Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3240 Trouble is coming

Chapter 3240 Trouble is coming!

Moreover, this year's resources may not be allocated to ourselves again, which would be a huge loss.

He immediately made a decision and took two steps back.

Sure enough, Ye Xinghe's goal was achieved.

In fact, from the time he killed Yun Linchen, he was planning a plan.

Even if you frame others, you also put yourself in the game.

He just wants everyone to form an impression.

Ye Beichen is extremely powerful, fierce, domineering, wild and wanton.

He would fight with others at every turn.

He is a simple-minded and reckless person.

But he is also a reckless person who is extremely difficult to offend.

Generally no one wants to mess with this kind of person.

For example, Yun Lichen is a little afraid to provoke him now.

He gritted his teeth and glared at Ye Xinghe, but he did not dare to take action here.

"Okay, Ye Beichen, just wait for me, one day you will regret it!"

After that, he turned and left.

Ye Xinghe laughed wildly and said: "If you don't have the ability, don't pretend, it's embarrassing!"

Looking at the direction in which he left, Ye Xinghe knew that his goal had been achieved.

The Yunlong Ancient Clan will despise him again, but at the same time be afraid of him.

This is what Ye Xinghe wants.

He wanted to make the Yunlong Ancient Clan feel that he was talented enough, strong enough, simple-minded enough, and ruthless enough.

This kind of person is naturally the best candidate for a thug.

In this way, the Yunlong Ancient Clan could relax its vigilance against him and at the same time throw enough resources at him.

But when Yun Lichen left.

The resentment revealed in his eyes was also known to everyone.

This matter will not end that easily.

However, after a while, Yun Lichen turned back again.

But behind him, there were still two people following him.

These two people are also wearing the robes of the Yunlong Ancient Clan.

However, it is not white clothes, but red clothes.

There was a look of vigilance in the eyes of the Ice Immortal, and he whispered: "They are the red-robed elders of the Yunlong Ancient Clan. Their rank is not too high, but they are already beyond the scope of ordinary disciples."

"Among the ancient Yunlong clan, those who are in charge are often responsible for their own affairs, and their strength is also quite high."

Ye Xinghe looked a little unconcerned and asked in a low voice: "How does the power compare to you?"

The Ice Immortal chuckled: "I am the elder Jie Yin, and they can't compete with me."

"It's just that they have been in the family for a long time, are familiar with each other, and have deep relationships."

"In terms of power, I may not be able to compare with them."

After saying that, he gave Ye Xinghe a thoughtful look.

Ye Xinghe understood what he meant.

This is to allow yourself to be as patient as possible and not to cause trouble.

Otherwise, the Ice Immortal would not be able to stand up for himself.

While speaking, Yun Lichen had already brought two red-robed elders to the front.

He pointed at Ye Xinghe, with a bit of resentment on his face.

He gritted his teeth and said to one of the tall and strong red-robed elders with scars on his face: "Elder, he was the one who killed my brother, and he just spoke rudely to me!"

"If such a person enters our ancient Yunlong clan, it will be a great disaster to us!"

The elder glanced at Ye Xinghe, his eyes looking down.

He said coldly: "Is what Li Chen said true?"

Ye Xinghe said calmly: "The reason why I killed Yun Linchen was because he was stubborn in his duties and made a big mistake. I asked the Ice Immortal Elder that this does not count as breaking the rules of the sect."

"As for Yun Lichen, he himself is not strong enough and does not dare to fight against me. Can he blame others?"

Unexpectedly, he dared to speak to me in this tone.

The red-robed elder was slightly stunned.

Then, a look of ferocity appeared on his face.

"What a sharp-tongued boy, yet he dares to talk to me with such an attitude, he's looking for death!"

Saying that, he slowly approached Ye Xinghe.

The Ice Immortal's face changed slightly, and he whispered: "It's Yun Min, it's a bit troublesome!"

"Yun Min has a very bad reputation among the ancient Yunlong clan. He is known for protecting his shortcomings and acting domineeringly without caring about the consequences."

"But he is very powerful, and he is a direct descendant of the family. He has very good relationships with many powerful people in the family, so no one dares to offend him easily."

But then, the Ice Immortal showed a look of determination on his face.

He said in a deep voice: "Don't worry, I will stop him for you. As long as I am here today, no one can touch you!"

While speaking, Yun Min suddenly let out a loud roar, and in an instant he came in front of everyone and slapped out a palm.

The power of rules with incomparable hatred surged crazily.

In an instant, everything around Ye Xinghe's body was enveloped, making it impossible for him to escape.

He felt that the power of this rule was powerful and surging, much stronger than Yun Linchen.

Just like a stormy sea.

And he is that lone boat, and he may be smashed to pieces at any time.

The strength of the eighth level of Nascent Soul is fully revealed.

A cold light flashed in Ye Xinghe's eyes.

Yun Min wanted to kill him right here!

This person is really reckless and brutal in his actions.

But the Ice Immortal was stronger than him, so he didn't show any weakness and went straight to meet him.

His cultivation level is stronger than the eighth level of Nascent Soul, so he will naturally not be afraid of Yun Min.

But it seemed that he had expected that he would do this, and a hint of sarcasm flashed in Yun Min's eyes.

He winked at the red-robed elder next to him.

The red-robed elder waved his hand, and a token about half a foot long appeared in his hand.

On the token, there is a moiré pattern on the back.

On the front is written a big character, Zhen.

As the token was raised high, a light flashed from it.

The figures passing by the Ice Immortal and Yun Min seemed to be distinguishing something.

And when it discovered that the Ice Immortal was attacking Yun Min, it shone with an extremely bright light.

A giant "zhen" character flew out from above.

With a 'bang' sound, it hit the Ice Immortal.

Not only did he hit the Ice Immortal, he took two steps back.

Moreover, the giant characters floated above his head, completely suppressing him.

Unable to move at all.

Yun Min said with sarcasm on his face: "You are just a bitch. You are just a dog raised by our ancient Yunlong clan. You still dare to show your teeth to your master. Do you have the qualifications to do it?"

It turns out that this thing is a treasure among his clan, but it is not very common.

This treasure contains great power.

Once you discover a non-direct lineage among the Yunlong Ancient Clan, you dare to take action against the direct lineage.

Then, the non-direct lineage will be suppressed immediately, making it impossible to display their cultivation.

After all, their entire cultivation was given by the Yunlong Ancient Clan.

It is a very simple matter for the Yunlong Ancient Clan to suppress them.

The Ice Immortal roared repeatedly, but his own cultivation was simply unable to use it.

At this moment, his heart was filled with extreme humiliation and he roared wildly.

But it’s just a matter of hope.

Yun Min, Yun Lichen and others laughed wildly.

Yun Min's palm fell directly towards Ye Xinghe.

But at this time, Ye Xinghe's eyes flashed with an unspeakable high-spirited fighting spirit.

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