Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3258 The counterattack begins

Chapter 3258 The counterattack begins!

"You dare to plot against me?"

"I'll let you know what regret means!"

Ye Xinghe didn't even go to find Chu Xiaoyun.

Because he knew very well that the God-Burying Ancient Clan was in the open.

If you ask them to get rid of your opponent, it will be easily discovered by your opponent.

Moreover, it is very likely that they will be discovered by the Yunlong Ancient Clan.

By then, things will be unimaginable.

Therefore, we cannot rely on others to solve this matter, we can only solve it ourselves.

As soon as the day broke, Ye Xinghe took many disciples of the Spiritual Medicine Hall to hunt in the back mountain.

Capture dragon blood ginseng and various spiritual herbs and elixirs.

After arriving at the back mountain, he said to a dozen people around him: "Okay, everyone must catch at least one spiritual grass and elixir today. Everyone spread out and go catch it yourself."

Everyone nodded, it was not appropriate to have him around, and left one after another.

This is also normal.

In the past, every time Ye Xinghe brought them here to grab the spiritual herbs and elixirs.

They all asked everyone to spread out and catch them.

Only when they encounter some particularly troublesome and difficult-to-deal with guys will they be summoned to others.

Or simply let Ye Xinghe go and clean up the mess.

Naturally, it will not arouse others' suspicion.

And wait until everyone has dispersed.

Ye Xinghe instantly entered the dense forest in the back mountain, looking for spiritual herbs and elixirs.

But after he entered, it only took a moment.

But he quietly appeared at the top of a big tree next to where he was just now.

Looking around carefully.

He wanted to see if anyone was following him.

But found nothing.

Ye Xinghe smiled slightly and was not discouraged.

Anyway, I didn't expect to find each other so quickly.

He took people into the mountains today, but it was just a pretense.

If he went directly to the Yunlong Ancient Clan, the traces would be too obvious.

People who plot against themselves must be able to guess it.

He was planning a counterattack.

Maybe he will jump over the wall in a hurry.

Therefore, Ye Xinghe wants everything to look the same as usual, without any difference.

He still leads people into the mountains.

Seeing that no one was following him, Ye Xinghe quietly left the back mountain.

Soon, they arrived at the Yunlong Ancient Clan.

With his current status, he can naturally enter and leave the Yunlong Ancient Clan at will.

The ancient Yunlong Clan was built on the body of this 100,000-mile-long Cloud Transformation Dragon.

The area is also vast.

There are countless courtyards along the way.

Among them, a street located in the middle section is quite prosperous.

There are pubs and shops on this street.

Although there are not many, at a glance, there are dozens of them.

There are many, all-encompassing.

Although the Yunlong Ancient Clan is hidden, they are not isolated from the world.

Moreover, people of various ethnic groups live there.

Including foreign surnames, the total sum is always tens of thousands.

These people also have large consumption needs.

Therefore, the family opened such a street here.

The shops inside are all run by families.

It is a considerable source of wealth every year.

Before Ye Xinghe came to hand over the supplies that day, he came here for a walk.

But I didn't pay too much attention to it.

He came to a rather spacious store.

What is sold here are all kinds of spiritual treasures.

After Ye Xinghe came in, he felt dazzled.

There are a lot of spiritual treasures here.

The store doesn't look big from the outside, but it's something special inside, with a radius of several hundred meters.

There are hundreds of various shelves.

There are more than a thousand spiritual treasures inside.

Ordinary grade Lingbao has also reached the fourth or fifth grade!

Some high-grade ones even reach the sixth grade.

In other words, it is already on the same level as the Demon Refining Pot.

Ye Xinghe came to a shelf, took out a spiritual treasure from his arms, and crushed it quietly.

Because the breath of Lingbao is everywhere here.

Therefore, it did not cause any abnormalities.

Then, he pretended to pick the Lingbao casually.

About a moment later, a man dressed as a young scholar also walked in.

He glanced slightly, and then pretended to be casually selecting spiritual treasures on the container.

Soon, they arrived next to Ye Xinghe.

The two of them were back to back, only three feet apart.

A subtle voice reached Ye Xinghe's ears.

"Young Master really knows how to choose a place. We meet here. The aura of Lingbao is everywhere and the aura is messy. No one can catch the traces of our meeting."

Ye Xinghe smiled lowly.

This was the meeting place he had planned last night.

If it is somewhere else, either through sound transmission or through a spiritual treasure.

All of them may attract the attention of the Yunlong Ancient Clan.

However, there is no problem here.

There are too many Lingbao auras here, it’s so chaotic that there’s no way to check them.

The person who came was naturally Lan Yunxi.

It turned out that Lan Yunxi came here with the fifth princess.

The Yunlong Ancient Clan's attitude towards them was very strange.

Each team was assigned a courtyard to live in.

Some resources were also distributed to them.

He was even given some magical powers, secrets, etc.

An elder was assigned to each courtyard so that they could ask for advice if they had any questions.

But it didn't say what the next step would be for them.

Just leave them there.

However, they are not prohibited from entering and exiting on their own.

That's why Lan Yunxi came to see Ye Xinghe so quickly.

Ye Xinghe didn't waste any time and immediately told him about the predicament he was currently facing.

After hearing this, Lan Yunxi also frowned deeply.

I didn't expect that such a change would occur.

However, he is a man who has lived for tens of thousands of years, has rich experience and is very sophisticated.

Several possibilities were immediately deduced.

After talking to Ye Xinghe, Ye Xinghe was also inspired.

Then I revised the plan and told him.

After listening, Lan Yunxi pondered for a moment, then nodded and said, "Young Master, I think this can be done."

"Don't worry, as long as there is something strange about someone, they will never escape my eyes!"

Ye Xinghe nodded.

The two quickly thought over the entire plan again.

After making sure there was nothing wrong, they quickly left.

It turned out that Ye Xinghe made a decision immediately last night.

Definitely not going to the appointment!

What if he tipped off other people from the Yunlong Ancient Clan and set a trap there to wait for him.

If you go there, you will fall into a trap.

Moreover, Ye Xinghe also figured it out at this moment.

This person did not immediately report to the Yunlong Ancient Clan.

Mostly because he has no actual evidence.

But if he throws himself into a trap and is heard by other people from the Yunlong Ancient Clan.

Then, there will be no chance for a comeback.

A sharp look flashed in Ye Xinghe's eyes.

"Then I'll find you within three days and kill you!"

This is Ye Xinghe's best way to fight back.

Never follow other people's plans!

Early the next morning, Ye Xinghe brought everyone from the Spiritual Medicine Hall and the Life Hall.

First go collect the Life Stone, and then go hunting in the back mountains.

In his words.

"Everyone is under my control now, so don't tell each other apart, and try to help whoever can help."

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