Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3242 Rules

Chapter 3242 Rules!

Long Jingxi nodded, looked at Ye Xinghe deeply, and left quickly.

From beginning to end, he did not pay attention to other people.

Obviously, in his eyes, except Ye Xinghe, everyone else is not worth mentioning.

Not worthy of his extra glance.

Not to mention making arrangements.

After he left, Ye Xinghe smiled in the depths of his drooping eyes.

"Sure enough!"

He could feel it very clearly.

This breath was the breath that had been spying on him these days.

Obviously, Long Jingxi was quite special in the Yunlong Ancient Clan.

He should have the responsibility of selecting talents.

And everything he showed during that period of time.

There is no doubt that he was appreciated by him.

Ye Xinghe said in his heart: "With him, my plan in the Yunlong Ancient Clan should be able to go more smoothly."

When Long Jingxi was here just now, Yun Min nodded and bowed, with a flattering face.

But as soon as he left, Yun Min's eyes immediately became resentful.

However, he did not dare to attack Ye Xinghe again.

After all, Long Jingxi had just spoken, and he dared not ignore Long Jingxi's words.

However, if he could not do it openly, he could do it secretly.

Soon, he took Ye Xinghe through the family's location.

Came to the vast mountains behind.

Below and behind the 100,000-mile-long Huayun Dragon.

This place is also part of the Great Tianlong Mountain Range.

The mountains are high and the forests are dense, and the spiritual energy is extremely abundant.

Moreover, Ye Xinghe could clearly feel it when he walked in it.

There are some extremely powerful spiritual creatures in it.

Not only are there demon saints, but some seem to be medicines.

These spiritual herbs and medicines have already become intelligent.

In the mountains and forests, they are running fast, and it is difficult to find their traces.

Soon, Yun Min took Ye Xinghe to the top of a mountain.

Here is a huge house that can accommodate thousands of people.

Yun Min kicked the closed door open, walked in and shouted: "Boys, newcomers are here!"

As soon as the words fell, many people came out of the rooms in the courtyard.

This place can accommodate thousands of people.

But in fact, there are not so many people living here.

Ye Xinghe glanced and saw that there were less than a hundred people.

Yun Min said lightly: "This is Ye Beichen, a newcomer who just joined the family this year. He doesn't know much about the family rules. He will work in the Spiritual Medicine Hall in the future."

"Like you, you need to hand in a dragon blood ginseng every day."

Everyone's eyes fell on Ye Xinghe.

Then, Yun Min smiled maliciously, hooked his finger, and said lightly: "Yun Yangtian, where is Long Zhan?"

Yun Yangtian was a fat man, with a bit of murderous and fierce aura all over his body.

He smiled flatteringly and replied: "Elder, the boss got the news this morning that a top-grade dragon blood ginseng was born, and he took people to capture it."

"If you have anything to do, just tell me!"

Yun Min pointed at Ye Xinghe and said lightly: "This Ye Beichen is handed over to you. Teach him the rules. After all, he is a newcomer and doesn't know anything when he first comes."

Yun Yangtian understood and immediately showed a ferocious look on his face.

He rubbed his fists and said: "Elder, don't worry, I understand!"

Yun Min laughed, glanced at Ye Xinghe with resentment, and left.

With a 'bang', the door closed.

As if everything here was blocked from the outside world.

At this time, there was no curiosity in the eyes of everyone looking at Ye Xinghe.

There was only full of pity.

"I don't know what happened to this new guy, he offended Elder Yun Min."

"He is really bold, he even dared to offend Elder Yun Min, everyone knows that he is the most petty, vindictive!"

"Alas, it seems that Yun Min is not convenient to deal with him himself, so he handed it over to Yun Yangtian."

"This is normal. After all, there are some disputes among disciples, and no one can say anything if someone dies."

And Yun Yangtian has already walked up with a grin.

Not only him, but also several people next to him.

Obviously, these are all his followers.

Ye Xinghe glanced and found that their strength was not weak.

Generally, they are in the seventh turn of the Nascent Soul.

But unfortunately, that is for others.

For Ye Xinghe, this is nothing.

After swallowing the previous annihilation divine light, his divine right arm has evolved again.

If combined with the rules of the inner demon.

It is more than enough to deal with these people.

Yun Yangtian walked forward and said with a chuckle: "I don't know why you offended Elder Yun Min, but since he asked me to teach you the rules, I can only do it!"

"Don't blame others, blame yourself for being blind and offending someone you shouldn't offend!"

Ye Xinghe said leisurely: "Oh, I don't know how you want to teach me the rules, will anyone die?"

Yun Yangtian thought he was scared at this moment and was giving in.

He laughed wildly: "Of course it will be a death, you don't want to get out alive today!"

"Is that so!"

Ye Xinghe nodded and said: "Okay, I know."

Yun Yangtian was stunned.

"What kind of attitude is this?"

He never thought that Ye Beichen would respond like this.

This is completely not taking himself and others seriously.

Yun Yangtian had a gloomy face and waved his hand.

"Go on, kill him!"

The three people, including him, rushed towards Ye Xinghe.

The surrounding disciples who were watching all walked to the side in a somewhat bored manner.

"Let's break up, let's break up, it's not interesting."

"Yes, if three people are besieging him, if he can still pull out some tricks, he will definitely die!"

They had seen this kind of scene so many times that they didn’t even bother to look at it again.

But at this moment, Ye Xinghe let out a long roar when facing the three people who were attacking.

Then, the rules of the inner demon suddenly activated, directly blasting towards Yun Yangtian.

Green light spread out.

In an instant, Yun Yangtian's spiritual world seemed to be torn apart.

The pain made him scream and wail in agony.

Ye Xinghe stepped forward instantly, and God's right arm fell hard.

After absorbing the divine light of annihilation before, Ye Xinghe's divine right arm has made further progress.

This punch fell and shattered Yun Yangtian's heart.

He didn't even have time to scream before he died immediately.

Seeing this scene, the other two followers who originally rushed towards Ye Xinghe froze on the spot.

The next moment, they saw Ye Xinghe grinning at them.

Then, he rushed towards the two people.

The two of them woke up as if from a dream. Only then did they realize what had happened, and a great fear suddenly surged in their hearts.

With a face full of panic, he ran away.

Ye Xinghe will not let them go.

Just now these two people also had murderous intentions towards him.

Moreover, they have done this kind of thing countless times.

No one knows how many lives were lost at their hands.

Ye Xinghe's body flashed and the rules of space were thrown out.

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