Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3266 The reputation gained

Chapter 3266 The reputation gained!

At this time, there were already more than a dozen disciples arriving.

At a glance, Ye Xinghe saw that the person with the most strength had reached the peak of the seventh rank of Nascent Soul.

And those with Nascent Soul rank eight or above accounted for about 30%.

At this time, Ye Xinghe was also surprised to find out.

The ancient Yunlong clan has a profound heritage.

Each of these people whose strength has reached the eighth level of Nascent Soul will not be weaker than themselves.

Obviously, they are the top among the young forces accumulated by the Yunlong Ancient Clan.

Soon, another elder in black came here with people.

That person's strength has also reached the eighth rank of Nascent Soul.

There was an unspeakable look of ferocity and ferocity on his face.

He looked down at everyone, as if he didn't take them into consideration at all.

Especially when his eyes fell on Ye Xinghe's face.

He was slightly shocked at first, and said in shock: "How can there be a waste of the fifth level of Nascent Soul!"

"As for the fifth rank of Nascent Soul, this level of strength is worthy of participating in the inheritance, and worthy of standing with us!"

Ye Xinghe frowned slightly.

This person directly targeted himself as soon as he came up.

At this time, someone next to him sneered: "You still don't know who he is, do you?"

"He is Ye Beichen. He is Ye Beichen who has become famous among our family recently. His true strength has reached at least the peak of the seventh rank of Nascent Soul!"

"What, is there a problem with him standing here?"

A disciple next to him said calmly: "Ye Beichen is fully qualified to rank with us. Qin Baichen, haven't you heard of Ye Beichen's name?"

Neither of them knew whether they really felt that Ye Xinghe was strong enough to be here.

So speak for him.

Still deliberately trying to stir up trouble.

With these words, Qin Baichen was stimulated.

Qin Baichen's face suddenly turned ugly.

He looked Ye Xinghe up and down, tutted twice and said, "You are Ye Beichen. You have become quite famous in the family recently. I have heard about it."

"However, being famous is not as good as meeting each other. I didn't expect that the one who was blown up to the sky was just a fifth-level Nascent Soul."

He slowly moved forward, looking at Ye Xinghe with contempt.

"No matter how strong a Nascent Soul is at the fifth level, how much stronger can it be?"

He has always been arrogant.

In his opinion, at such a critical moment, the other party would definitely not be willing to cause trouble.

Most likely they will choose to be patient.

But who is Ye Xinghe, how can he spoil him.

At that moment, he took a step forward, faced him with a sneer and said, "I earned my reputation with my fists!"

"You don't accept it, don't you? You might as well make some gestures!"

Qin Baichen suddenly looked suffocated.

Unexpectedly, Ye Beichen had such a strong temper and would not give in at all.

For a moment, he was at a loss and didn't know how to deal with it.


Suddenly, the faces of everyone around him showed a bit of smiles, as if they were watching a good show.

Especially those few who made outrageous remarks just now.

At this time, he was even snickering in his heart.

They just said that because they knew Qin Baichen's character well.

The more he was told that Ye Beichen was powerful, the more dissatisfied he became.

Moreover, he was used to being arrogant.

The two will naturally conflict.

The elder in black who brought Qin Baichen glanced at Long Jingxi.

He said calmly: "Long Jingxi, this new guy under your command seems to have a bad temper."

Long Jingxi is not a tolerant person.

He sneered and said: "You have a bad temper because you are strong enough."

"If you feel that you can't stand it, you might as well ask your subordinates to teach him a lesson."

This elder was immediately speechless.

Qin Baichen could hear a strong sense of contempt from these words.

His face turned ugly instantly.

He has always bullied others, but he rarely gets bullied and slapped in the face like this.

How can I bear it?

He immediately took a step forward, gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, then I will give you a taste of Ye Beichen's strength!"

"I want to see if I, who is at the eighth level of the Nascent Soul, can't kill him, who is only at the fifth level of the Nascent Soul!"

Seeing that a fight was about to begin, everyone suddenly became interested.

"Tell me, who wins and who loses?"

"Needless to say, Qin Baichen probably has a good chance of winning!"

"Yes, no matter what, Qin Baichen is also at the eighth level of the Nascent Soul. He has been in the eighth level of the Nascent Soul for thirty years. His realm is stable and cannot be compared to Ye Beichen, the fifth level of the Nascent Soul."

"You have spiritual treasures and trump cards, but after all, his hard power is still far behind."

But everyone was more optimistic about Qin Baichen.

After all, Qin Baichen is an eighth-level Nascent Soul master who has been famous for many years.

Hearing the whispers of the people around him, Qin Baichen's face showed a bit of pride.

Ye Xinghe's eyes were cold.

He wants to fight Qin Baichen, not just against him.

What's more, he wants to establish a reputation among the many people in front of him and kill the chickens to scare the monkeys.

In this way, you can avoid more troubles in the future.

But just when the tension was at stake.

Suddenly, a clear laughter came.

"Qin Baichen got into a fight with someone again, is he going to cause trouble again?"

The voice was calm, with a hint of blame.

And Qin Baichen, a rebellious and powerful person.

He didn't even listen to what the elder in black said.

At this time, after hearing this voice, a look of awe appeared on his face.

He quickly stood up straight and said with a bit of grievance: "Brother Kunyun, it's not that I have to do it, it's that this newcomer is too ambitious!"

"If I don't teach him a lesson, wouldn't I be rebelling against heaven?"

As the voice fell, a person arrived.

He was tall and didn't look very old.

Fengshen is handsome and has a rather noble temperament.

With a bit of indescribable grace and peace.

A gorgeous purple robe flutters in the wind.

It contains a strong scent of spiritual treasure.

This is actually a powerful spiritual treasure that is no lower than the seventh grade!

His strength is even more powerful.

Of all the people present, no one could match him.

He has actually reached the peak of the eighth level of Nascent Soul!

Ye Xinghe took a breath of cold air.

At the peak of the eighth rank of Nascent Soul, with such strength, even if he tries his best and uses all his cards, he is definitely no match!

This Long Kunyun's strength is so terrifying!

For some reason, after seeing him.

Everyone suddenly felt ashamed, and they all lowered their heads and saluted respectfully.

Only Ye Xinghe's eyes were calm and he looked at him with a little curiosity.

Long Kunyun glanced at him in surprise and said with a smile: "You must be Ye Beichen. I have admired your name for a long time. When I saw you today, you turned out to be a young and handsome man."

However, his words were very polite.

But there was arrogance between his eyebrows.

When he spoke, he also had a sense of looking down.

It seemed that saying these few words to Ye Xinghe was giving him a huge face.

Everyone gathered around him and talked around him.

This Long Kunyun is obviously not only extremely powerful, but also has a transcendent status.

Instantly became the center of attention.

He looked at Qin Baichen and said, "It's a big deal now, don't act carelessly."

Qin Baichen was very convinced by him and nodded immediately.

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