ancient Clan is most cautious in everything they do, and they are most afraid of others knowing of their existence!"

"Although the Yunlong Ancient Clan has not hidden its traces, they also deliberately keep a low profile. They hide everything behind the scenes to prevent the world from knowing their existence."

"This is true whether in the Lieyang Dynasty or in the Northern Territory."

At this moment, in the distance in the void.

Ye Xinghe watched the fifth princess's team leave and sighed softly.

He quickly moved away, heading towards the Northern Territory.

And what they don't know is.

When that gorgeous flying boat sailed over the Great Tianlong Mountains.

The movement seemed to startle a group of birds in the forest.

In the forest located on a very high mountain peak, birds scattered in fright.

Naturally, all this did not attract the attention of the people on the flying boat.

At this moment, in the mountain forest, on top of a giant tree.

There were two people standing on the slender branches, rising and falling with the branches.

Both of them are tall, three meters tall.

His whole body was wrapped in a thick layer of black armor.

Even his face was covered and he couldn't see clearly.

One of them said softly: "Have all the manpower been arranged?"

There's something weird about the hoarse voice.

Another person nodded respectfully and said: "Reporting to your lord, three teams from different countries are all going to the Yunlong Ancient Clan, and our people are arranged in each team!"

The person who spoke before nodded.

"Very good, let them act accordingly. This is the best opportunity. Don't waste it!"

Ye Xinghe probably didn't even think of it.

He pretended to be a rival family of the Yunlong Ancient Clan. This was what he told the fifth princess.

But in fact, the powerful enemy of the Yunlong Ancient Clan actually arrived.

Moreover, he also accidentally entered the ranks of the fifth princess, preparing to infiltrate the Yunlong Ancient Clan.

Ye Xinghe arrived at the shore of the Northern Territory Ice Ocean at the agreed time.

At this time, Lu Minyun, Xuan Zhao and others had all arrived.

Sun Qingyao and others are also here.

Moreover, Ye Xinghe discovered.

All three teams have been fully staffed.

Counting himself, there are a total of eighteen disciples.

Because, according to the rules of the Yunlong Ancient Clan, as long as they are the top three teams, they can enter.

This also leaves a loophole for them to exploit.

That is, even if the team only fights to the last person.

You can also fill up your manpower before going to the Yunlong Ancient Clan.

The Yunlong Ancient Clan will not ask about the specific situation.

Each team can have no more than six people.

At this time, everyone's eyes were full of indescribable excitement.

Everyone has heard the legend about the mysterious force.

At that time, the dispute in the Northern Territory resulted in countless casualties.

It was that mysterious force that suppressed the entire Northern Territory with extremely terrifying power.

The rules for this nine-nation competition were set.

Only then did the Northern Territory return to peace.

They had even heard of the legend about that mysterious force.

After entering, there is a chance to break through the limits and become the most terrifying existence in the Northern Territory!

This is not unfounded.

In the past 30,000 years in the Northern Territory, the three most powerful kings all came from this mysterious force.

According to rumors, their strength has even reached the level of the ninth level of the Nascent Soul!

If nothing else, the unfathomable Ice Immortal in front of me.

It is said that he is also a person who came out of that mysterious force.

Seeing that everyone had arrived, the Ice Immortal nodded and said, "Okay, everyone, I will take you to that mysterious force."

The next moment, he came to the center of the square and quickly cut his wrist.

A drop of sticky, bright golden blood dripped out from it.

From just a drop of blood, Ye Xinghe could feel an extremely majestic and vast power.

His golden essence and blood dripped into the groove in the center of the square as if it were free of money.

In an instant, a bright golden light flashed from inside the groove.

The lines lit up.

In an instant, the ground was covered with a radius of ten meters.

Then, the golden color spread along the lines.

In an instant, a golden magic circle appeared on the spot.

The golden light beam reaches all over the sky and reaches the sky.

It seemed as if it was going to penetrate this huge mountain peak.

The Ice Immortal's eyes were a little tired, but he still persisted.

Until the black and white light appeared in this golden magic circle.

Ye Xinghe has space rules and naturally knows them very well.

This is a space teleportation array.

Then, the Ice Immortal signaled everyone to come to the magic circle.

Ye Xinghe pretended to be curious and asked: "Didn't we go by flying boat? We actually used the teleportation array?"

The Ice Immortal also looked at him with special eyes, and said with a faint smile: "It's a long and hard journey to get there. I don't know how long it will take to get there."

"This teleportation circle can be reached not far from it."

"Once we get there, we can reach the end of the field in another half month."

Ye Xinghe nodded and looked excited.

"This is the best, as it won't waste your training time!"

Everyone quickly entered the magic circle.

The next moment, I felt the world in front of me was spinning, and countless bizarre scenes appeared.

Then, he fell into a space channel.

Being in the space passage, Ye Xinghe wanted to use the rules of space to analyze this.

But in the end he gave up.

He doesn't want to show too much specialness now.

If someone from the Yunlong Ancient Clan discovers it, then everything will be in vain.

I don’t know how long it took, but it seemed like a blink of an eye.

Everyone felt a sense of weightlessness coming from below.

I saw the blue sky, white clouds, and large forests.

They appeared from the sky and fell downward one after another.

Everyone is a master and has experience in this.

He quickly adjusted his body shape, and there was nothing to panic about.

But at this moment, suddenly, an extremely shrill scream came.

A black light appeared in the void.

A disciple of the Snow God Kingdom was directly penetrated by the black light.

All the power of his rules was used.

But it still has no effect.

The black light instantly tore his heart into pieces.

Gave him a horrifically huge wound.

Then, he took his body and nailed it to the cliff.

Then, the black light disappeared.

Only the body of the Snow God Kingdom strongman was left on the spot, slowly sliding down the cliff.

Leaving behind a shocking red.

And this seems to be a sign.

As this offensive came, the killing started instantly.

This horrific killing was so swift and powerful that it caught people off guard.

It seems that many powerful people have been waiting here for a long time, and they have long known that they will appear here.

Just wait for them to appear and give them a fatal blow.

As the black light fell just now.

In an instant, seven or eight black rays of light exploded out.

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