Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3265 Apology

Chapter 3265 Apology!

Although the family had already endured the pain, they took out this spiritual treasure.

And indeed it was placed in his hands.

But he will try every means to delay the time given to Ye Beichen.

Even, in the name of Ye Beichen's lack of strength and unworthy of possessing this thing.

Just grab this treasure.

At that time, this treasure can fall into his hands.

What a beautiful thing it is to get an eighth-grade spiritual treasure for nothing!

But now, it is obviously impossible.

He couldn't afford to offend Ye Beichen at all, so he had to hand over this thing.

He nodded and said: "Eighth-grade defensive spiritual treasures are extremely rare. I searched the family and found nothing suitable."

"Therefore, the family has found a seventh-grade spiritual treasure. Although there are eight-grade treasures, the difference is not big. Master, take a look."

After saying that, he took out something the size of a palm and handed it to Ye Xinghe.

Ye Xinghe saw that this thing was not big, like a small shield.

If you look closely, you will find that this thing is simple and natural, and it turns out to be a small turtle shell.

There are several horizontal and vertical marks on it, which looks messy.

But it naturally contains a mysterious rhythm.

On the front and back of the turtle shell, there are several complicated and mysterious words engraved on each side.

Even Ye Xinghe didn't recognize what these words were.

But holding this object in his hand made him feel like he was sinking instantly.

It's almost impossible to hold on.

There was a look of gloating in Song Yun's eyes, and he thought to himself: "I can't even catch you, but I'm going to make a fool of myself!"

He was taught a lesson by Ye Xinghe just now.

Although I didn't dare to reveal what happened, I was looking forward to Ye Xinghe showing his ugly face.

Ye Xinghe shook his head, and the God's right arm suddenly activated.

One hand is to hold the object firmly in your hand, and then raise it.

An understatement, effortless.

Seeing this scene, Song Yun was stunned.

This spiritual treasure felt like a mountain to him.

When he got it in his hand that day, he threw it directly to the ground and was embarrassed in public.

Unexpectedly, Ye Beichen actually raised one hand.

No matter how heavy it is, Ye Xinghe can easily pick it up under God's right arm.

He even weighed it twice in his hands.

It feels like the weight of this thing is as heavy as a small mountain.

However, this thing doesn't look like there's anything too special about it.

Ye Xinghe's mind moved slightly and he threw this thing up.

Then, God's right arm activated and punched away with all his strength.

A strong person at the eighth level of Nascent Soul could only barely catch this punch.

At this moment, an ancient cyan light shone on the turtle shell.

There are also thick earthy colors mixed in.

In an instant, a defensive symptom the size of a person formed.

Ye Xinghe's offensive fell into it and disappeared instantly.

That's right, there was no rebound, no shock, it just disappeared.

Like a mud cow falling into the sea.

Ye Xinghe fired several punches in succession, all with the same effect.

There was a look of surprise on his face.

He has already tested out that his offensive power is far from the upper limit of this thing.

It can completely block the powerful attack of Nascent Soul Rank 8, or even higher.

Beside him, Song Yun also had a look of pride on his face.

"This is the best defensive spirit treasure our God-Buried Ancient Clan has found so far!"

"It can block the attack of the Nine-Revolution Nascent Soul!"

Ye Xinghe nodded, already quite satisfied.

With this thing, the probability of success of my plan has increased a lot.

It's equivalent to an extra life!

He put the thing away, then looked at Song Yun, and said lightly: "There is more."

A look of astonishment appeared on Song Yun's face: "What else?"

Ye Xinghe sneered and said: "You were rude to me just now, and then you suddenly took action, and you wanted to keep this spiritual treasure for yourself."

"Bring some treasures out as an apology, so I don't think it's embarrassment for you."

The expression on Song Yun's face changed.

Finally, he said with a mournful face: "Sir, whatever you say we should do, we will do it!"

Ye Xinghe said lightly: "I don't care about other things either."

"You, the white-clothed messengers of the God-Burying Ancient Clan, don't get three God-Burying Fruits every year?"

"Hand over these three God-Burying Fruits and let this matter be over."

Upon hearing this, Song Yun's face immediately wrinkled into a bitter gourd.

"Master Ye, it's not that I don't want to give it to you. I have already used one of the three God-Burying Fruits a year. Now this is only two at most!"

Finally, after some bargaining between the two.

The deal was made with two God-Burying Fruits and a top-grade fifth-grade spiritual treasure.

This is also Song Yun's most precious artifact.

After taking the things, Ye Xinghe said calmly: "Go back and tell the God Buried Ancient Clan that I will only talk to Chu Xiaoyun."

"If someone like you comes here again, I'll kill one of you!"

"get out!"

Song Yun was as quiet as a cicada, not daring to say a word.

He swallowed, confessed his crime, and left quickly.

More than a month passed by in a flash.

Soon, it will be the big day to accept the inheritance.

On this day, Ye Xinghe arrived at the mountain gate of the Yunlong Ancient Clan with a calm expression.

Long Jingxi has been waiting here for a long time.

He was dressed in black, had a stern face, and said nothing.

He and Ye Xinghe's eyes touched slightly, and the expression on their faces became slightly softer.

The two waited here for a while.

But another elder in black came with a disciple.

This elder in black obviously has the same status as Long Jingxi.

The two nodded slightly in greeting, but neither spoke.

Ye Xinghe, on the other hand, glanced slightly and took a look at the disciple.

He is slightly older than himself.

His eyebrows are rough and he is unsmiling.

Standing there without saying a word.

But the aura on his body has already reached the eighth level of Nascent Soul.

This also made Ye Xinghe feel slightly shocked.

It seems that the disciples who came to accept the inheritance should all have extraordinary strength.

And soon, many disciples arrived one after another.

Ye Xinghe discovered that almost every disciple was accompanied by an elder in black.

There was also a hint of surprise in his heart.

It seems that this is the method used by the Yunlong Ancient Clan to divide their forces.

The number of inheritance places is limited and extremely precious.

Everyone broke their heads and fought for it.

Being able to get a quota means that this elder is very good.

Every elder in black has his own power.

And if you benefit from them, you will naturally work for them in the future.

Ye Xinghe had some doubts in his heart.

After all, that's as far as he knew.

Previously, among the ancient Yunlong clan, not all the disciples who accepted the inheritance were very strong.

For example, he just entered the Yunlong Ancient Clan and killed the direct disciple.

Its strength is only the seventh turn of the Nascent Soul.

Moreover, this is after accepting the inheritance.

Before accepting the inheritance, one can imagine its strength.

This means that the disciples who received the inheritance before may not all be that strong.

Why is it so strict this time?

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