Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3263 The Evolution of Bloodline

Chapter 3263 The Evolution of Bloodline!

"Is there no other way to enhance this annihilating divine light?"

He still didn't give up.

Chu Xiaoyun laughed and said: "Of course not. If you don't have resources to accumulate and only rely on blood to practice, how long will it take to practice?"

"In fact, the spiritual treasures we eat and use every day will help improve the bloodline of the Burial God."

"For example, this."

As he spoke, he took out a crystal box.

When he opened it, there were three fruits as big as lychees.

Each one is completely black and looks a little ferocious and strange.

There are still black rays of light emitting from it.

The aura in this fruit made Ye Xinghe's eyes light up.

The breath of the extinguishing divine light is the same as this.

Obviously, the two are of the same origin.

If his right arm of God could absorb the refining and annihilating divine light.

There's no reason why he can't absorb this God-Burying Fruit.

This thing should greatly improve the right arm of God.

Seeing Ye Xinghe's bright eyes, Chu Xiaoyun felt a little painful.

But in the end, he gritted his teeth and said, "If you want it, I'll give it to you."

This kind of God-Burying Fruit is also extremely precious.

Like the ordinary black-clothed messengers from the God-Burying Ancient Clan, they can only get one piece a year.

There are only three white messengers in a year.

But Chu Xiaoyun was different.

With his status, after this resource is used up, he can also apply for it again from the family.

At this time, he wanted to win over Ye Xinghe.

Therefore, he was not stingy and directly handed all three God Burying Fruits in the crystal box to Ye Xinghe.

Chu Xiaoyun warned carefully: "This kind of God Burying Fruit is extremely powerful. Even those of us with the God Burying bloodline will take several months or even half a year to swallow one, and then we have to refine it carefully."

"You don't have the blood of the Buried God, so be careful and don't swallow it casually, otherwise there will be endless troubles."

Ye Xinghe nodded, smiled and said: "Don't worry, I know what's going on."

After separating from Chu Xiaoyun, Ye Xinghe returned to his residence.

He immediately took out these three God Burying Fruits.

Ye Xinghe did not hesitate, there was no time to waste, and he started refining now.

He followed the method Chu Xiaoyun said.

With a 'pop' sound, the God Burying Fruit was crushed.

However, after it was broken, there was no scene of juice splashing.

Instead, it turned directly into a black light.

In an instant, it was revealed in Ye Xinghe's palm.

Then, like a spiritual being, his palm prints were dyed black.

Then, he made his way up to Ye Xinghe's wrists and elbows.

According to Chu Xiaoyun.

After the God Burying Fruit is crushed, the black light will directly reach the heart.

If they are not from the God Buried Ancient Clan, for them, this is the most powerful poison.

He will be poisoned to death, which is extremely miserable.

But at this moment, the black light transformed from the God Burying Fruit had just entered Ye Xinghe's right hand.

But it seemed as if something had been triggered.

In an instant, Ye Xinghe's blood surged wildly.

In the huge bloodline that is fifteen thousand miles long, blood flows and purple light flashes.

Ye Xinghe's right arm instantly turned into a golden color.

The right arm of God suddenly activated.

And the gray-black light transformed from the God Burying Fruit, after feeling the god's right arm.

It was like a spiritual exclamation.

There was shock and fear inside,

But there is still unspeakable joy.

And Ye Xinghe also sensed it instantly at this moment.

The aura revealed in the God Burying Fruit.

It actually comes from the same source as the aura of God's right arm, and is the same!

Ye Xinghe understood clearly.

"Sure enough, my previous guess was right!"

The God-Buried Ancient Clan is afraid that they have a deep connection with the ancient god's body.

It is very likely that the Ancient God Buried Clan was able to reach this stage because of the body of the Ancient God.

Bury the gods, bury the gods, no wonder they gave such a name.

The black light transformed from the God Burying Fruit was flicked by the god's right arm.

He actually came directly into Ye Xinghe's bloodline.

In the bloodline that was fifteen thousand miles long, there was now an extremely strong black light.

Ye Xinghe finally understood at this time.

"I see!"

"It turns out that this God Burying Fruit is not a simple fruit, it is actually the God Burying Bloodline!"

There is no difference between the bloodline of those from the God Burial Ancient Clan.

Every piece of God Burying Fruit is a bloodline.

The people of the Ancient God Burial Clan devoured it and strengthened themselves.

To put it bluntly, it is to strengthen one's bloodline.

And after outsiders swallowed it, they were poisoned and died.

It's because the body can't bear the blood of the God Burial.

Ye Xinghe stared at the long river of blood below without blinking.

"Can I devour this God Burial bloodline?"

And his bloodline did not let him down.

The black light stirred in his blood like a giant dragon.

Showing extremely terrifying power.

But soon, Ye Xinghe's blood seeped into it.

This huge dragon soon stopped moving.

Then, it dissipated little by little and merged into Ye Xinghe's bloodline.

In an instant, Ye Xinghe's bloodline shook wildly, both sides collapsed, and the bloodline began to widen and lengthen.

Ye Xinghe felt happy.

"The God Burial Fruit is really different, it can actually improve my bloodline!"

Soon, his bloodline grew by a full two thousand miles under the influence of this God Burying Fruit.

Ye Xinghe did not hesitate and crushed the other two God Burying Fruits directly.

The blood surged, absorbing the two god-burial bloodlines.

After absorbing all these two God-Burying bloodlines.

Ye Xinghe's bloodline length has increased from 15,000 miles to 20,000 miles.

A long river of blood that is 20,000 miles long and mighty.

Ye Xinghe thought to himself: "At this time, what will happen if I control the right arm of God with the power of my bloodline?"

The power of his bloodline and his divine right arm complement each other.

The stronger the bloodline, the stronger the god's right arm will be.

The next moment, Ye Xinghe suddenly opened his eyes and punched out.

In an instant, extremely powerful bloodline power poured into the right arm of the god.

The light from his divine right arm became more and more dazzling.

The power has more than doubled than before!

After this punch was fired, Ye Xinghe's expression suddenly changed.

It turned out that he felt that this punch was almost as powerful as the eighth level of Nascent Soul!

"It's actually comparable to the eighth level of Nascent Soul!"

Ye Xinghe's face was filled with surprise as he looked at his fist, which was as if it were made of gold.

If you can kill the eighth level of Nascent Soul.

His survival among the Yunlong Ancient Clan will be greatly improved.

It will also be of great help to your own plans.

Ye Xinghe immediately made up his mind to get more God Burying Fruits from Chu Xiaoyun.

A month later, Ye Xinghe absorbed all three God Burial Fruits and his foundation was solid.

His bloodline is also stable at 20,000 miles in length.

As for the power of God's right arm.

According to his estimation, he should already have the strength of the eighth rank of Nascent Soul.

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