Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3267 The Dragon Tide

Chapter 3267 The Dragon Tide!

Then, he looked at Ye Xinghe with a sinister smile.

"Ye Beichen, you are lucky, otherwise, I will destroy you today!"

Ye Xinghe chuckled: "It's hard to say who will be lucky!"

Long Kunyun's arrival made even Long Jingxi slightly stunned.

"Kun Yun, have you really decided to participate in this inheritance and not wait any longer?"

Long Kunyun was also the only one who was not followed by the elder in black.

Obviously, this also means that Long Kunyun himself is a very important figure in the Yunlong Ancient Clan.

His strength and power are not weaker than those of black-robed elders like Long Jingxi.

So, we can do this.

And when Long Jingxi talked to him.

His demeanor and tone also treated him as an equal.

Don't dare to be arrogant and arrogant in the slightest.

Long Kunyun looked at the floating clouds in the distance, sighed leisurely and said, "No wait."

"If I wait any longer, I may have better opportunities, but if I miss today, I will regret it."

Even so, there was still a bit of hesitation between his brows.

Long Jingxi also discovered this keenly.

He immediately said in a deep voice: "You are still unwilling."

"Actually, deep down you want to wait, but you are afraid of missing what is right in front of you, so you are hesitant in your heart."

"Kun Yun, this is a big no-no. You are either ready to fight to the death or risk your life."

"Either give in, continue to accumulate, and don't get into today's muddy waters."

"You are so inconsistent and hesitant, but it will be difficult to pass this level and you will die directly."

His words, like Huang Zhong Dalu, hit Long Kunyun's mind.

It also made Long Kunyun tremble instantly.

There was a bit of horror in his eyes.

He cupped his hands and took a step back, saying, "Follow your teachings!"

He suddenly closed his eyes and took three steps back.

He froze in place for almost a quarter of an hour.

And Ye Xinghe clearly felt it.

In this almost a quarter of an hour.

It was as if something had been cut off from him.

It is the hesitation, fear, expectation, greed, etc. that linger in the emotions.

When he opened his eyes again, his eyes had become extremely calm.

Like an abyss.

There is an unspeakable determination and indifference.

Long Kunyun laughed loudly and said: "Elder, what do you think of me now?"

Long Jingxi laughed, high-fived and said, "Okay, very good!"

"Cut off many emotions before you can fight bravely!"

"Now, you are either a peerless talent of the Yunlong Ancient Clan, or you are just an ant trying to win a chance of survival. Remember?"

Long Kunyun nodded heavily.

And Ye Xinghe listened next to him, his eyes showing a bit of contemplation.

With the arrival of Long Kunyun, the number of disciples who have accepted the inheritance has reached twenty.

Obviously, this is the owner of this inheritance.

Long Jingxi gave a few instructions and led everyone into the mountain gate.

Walking towards the depths of the Yunlong Ancient Clan.

It seemed that Ye Xinghe was also aware of the doubts in his heart, so he explained to Long Jingxi while walking away.

I am also telling everyone about some matters regarding inheritance.

It turns out that the ancient Yunlong clan is very particular about its inheritance.

This does not mean that anyone who wants to participate can participate.

It doesn’t mean that you can carry out the inheritance any year you want.

The inheritance of the ancient Yunlong clan depends on something they named Shenlong Tide.

The tide of the divine dragon does not depend on the ancient Yunlong clan, it all depends on the sky.

The intervals between Shenlong tides are also different.

Sometimes, it happens once every eight or ten years.

Sometimes, it only happens once in fifty or a hundred years.

The longer the interval between divine dragon tides, the greater their power.

During the Dragon Tide, if you participate in the inheritance.

The more benefits you can get.

Of course, the price that comes with it is the greater chance of death.

According to the level, Shenlong Tide is divided into three types: small tide, medium tide and large tide.

Correspondingly, there are also small inheritance, medium inheritance, and high inheritance.

Small-scale inheritances usually occur once every ten years or so.

Anyone who is a direct disciple of the Yunlong Ancient Clan or an outstanding disciple with a foreign surname can participate.

The conditions for medium inheritance are much more stringent.

As for the high-level inheritance, those who can participate in it do not have any surnames other than the same clan.

Only the proud ones of heaven can do it.

The bottom line is the peak strength of Yuan Ying's seventh rank.

This time, what Ye Xinghe and the others are going to participate in is the high-level inheritance brought about by a large-scale divine dragon tide.

For this quota, all the major forces in the Yunlong Ancient Clan are competing for it.

Everyone wants their own people to participate in this high-level inheritance.

Long Jingxi said with profound meaning: "Ye Beichen, among these twenty people, there is only one disciple like you who has just entered the family this year."

Ye Xinghe naturally understood what he meant.

He immediately handed over his hands and said with gratitude on his face: "Thank you, elder, for your cultivation!"

Just as Long Jingxi said.

Most of these places are occupied by senior disciples who have been in the industry for many years and are powerful.

For example, like Qin Baichen.

He has been in the family for nearly two hundred years.

And like Long Kunyun, although he is not as old as Qin Baichen.

But he is the most authentic direct descendant of the Yunlong Ancient Clan.

A disciple asked, "Elder, how big is the difference between this small tide and a large tide?"

Long Jingxi said lightly, "A small tide can basically only allow the disciples who receive the inheritance to improve one or two small realms."

"For example, from the early stage of the seventh turn of the Nascent Soul to the peak or middle stage of the seventh turn of the Nascent Soul."

"And the benefit of a large tide is that it can also improve a large realm at the bottom."

"Directly improve you from the seventh turn of the Nascent Soul to the eighth turn of the Nascent Soul!"

"As for the upper limit, it is immeasurable."

As if he was lost in reminiscence, he sighed leisurely, "Thousands of years ago, there was a peerless genius in my Yunlong ancient clan. In the inheritance after a large tide, he broke through two major levels."

"Directly from the seventh turn of the Nascent Soul to the ninth turn of the Nascent Soul!"

Everyone was dazzled and yearned for it.

Two major levels often require hundreds of years of practice!

Moreover, it is not certain that they can break through.

An inheritance can save hundreds of years of time!

It is equivalent to increasing the life span by hundreds of years, and there are infinite possibilities in the future!

How can one not be moved.

As they were talking, everyone had already arrived at a courtyard in the middle of the Yunlong Ancient Clan.

Ye Xinghe seemed to be talking there leisurely.

In fact, he had been paying attention to the surrounding situation.

When he saw this courtyard, his heart suddenly moved.

That day, the words that the disciple in the Spiritual Medicine Hall said to him immediately came to his mind.

"It's here!"

This is the place he had cleaned before and was heavily guarded.

It seems that this should be the entrance to the forbidden area.

After arriving here, Long Jingxi waved his hand.

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