Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3237 Taking the initiative to seek war

Chapter 3237 Actively Seeking a Fight!

He pointed at the corpses on the ground and said, "You guys have fallen into someone else's trap!"

"They released this magic treasure to lure you away, and then set up a trap here. They calculated the time for us to arrive, and took advantage of our unpreparedness to kill ten people in a row!"

He roared, "Of the eighteen geniuses I brought, only eight are left!"

He became more and more angry and almost started to fight.

Yun Linchen and others also changed their faces.

They naturally knew that the three of them had caused a big disaster.

However, they showed an expression of indifference.

Yun Linchen waved his hand and said, "So what? It's their bad luck to die in the hands of the Zangshen Ancient Clan!"

"Who can blame them for being weak?"

Han Bingxian was even more angry: "What bullshit are you talking about!"

"These are the future hopes of the Yunlong Ancient Clan. No one knows what kind of masters will emerge from them."

"Maybe the next Tianjiao in the clan will be among them!"

Yun Linchen not only did not feel guilty, but curled his lips.

He glanced at Ye Xinghe and others, and said disdainfully: "Just based on them, a group of outsiders, are they worthy of being compared with me!"

"I don't even dare to say that I am the next Tianjiao in the clan, just based on them, what are they!"

The words were full of contempt and disdain.

The Ice Immortal said coldly: "Not only do you not know your crime, but you are also speaking disrespectfully. Do you know what this crime is?"

Yun Linchen was a little angry at this time, and said in a gloomy voice: "Old man, you dare to talk to me like this, you are not in the right position!"

"Remember, you are just an outsider in the clan!"

"To put it nicely, you are the Jie Yin Elder, to put it bluntly, you are just a running dog of my Yunlong Ancient Clan!"

After saying that, he waved his hand and stared at the other two.

They surrounded the Ice Immortal and prepared to fight.

The three of them had violent eyes and could no longer control their strength.

Yun Linchen's eyes ignited a bloodthirsty light.

"Old man, you said so much, why not fight!"

Ye Xinghe frowned and thought to himself: "It shouldn't be like this. How can a cultivator like Yun Linchen be so unable to control his temper?"

He found that not only Yun Linchen was like this, but the other two were also like this.

They seemed unable to control their emotions.

This made Ye Xinghe slightly cautious.

The Ice Immortal was so angry that his liver hurt.

He was very powerful, and he had a high status in the Yunlong Ancient Clan, and he had been there for many years.

At this time, he was actually called a dog, how could he bear it!

He was ready to teach the three of them a lesson.

At this time, Ye Xinghe suddenly walked in front of him and blocked him.

The Ice Immortal was a little offended, frowned and said, "What's wrong?"

Yun Linchen thought that Ye Xinghe was trying to persuade the Ice Immortal not to fight with the three of them.

He thought he was scared.

He laughed and said, "You know when to advance and retreat, and you don't dare to conflict with us!"

Lu Minyun and others also showed dissatisfaction on their faces.

They thought Ye Xinghe was going to curry favor with Yun Linchen and others at this time.

Ye Xinghe said calmly: "Elder, fighting with them is too low for your status, leave it to me."

"What, leave it to you?" The Ice Immortal was shocked.

Unexpectedly, Ye Xinghe actually took the initiative to ask for a fight.

Everyone looked a little ashamed, knowing that they had misunderstood Ye Xinghe.

The Ice Immortal was a little worried and asked, "Are you his opponent?"

Ye Xinghe smiled leisurely and said, "One move will kill him!"

"Who is he? Can he compare with me?"

The Ice Immortal had some doubt in his eyes.

He had seen Ye Xinghe take action before, and he admitted that Ye Xinghe was indeed very strong.

But you have to know that Yun Linchen is at the peak of the seventh turn of the Nascent Soul.

It's not that easy to deal with him. How can he defeat the enemy with one move?

He just thought that Ye Xinghe was young and full of energy and couldn't bear this breath.

So he spoke arrogantly.

But he didn't have the heart to interrupt his emotions.

He took a step back slightly: "If you are not an opponent, retreat in time and don't lose your life."

Everyone cheered.

Whether Ye Xinghe was arrogant or not, at least he gave everyone face.

Only Xuan Zhao's eyes moved slightly, thinking in his heart: "Ye Xinghe is not such a person, why did he suddenly change his temper?"

At this time, Ye Xinghe walked in front of Yun Linchen and said lightly: "You are responsible for guarding this place, but you left your post without permission, causing most of us to be killed."

"You refuse to admit your mistake and say that my talent is not good and there is no point in living."

Yun Linchen sneered: "Yes, that's right!"

Ye Xinghe said calmly: "If I defeat you and prove that I am better than you, doesn't it prove that we are valuable enough?"

"Does it prove that you left your post without permission and killed ten people, which is a serious crime!"

Ye Xinghe's voice was sonorous and powerful, refuting Yun Linchen speechless.

He roared: "I'll kill you, and if I kill you, nothing will happen!"

He was extremely violent and couldn't control his emotions. He killed Ye Xinghe directly.

And, he used all his strength in an instant.

As soon as he made a move, Ye Xinghe immediately sensed it carefully.

He found that Yun Linchen's rule power was extremely powerful.

Even stronger than the average Nascent Soul Seventh Turn Peak.

Moreover, besides being powerful, it is also very complex.

At least, Ye Xinghe felt it in an instant.

These eight rules seemed to come from three different people.

Moreover, it was not that you gave three and I gave two, and they were put together like this.

Instead, these three different people seemed to have refined eight rules.

Moreover, their eight rules were somewhat similar.

Therefore, the three were mixed together.

Because of this, it could be barely controlled by one person.

But the problem is that this was not cultivated by himself after all.

It was huge, but Yun Linchen had some difficulty controlling it.

It felt a little out of control in an instant.

But this kind of out of control was not a bad thing for him.

Because the out-of-control rules would not devour the master.

Instead, they would tear the enemy in front of him to pieces.

Ye Xinghe felt as if he was facing two or three Nascent Soul Seventh Turn strong men in an instant.

And the others also sensed this scene.

They were all amazed in their hearts.

"Is this the foundation of the ancient Yunlong clan? The people who came out of it are so strong!"

Han Bingxian also frowned slightly and said in a deep voice: "Ye Beichen, if it is not an opponent, I will take action. Don't give up your life rashly."

Yun Linchen laughed wildly: "You have seen how powerful your grandfather is!"

Ye Xinghe did not turn his head at this time and asked calmly: "Elder, Yun Linchen obviously wants to kill me. I want to ask if private fighting and killing each other are prohibited in the ancient Yunlong clan?"

Han Bingxian said calmly: "In the ancient Yunlong clan, private fighting and fighting are encouraged, but killing is not prohibited."

Yun Linchen laughed wildly: "Why, kid, I am afraid you are not my opponent, and you want to use rules to restrict me."

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