Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3243 I have the final say here

Chapter 3243 I have the final say here!

Immediately, the space cage sealed the two people inside.

The two people clashed left and right inside, and it took a moment to break it.

And this moment of time is enough for Ye Xinghe.

He came straight in front of him and waved out the god's right arm one after another.

The offensive fell and these two people were killed.

In an instant, Yun Yangtian and the other three were killed by Ye Xinghe.

Three corpses fell in front of everyone and were placed in the courtyard.

For a moment, there was silence in the courtyard.

Everyone was shocked.

They looked down at the three corpses and then at Ye Xinghe.

There was a look of disbelief in his eyes.

This newcomer looks like he is only the fifth version of Nascent Soul, and his strength can only be considered ordinary or even low.

In the end, no one expected that he would kill Yun Yangtian and three others in an instant!

Yun Yangtian and the others have always been domineering in this elixir palace.

But they are extremely powerful and no one dares to provoke them.

This newcomer named Ye Beichen is a bit scary!

There was a lot of awe in their eyes when they looked at Ye Xinghe.

And Ye Xinghe didn't bother to care what others thought.

He glanced at everyone and asked calmly: "Which room is still empty?"

A disciple pointed to the east wing cautiously and said, "There are more than 20 residences there, but no one is living in them yet."

Ye Xinghe nodded and said: "Okay."

He walked straight over there under the complicated gazes of everyone.

I found a random room and walked in.

I found that although it was not luxurious inside, the space was quite small.

There are tables, chairs and beds, so it’s clean and tidy.

Ye Xinghe lay on the bed and breathed a sigh of relief.

Although, with his current cultivation level, he no longer needs to sleep.

However, all this running around and intrigues also made him physically and mentally exhausted.

At this time, relax and feel indescribably comfortable.

Ye Xinghe squinted his eyes and considered whether there were any mistakes along the way.

Thinking about the next plan.

At this time, the whispers of people outside also reached his ears.

"Ye Beichen is so powerful. Brothers, please tell me if you want to go in and get close to him. There will be someone to take care of him in the future."

"Yes, I think so too. I think Ye Beichen has good character. If he has his backing, he will be much more comfortable than Yun Yangtian and the others."

But there was also a voice, whispering: "Are you crazy? Don't forget, Yun Yangtian is the one who died, but Long Zhan is still alive!"

"Think about it, with his temperament, will he be able to spare Ye Beichen when he comes back!"

Upon hearing this name, there was an unspeakable fear in everyone's voices.

The voice just now fell silent immediately, and no one mentioned it again.

Obviously, they were all afraid of Long Zhan to the core.

Ye Xinghe chuckled and was too lazy to pay attention.

About an hour or two later.

Suddenly, the already silent courtyard outside became lively again.

A rough voice laughed wildly: "I'm back!"

There were also noisy sounds nearby.

But then, that rough voice became extremely surprised.

"How is this going?"

"Whoever killed Yun Yangtian, damn it, is seeking death!"

"Who did this?"

He roared wildly.

At this moment, everyone in the courtyard was frightened and did not dare to look at him.

Long Zhan got angry, but no one recognized him.

Someone took courage and pointed to one of the east wing rooms.

Looking at everyone's expressions, Long Zhan could guess something.

He sneered and said: "It seems that there is a capable person in our elixir palace!"

"I want to see who dares to kill me when I first come here!"

After that, he rushed straight into the room.

The next moment, everyone heard a curse coming from behind the door.

Then, it turned into a shrill scream.

Then, the sound was silent and there was no more movement.

Everyone was dumbfounded and looked at each other.

"Is this the end?"

"Who won, Long Zhan or Ye Beichen?"

The next moment, they knew the answer.

With a bang, a body was thrown out of the door.

It is Long Zhan.

However, he was no longer breathing at this moment.

The crowd was in an uproar and screamed one after another.

"Ye Beichen actually killed Long Zhan!"

"Long Zhan is at the peak of the seventh level of the Nascent Soul. He kills as soon as he is told. This is too powerful!"

"Is this Ye Beichen a newcomer? Why is he so scary!"

"Yes, I haven't seen such a scary newcomer in years!"

There are also people with meaningful expressions on their faces.

"The world of our Spiritual Medicine Palace is about to change!"

At this time, Ye Xinghe walked out of the room, clapped his hands, and looked at everyone with a leisurely look on his face.

He said calmly: "Is there anyone still dissatisfied?"

Everyone was naturally silent, no one dared to speak.

Ye Xinghe's eyes focused on Long Zhan's followers.

Those people were startled, backed away, and quickly explained.

"I dare not refuse. I was forced to follow Long Zhan before!"

They were afraid that they would also be killed by Ye Beichen.

After all, even Long Zhan is no match, and it will be useless for them to fight together.

"Just be convinced."

Ye Xinghe said calmly: "From now on, I have the final say here."

Everyone nodded.

They were naturally convinced of Ye Xinghe at this moment.

Moreover, it seems that the newcomer Ye Beichen is not difficult to get along with.

The night passed in a hurry.

Early the next morning, when the morning glow rose.

The elixir palace was already bustling with activity.

Everyone was getting ready to go out.

Ye Xinghe also walked out of the room at this time.

He now also knows the rules of this elixir palace.

The Spiritual Medicine Hall actually has only one responsibility, and that is to hunt dragon blood ginseng everywhere.

Dragon blood ginseng is a special elixir in the area where the ancient Yunlong tribe is located.

This elixir is extremely precious and special.

The outside world has never heard of it, let alone seeing it.

At least, even someone as knowledgeable as Ye Xinghe didn’t know about the existence of dragon blood ginseng.

The growing environment of this thing is extremely picky.

It is said that there used to be a fierce battle between divine dragons in the sky above where the ancient Yunlong clan was.

The blood of the divine dragon spilled across the sky and poured onto a mountain forest.

Then, it’s because this mountain forest doesn’t see sunlight all year round.

There are also other stringent conditions.

In addition, after the Yunlong Ancient Clan came here, they used formations to nourish and cultivate it.

Only then did dragon blood ginseng grow in this area of ​​about 30,000 miles.

Dragon Blood Ginseng is an extremely precious resource for the Yunlong Ancient Clan.

It has only one effect, and that is to strengthen the body.

After swallowing it, the body will automatically cut off the hair and cleanse the marrow every day, and the blood will rise.

The physical body becomes stronger day by day.

And they have a huge demand for dragon blood ginseng.

People like them in the Spiritual Medicine Hall need to hand in a Dragon Blood Ginseng every day.

After hearing this, Ye Xinghe frowned slightly and had some thoughts in his heart.

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