Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3257 Crisis

Chapter 3257 Crisis!

It seems that this object is not just a token, but a key to a certain place.

Long Jingxi smiled and said: "Ye Beichen, I saw you right. After your performance during this period, you have passed the family's assessment."

"Three months later, I will take you into the most mysterious and important place of our ancient Yunlong clan, where you will go to receive the inheritance!"

Hearing this, everyone had a look of envy on their faces.

Their biggest purpose in entering the Yunlong Ancient Clan is to accept the inheritance of this terrifying and mysterious force.

It is said that the inheritance of the Yunlong Ancient Clan is extremely special and unique in the world.

Looking at the Xuanhuang world, there are countless top-notch magical powers.

Those who accept the inheritance will greatly increase their strength.

At the lowest level, it can break through a big realm.

Those with high talent and suitable fit can even break through to more great realms!

You know, at their level.

Often, reaching a great realm requires decades or hundreds of years of cultivation.

This inheritance is equivalent to hundreds of years of cultivation, so no one would be tempted by it!

Although everyone knows that there is a high probability that one will die if one accepts the inheritance of the Yunlong Ancient Clan.

But everyone is still rushing to get a chance.

After all, many people have stopped moving forward after reaching this level of cultivation.

Compared with the desperate situation of being stuck in this state for hundreds of years with no hope.

Death is not necessarily a terrible thing.

What's more, you can still survive in death and take a chance on life.

However, it is extremely difficult to obtain inheritance.

Everyone is waiting.

But he didn't expect that Ye Beichen, who had only been here a few months, would have this opportunity.

However, no one was jealous.

Everyone can see Ye Beichen's ability.

Ye Xinghe also showed unspeakable excitement.

Naturally, I thanked Long Jingxi again.

Long Jingxi smiled and patted him on the shoulder, with a deep look in his eyes and said: "Find out what your most important rules are, and recognize what you want."

"When you receive inheritance, your chances of promotion and survival will become much higher!"

Ye Xinghe looked at the pointing meaning in his eyes, thoughtfully.

I know that these few sentences involve the deepest secret of this inheritance and its original rules.

He kept it in mind, nodded and said, "Elder, please don't worry!"

Long Jingxi and others then left.

Everyone in the Spiritual Medicine Hall came to congratulate Ye Xinghe.

There was also a close follower of Ye Xinghe who proposed to let him be the host.

Ye Xinghe was not willing to dampen everyone's interest at this time.

Just find someone to buy a lot of spiritual wine.

This spiritual wine is brewed from special spiritual herbs and elixirs mixed with various heavenly and earthly treasures.

The wine is very strong.

Even high-level monks like them would feel dizzy after drinking it.

In the evening of that day, everyone in the Spiritual Medicine Hall gathered together.

Amid the bonfire at night, drink happily and get hungover all night.

Many people drank too much.

Watching the various expressions of the crowd and watching the bonfire rise.

Looking at the huge cloud-transforming dragon that spans a hundred thousand miles under the blue-black sky.

Ye Xinghe's eyes were deep and clear, and there was no hint of drunkenness.

However, his goal was finally achieved and he felt a little more relaxed.

At midnight, he was just preparing to practice in his room.

There was a soft sound of 'chi'.

But something penetrated the outside window and fell directly on his bed.

Ye Xinghe raised his eyebrows, and a flash of caution flashed in his heart.

He quickly opened the door and came outside.

The breath suddenly splashed out and enveloped the entire elixir palace.

But no movement was found, and it seemed that no one had been here at all.

In the courtyard, everyone was still cheering and drinking, bonfires were burning, and it was extremely lively.

There didn't seem to be anything strange among the crowd.

Ye Xinghe returned to the room and saw it.

The thing thrown in was a small jade slip.

There are two lines of words engraved on it.

In an instant, Ye Xinghe's heart was beating wildly and his eyes were blood red.

He clenched his fists and adjusted to his strongest state.

He glanced around with extremely vigilant eyes, almost ready to take action.

It turned out that the two lines of words engraved on this moment turned out to be the biggest secret involving him!

Ye Xinghe instantly thought that his matter had been exposed.

At this moment, the strong men of the Yunlong Ancient Clan were lying in ambush nearby.

It turns out that it clearly says:

"Ye Beichen, you colluded with the Ancient God Burial Clan."

"We will meet at the family gate in three days."

There are only a few words.

He didn't say what would happen if Ye Xinghe didn't go.

But the threat inside was coming to his face.

It made Ye Xinghe shudder in his heart.

"Someone actually knows about me and the God Buried Ancient Clan, and someone is actually keeping an eye on me!"

"What does he know?"

"Does he know my true origin?"

"Does he know that I come from the Lieyang Dynasty?"

"Does he know about my plan?"

In an instant, countless chaotic thoughts flashed through Ye Xinghe's mind.

He gritted his teeth and forced himself to calm down.

Unexpectedly, there was a pair of eyes staring at him in the dark.

Observe every move you make.

Even, he knew his identity.


Among the ancient Yunlong clan, there is indeed a crouching tiger, hidden dragon!

Even though he concealed himself so deeply, he was still discovered.

However, Ye Xinghe was certain of one thing at this time.

That is, this person really wants to blackmail himself and get benefits from himself.

Therefore, he did not tell other people of the Yunlong Ancient Clan about this matter.

So, I am safe for now.

After confirming this matter, Ye Xinghe's mind became extremely clear and he analyzed quickly.

There are two possibilities.

First, this person should be from the Spiritual Medicine Hall, and he accidentally discovered his secret.

Want to get some benefits.

Therefore, after throwing this thing in just now, he could quickly sneak into the crowd.

Make yourself invisible.

Second, this person is not from the Spiritual Medicine Hall.

Then his strength is a bit scary!

Even if he does it himself, he may not be his opponent.

After his quick summons just now, he left quickly.

At this level of cultivation, Ye Xinghe felt that he should not be able to do it.

If it's the second possibility, that's troublesome.

The place where he asked Ye Xinghe to meet was at the family's mountain gate.

This place is also quite special, located at the tail of Huayun Shenlong.

It is the gate of the Yunlong Ancient Clan.

If you want to enter the Yunlong Ancient Clan, you basically have to pass by there.

But it’s not something that just a casual disciple can go.

Basically, disciples of a certain strength and level are required to enter and exit the Yunlong Ancient Clan on their own.

For example, most of the ordinary disciples in the Spiritual Medicine Hall are not qualified to enter the family.

It shows that this person has a certain level and strength.

In this case, it will be more difficult to deal with.

Ye Xinghe sat in the room for three whole hours.

By the time it was almost dawn, he already had a plan in mind.

There was a cold look in his eyes.

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