Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3238 The goal is achieved

Chapter 3238 The goal is achieved!

"What a pity, I have to disappoint you!"

"In the ancient Yunlong clan, you will not be punished at all if you kill your opponent during a fight!"

After receiving a positive reply from the Ice Immortal, Ye Xinghe shook his head and said with a smile: "You are overthinking. Since there will be no trouble in killing you, then I am relieved."

After saying these words, Yun Linchen suddenly felt an extreme sense of danger in his heart.

He became even more furious instantly.

"Why do I feel this way?"

"He's just an ant. How can he be dangerous to me? What should I be afraid of?"

He pushed forward the power of rules even more violently, killing Ye Xinghe.

At this time, behind Ye Xinghe, Nascent Soul suddenly appeared.

The second stage of Zhu Jiuyin's Eyes suddenly started.

The huge pupils blinked quietly, and the purple light lines flashed slightly.

But Yun Linchen only felt that a beam of light passed through all his rules.

It enveloped himself.

He wanted to run away and hide.

But at this time, there is no way to escape or hide.

With that beam of light shining on him, he could only wait to die.

He could clearly feel how terrifying this beam of light was.

Then, he felt that his body began to become extremely weak.

His body, bones, and internal organs.

All his strength began to wither.

He felt for a moment that it was extremely difficult for him to even breathe.

A word came to his mind for no apparent reason.

The five degenerates of heaven and man.

At this time, everyone was even more horrified.

They saw that Yun Linchen was aging rapidly.

In an instant, he was already dying, with only one breath left.

The breath is also rapidly aging and withering.

It seems that he still has hundreds of years or even longer life left.

At this moment, everything disappeared!

The deprivation of the rest of life suddenly started, making the Nascent Soul invincible below rank eight.

No matter how strong Yun Linchen is, he can't beat him.

This is the horror of being deprived of the rest of your life, treating everyone equally!

Yun Linchen's breathing had become rapid at this moment.

He stared at Ye Xinghe, and only a few words came out from his dry lips.

"I regret it so much!"

The next moment, his body declined heavily and he lost his breath.

"Yun Linchen is actually dead!"

"Oh my god, Yun Linchen is the best in the clan, but he killed him with just one move. Why is this newcomer so strong!"

Although they are reckless and violent, they are not fools.

He was instantly shocked by Ye Xinghe.

Seeing Ye Xinghe's eyes sweeping towards them, the two of them immediately retreated, for fear of being targeted by him as well.

Lu Minyun, Xuan Zhao and even the Ice Immortal were all shocked and speechless.

They had heard from Ye Xinghe before that they wanted to deal with Yun Linchen in one move.

But no one took it to heart, thinking that Ye Beichen was just bluffing.

Unexpectedly, he actually killed Yun Linchen with one move!

Lu Minyun's eyes showed deep fear.

Don't know what to think.

Sun Qingyao cheered happily, jumped and shouted: "Ye Beichen, you have made great progress this year, you are so awesome, you kill well!"

Xuan Zhao sighed softly.

After signing a slave contract with Ye Xinghe before, he was still unwilling to accept it and wanted to break away.

But now it seems that my hope of relief is getting slimmer.

After the Ice Immortal was stunned, he patted Ye Xinghe on the shoulder: "Good boy, don't worry, if anything happens, I'll take care of you!"

Ye Xinghe immediately checked his Nascent Soul.

Then he breathed a sigh of relief.

After using life deprivation this time, it was his Yellow Sand Rule ancestor who disappeared.

Ye Xinghe felt a little regretful, but there was nothing he could do.

Ye Xinghe wanted to find a refined rule from the Heaven-Swallowing Divine Cauldron and fill it into Nascent Soul.

He has no special requirements for this rule, he can make up the numbers anyway.

Just let your level fall.

But after thinking about it, I gave up.

Next, I am afraid there will be a better choice among the Yunlong Ancient Clan.

Then, he glanced to the side in a thoughtful manner.

His move actually seemed quite reckless.

After all, he killed the other person when he first arrived.

Moreover, his strength was shown.

In this way, the tree attracts the wind and makes enemies.

It also consumes the opportunity to use the Zhu Jiuyin Pupil once every two months.

Seems rather unwise.

But this was all done intentionally by Ye Xinghe.

He just wants to attract the attention of those secretly watching eyes.

If you take it seriously, many things you do next will become easier.

Sure enough, Ye Xinghe felt it.

The breath in the void fluctuated slightly.

Then it disappeared.

Ye Xinghe took a gentle breath, knowing that his goal had been achieved.

Yun Linchen was beheaded, and the other two people did not dare to go up.

Soon, a strange-looking monster was pulled out from the valley not far away.

This monster is not big, only a hundred meters long.

The whole body is white, and there are thick clouds surrounding the body.

There are four wings between its ribs.

Its body does not seem to be solid, as if it is made of clouds.

A member of the Yunlong Ancient Clan explained: "This thing is called the Huayun Divine Dragon. It is extremely fast. Riding on it, you can reach the clan in seven days."

Several people collected the corpses of their companions and stepped onto the Cloud-Transforming Divine Dragon.

In an instant, the Cloud Transformation Dragon merged into the air and moved forward at an extremely fast speed.

Much faster than a flying boat.

When people stand on it, the clouds can change into tables, chairs and benches according to their mood.

Even the bed cabin.

You can take a rest without feeling bored.

There were no surprises in the next three days.

And everyone is actually relatively relaxed.

After all, they have entered the scope of the Yunlong Ancient Clan.

Moreover, the opponent has lost the opportunity and is naturally unlikely to attack again.

But on the fourth day, something unexpected happened.

When everyone passed by a sea of ​​clouds, they suddenly emerged from the sea of ​​clouds.

A full fifty or sixty black light beams shot out.

The black divine light instantly pierced the body of the Cloud Transformation Dragon.

On the surface of its body, dozens of large holes were created.

The Cloud Transformation Dragon let out a shrill scream.

The clouds turn over and heal the wounds.

But the speed suddenly dropped.

Taking this opportunity, many powerful men from the God Buried Ancient Clan burst out from the clouds in an instant.

A more ferocious raid was launched than before.

This time, there were actually three envoys in white and eleven envoys in black.

Dozens of black lights shot through.

The Ice Immortal tried his best to protect himself.

But he could only guard against the ten-foot-long giant divine light of annihilation shot by the three white-clothed messengers.

Many others were missed.

Screams rang out, and two more people died.

One of them is a disciple of the Yunlong Ancient Clan, and the other is a companion of Ye Xinghe and others.

The Ice Immortal was completely furious.

"This is the end of your God-Burying Ancient Clan, right?"

"You know I'm here, but you still come here again and again. Do you really think I'm a dead person?"

As he roared, the power of the rules was pushed to the extreme.

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