Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3264 Do I have the qualifications?

Chapter 3264 Do I have the qualifications?

But he has not tried yet, so he cannot confirm it now.

Ye Xinghe estimated that his current cultivation level.

It is equivalent to the level of the red-robed elders and black-robed elders in the Yunlong Ancient Clan.

It should be about the same as the white-robed messenger in the Zangshen Ancient Clan.

At this time, there is still a month before he accepts the inheritance.

On this day, he suddenly received a message from Chu Xiaoyun.

Asked him to meet in the back mountain.

Ye Xinghe raised his eyebrows slightly, a little surprised.

During this period of time, it was basically him who asked Chu Xiaoyun to meet.

Chu Xiaoyun was afraid that Ye Xinghe would be discovered by the Yunlong Ancient Clan, so he rarely took the initiative to ask him to meet.

"Could it be that something big happened?"

Ye Xinghe was surprised.

But he still came as promised.

However, when he came to the place where he met Chu Xiaoyun.

He found that a white-robed messenger from the Zangshen Ancient Clan was walking across.

But it was not Chu Xiaoyun.

The auras of the two were completely different.

Moreover, this person has a strong hostility and murderous intent.

Ye Xinghe immediately showed a vigilant look on his face, frowned and asked: "Who are you?"

"Where is Chu Xiaoyun, why didn't he come this time?"

The white-clothed messenger smiled and said: "Chu Xiaoyun has some changes and returned to the family."

"I will come to contact you in the future."

Ye Xinghe was quite unhappy.

For such a major matter, the Burial God Ancient Clan said to change people.

You know, this kind of thing is likely to cause very serious consequences.

But thinking of the big plan, Ye Xinghe endured it.

He said in a deep voice: "Okay, what is the matter with you to see me this time?"

The white-clothed messenger smiled and said: "Nothing, I just want to see what kind of character you are."

"You have the nerve to ask for an eighth-grade spiritual treasure from the Guan family, and you also took the Burial God Fruit from Chu Xiaoyun!"

Upon hearing this, Ye Xinghe's face immediately sank.

The other party's words were full of strong disdain and hostility.

The white-clothed messenger then sneered, "Nothing special, only the fifth stage of the Nascent Soul, looks ordinary."

"With your little strength, you are still an insider, and you are helping us to destroy the Yunlong Ancient Clan. Are you worthy!"

He obviously looked down on Ye Xinghe and mocked him unscrupulously.

Then, he suddenly moved forward.

He grabbed Ye Xinghe with one hand.

He sneered and said, "I'll give you the other things."

"But those three Burial God Fruits are also treasures in the clan. Bring them back to me!"

He was actually going to take action directly and prepare to snatch the Burial God Fruit.

A cold murderous intent flashed in Ye Xinghe's eyes.

Originally, for the sake of the big plan, he wanted to be patient.

Unexpectedly, the white-clothed messenger newly sent by the Burial God Ancient Clan was simply pushing his nose and face, and it was endless.

Not only did he mock.

He even wanted to snatch the Burial God Fruit!

How could Ye Xinghe tolerate him? He sneered and the right arm of the god was launched.

"Then I'll let you have a taste of the power of my right arm of God!"

The messenger in white waved his hand.

A huge ray of annihilation divine light, more than ten feet long, flew directly towards Ye Xinghe.

Ye Xinghe's right arm of God grabbed it directly without any retreat.

His previous right arm of God could not deal with the annihilation divine light shot by the messenger in white.

But it's different now.

A strong sense of dead silence came, and Ye Xinghe was almost discouraged in an instant, and his spirit was almost broken.

The body was also going to break with it.

The power of the annihilation divine light can be imagined.

The right arm of God can restrain it.

Ye Xinghe gritted his teeth, calmed down, and immediately dispelled this feeling.

Then the right arm of God grabbed it fiercely.

In an instant, the annihilation divine light turned into black light spots and scattered into his right hand.

He directly absorbed and refined it.

The right arm of God became a little stronger.

Seeing this scene, the white-clothed messenger's face suddenly showed a look of horror as if he had seen a ghost.

"You, you can actually block my level of annihilation divine light!"

"Only the black-clothed elders of the ancient Yunlong clan can block it!"

Ye Xinghe sneered: "A frog in the well dares to compete with me!"

As he said that, he punched him hard.

The white-clothed messenger no longer had the arrogance and provocation before, and his eyes were full of horror.

He was experienced and not an ordinary person.

Naturally, he knew very well what it meant to be able to withstand his annihilation divine light.

This person's strength is extremely strong, even better than his own!

Only then did he realize why Chu Xiaoyun valued him so much before.

He warned himself thousands of times not to offend him.

He even gave him treasures like the Burial God Fruit.

He immediately regretted it and thought to himself: "Why did I provoke him!"

He quickly took a step back and said with a smile: "No more fighting, no more fighting, it was a misunderstanding before, a misunderstanding!"

Ye Xinghe laughed wildly: "If you say it's a misunderstanding, then it's a misunderstanding. If you say you don't want to fight, then don't fight!"

As he said that, he punched down fiercely.

The white-clothed messenger was horrified.

He felt that the power of this punch was enough to rival the eighth turn of the Nascent Soul!

Seeing this, he gritted his teeth and tried his best, and the power of rules was in full swing.

The Nascent Soul also started to move, pushing to the extreme to resist Ye Xinghe's punch.

With a soft sound of 'chi'.

The power of his rules was shattered.

Then, this punch hit his chest hard.

He screamed in pain and took several steps back.

Although his heart was not shattered, he was already seriously injured.

But Ye Xinghe didn't stop, continued to move forward, and punched out again.

The expression of the messenger in white changed greatly, and he was beaten back several steps again.

This time, he spurted out a mouthful of blood, and several bones in his chest were broken.

Even the heart pulse was slightly injured.

He immediately put down his body and said urgently: "I'm convinced, I'm convinced, how about a truce?"

"I offended you before, so I hope you don't have the same experience as me!"

Ye Xinghe's fist hovered just an inch away from his eyebrows.

He sneered and said, "Do I have the qualifications?"

The messenger in white hurriedly said in a trembling voice: "Yes, of course you are qualified. I was the one who looked down on others before!"

This person was quite capable of bending and stretching, so he gave in immediately.

Ye Xinghe smiled slightly.

He now knows the latest power of his god's right arm.

Basically, it can rival the strong ones at the early stage of the eighth rank of Nascent Soul.

This messenger in white is almost at this level of strength.

The messenger in white showed a respectful expression on his face.

At this time, he finally knew why Chu Xiaoyun admired Ye Beichen so much.

Consider him the best hope for the God Burying Ancient Clan to destroy the Yunlong Ancient Clan.

Why are you willing to spend so much money to win over him!

He said respectfully: "My Lord, Song Yun, I hope you will bear with me in the future!"

Ye Xinghe asked calmly: "Have you brought what I want?"

Song Yun showed a look of pain on his face.

Originally, he had a good idea before.

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