Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3235 Raid

Chapter 3235 Raid!

Each one was aimed at a strong person.

Moreover, they are basically the weaker ones among the three teams.

Obviously, the other party's purpose is to kill them as much as possible and reduce their number.

And Ye Xinghe suddenly discovered that including himself.

There was a sarcastic smile on his lips, without any panic.

Obviously, this is treating himself as a soft persimmon.

Screams sounded one after another.

Although, the man was attacked and killed just now, which gave everyone a wake-up call.

However, this black light is extremely weird.

Although everyone was on guard, casualties still occurred one after another.

The high-level spiritual treasures in the hands of some strong men fell down and faced the black light.

I want to knock it away directly.

Unexpectedly, the black light hit the fifth-grade spiritual treasure.

In an instant, a dead and dim light appeared above the fifth-grade spiritual treasure.

The next moment, it was corroded so much that it fell into two pieces.

Then, the black divine light continued to move forward.

That disciple is not too weak. He has been through many battles and has rich experience.

He took a deep breath and immediately backed away quickly.

At the same time, he shot out his Nascent Soul, and six or seven rules came forward at the same time.

But unfortunately, those rules turned out to be just a fiction in front of this black divine light.

The black divine light easily invaded and penetrated these rules.

Then, it hit his heart veins hard, directly tearing his heart veins into pieces.

In an instant, those seven or eight black divine lights caused the death and injury of at least five people.

Everyone was shocked and shouted.

"This black light is weird. It seems to be able to penetrate everything. Even the rules and spiritual treasures can't stop it!"

"My strong body can't stop you, so how can you fight?"

Some strong men from the Blood Demon Kingdom revealed their demonic beast form directly from their roars.

But it was useless, and the vital point was penetrated directly.

Ye Xinghe frowned slightly.

This black divine light is quite evil and seems to be able to penetrate everything.

Moreover, it seems to be locking on key points such as the heart.

No matter how much you try to escape or hide, you can't.

Looking at the black divine light facing him, Ye Xinghe's eyes showed a hint of excitement.

He strode forward and directly grabbed the black divine light with one hand.

At the same time, he had already displayed the right arm of God.

He wanted to see who was stronger in the fight between the black divine light and the right arm of God.

The next moment, the black divine light collided hard with his divine right arm.

Then, Ye Xinghe's expression changed drastically.

The reason why Ye Xinghe is like this is not because the black divine light is too strong.

Quite the opposite.

The black divine light was touching God's right arm.

He was violent and ferocious before, full of murderous intent, but suddenly he became very excited and excited.

It has a bit of intimacy.

Ye Xinghe was shocked.

Before he could react, the black divine light had already sunk into Ye Xinghe's arm.

In an instant, Ye Xinghe felt a sharp pain in the god's right arm.

It seemed that the bones were cracking and every big tendon was being stretched directly.

Every inch of flesh and blood was in excruciating pain.

He was shocked.

This has never happened since he got the right arm of God.

Ye Xinghe's mind invaded it, but he discovered it.

At this moment, the black divine light had turned into little black fragments of light, entering various parts of the god's right arm.

Fusion with God's right arm.

Moreover, Ye Xinghe can feel it very clearly.

Although God's right arm cannot be used at the moment.

However, it will definitely become stronger after it is fused, and its strength is slowly increasing!

Ye Xinghe was ecstatic in his heart.

The people who came to attack were extremely powerful.

But unfortunately, the black divine light they fired had no effect on them.

On the contrary, it can strengthen and nourish your own body of God.

At this moment, Ye Xinghe had many questions in his mind.

“Who are these people from?”

"Why do you want to rob and kill us?"

"Is it an enemy of the Yunlong Ancient Clan, or is it for one of us?"

"Where does their black divine light come from? Could it be that it also comes from that ancient god?"

But Ye Xinghe reacted very quickly and immediately realized that he could not show any strangeness.

He covered his right arm, groaned miserably, and took a few steps back, with a look of pain on his face.

It seemed that his divine right arm had been severely injured.

Seeing this scene, Lu Minyun, Xuanzhao and others were all frightened.

They all know how powerful Ye Xinghe's arm is.

At this moment, even he was hit hard!

Where do these people come from?

Before they could think about it, another twenty black divine lights appeared in the void.

Killing towards everyone.

Those who survived each had to face about two rays of divine light.

After this round of killing, only eight people were left in the place.

At this time, the figure of the Ice Immortal appeared in the void.

Perhaps because of his strongest strength, this space channel also has the greatest restrictions on him.

Therefore, he came out the latest.

When he saw this scene as soon as he came out, his eyes were split open and he shouted sternly: "God Buried Ancient Clan, how dare you sneak into the Yunlong Ancient Clan's territory to rob and kill us and other new disciples this year, you deserve to die!"

He was furious at this moment and used all his strength to attack.

In an instant, a Nascent Soul appeared behind him, about nine feet tall.

The aura was so terrifying that even Ye Xinghe couldn't help but feel his heart skip a beat when he saw it.

His strength seemed to be on par with Lan Yunxi's.

Among the people I have seen, he is only slightly weaker than the Starlight Immortal.

As his vast ocean-like power of rules surged out, it struck an area with a radius of one kilometer.

The entire space with a radius of thousands of miles was shaking violently.

The power of tyrannical rules affects every place.

And Ye Xinghe also discovered the characteristics of this ice immortal.

When controlled, the power of his rules is not very subtle and mysterious.

However, it is strong enough and violent enough!

In an instant, screams could be heard within a kilometer radius, and several figures appeared.

Obviously, they were the ones hiding in the void and attacking everyone just now.

Several people were wearing black clothes and black cloaks.

Even the exposed face and hands were covered with black mist.

At this time, the Ice Immortal smiled ferociously and said: "I sent five envoys in black just to destroy us people. You God-Burying Ancient Clan

I look down too much on this messenger! "

He grabbed it hard with his right hand.

"Bang bang bang" several sounds came.

Amidst the shrill screams, three of the five black-clothed messengers fell down in pain, clutching their hearts.

Naturally, they will not sit still and wait for death.

When the Ice Immortal attacked them.

These five people also fired more than twenty black divine lights.

But unfortunately, these black divine lights have not yet reached the body of the Ice Immortal.

It was directly destroyed by the power of his tyrannical rules.

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