Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3268 The True Heart of Garuda

Chapter 3268 The true heart of Garuda!

In an instant, a force enveloped twenty people.

Long Jingxi said calmly: "No need to resist, this is a family rule, and your five senses and six consciousnesses will be sealed."

The next moment, Ye Xinghe felt it.

His five senses and six consciousnesses were all imprisoned in an instant.

At this time, he could neither see nor hear.

Can't even feel anything.

Even, unable to perceive the existence of his own body.

It was as if the soul had escaped from the body, extremely uncomfortable.

At this time, after twenty people have sealed the fifth and sixth senses.

Long Jingxi waved his hand, and a force led them into the courtyard.

In front of him is the black floating door.

He led everyone through the black floating door one by one.

Strangely enough, after stepping into the floating door, his figure disappeared instantly.

When Ye Xinghe regained his five senses and six consciousnesses again.

See the picture in front of you clearly.

His heart suddenly skipped a beat.

A strong sense of shock flashed in his eyes.

At this moment, what appeared in front of him was an extremely high and wide space.

Like a giant cave in the mountain.

It was surrounded by thick black clouds.

The clouds were extremely dark, and they were suddenly filled with a heavy blood color.

In the gap exposed by the clouds, a huge skeleton can be vaguely seen.

The clouds were still moving like living creatures.

And at the very core of this huge space, it was suspended high above everyone's heads.

It is a huge thing that makes people feel cold all over when they look at it, and it is so suppressed that they can't breathe.

It was actually a weird and strange giant heart!

This object has a strange shape and is surrounded by dark clouds.

But no matter who you are, you can recognize what it is the moment you see it.

Moreover, it was constantly beating, and the extremely majestic and terrifying life force spread out from it.

But it is different from other people's shocking obsession.

At this time, there was a voice roaring crazily in Ye Xinghe's heart.

"Yes, that's it, that's it!"

"I finally found it!"

"I finally know the reason why the Yunlong Ancient Clan has been able to increase its strength crazily!"

"The truth of all this has finally been revealed!"

It turns out that it is different from others.

Ye Xinghe recognized this object instantly.

It's like Gallo's heart magnified countless times.

Or to be precise, it is the Heart of Garo!

The true heart of Garuda!

Everything is connected.

The ancient Yunlong tribe got the Heart of Garuda from the ancient Garuda tribe.

Then, using magical methods, the heart of Garuda was transformed.

It also became the foundation for the ancient Yunlong clan to grow.

See the shocked looks on everyone's faces.

Long Jingxi was also quite pleased with himself and laughed.

He raised his hands to the void in front of him and said loudly: "Ancestor please come out and preside over it!"

As the words fell, the black clouds lingered in front of him.

A figure slowly appeared.

Wearing a bloody robe, his face is old and withered, and he no longer knows how old he is.

He glanced at the twenty people, nodded solemnly and said: "This time is not bad. After all, I won't waste a Dragon God Tide."

Long Jingxi did not dare to be arrogant in front of him, and said with a smile: "Ancestor, we all know that this is a crucial moment for the family."

"This is already the most outstanding hero the family can choose!"

The blood-robed ancestor nodded and said in a deep voice to everyone: "Everyone, the top of your head is the biggest secret of our ancient Yunlong clan, and it is also the biggest reliance on our ancient Yunlong clan's development to this day!"

"This thing is called Yunlong's Heart!"

Ye Xinghe secretly thought: "Shameless!"

"You took Garuda's Heart as your own, and you named it Yunlong's Heart!"

The blood-robed ancestor said in a deep voice: "You have been chosen here. You can be regarded as the most valued disciples in the family."

"I have some secrets that I can tell you."

He roughly explained.

Of course, there are 30% true and 70% false.

However, Ye Xinghe knows the past and present life of this thing and its origins.

Soon the whole truth was put together.

And that's what he's most interested in.

How did Garuda's Heart help the Yunlong Ancient Clan to grow rapidly and dominate other forces.

It turns out that the ancestors of the ancient Yunlong clan obtained the heart of Garuda that day.

But they discovered that although this thing is magical, it can only be used by one person in a generation.

Moreover, if it fails to be used, it will die directly.

Although its effect is powerful, the price is also very heavy.

And, most importantly, others in the family cannot be benefited from it.

If something happens to one person, the entire family will be wiped out.

This is a price that the Yunlong Ancient Clan is absolutely unwilling to bear.

In the end, the Yunlong Ancient Clan actually found another way.

I figured out another way to use Garuda's Heart.

Think of it as an artifact.

With this artifact, he crazily devoured the cultivation of countless powerful men.

The lifelong cultivation of many powerful people who have entered the Nascent Soul Realm has been absorbed into it.

In other words, the heart of Garuda is regarded as a special container.

In the past tens of thousands of years, I don’t know how many top powerhouses’ lifelong cultivation has been stored in it.

Its power can be said to be extremely terrifying.

At the same time, this extremely violent power cannot be controlled by Garuda's heart.

Totally beyond the limit.

Even, it is not something that the Yunlong Ancient Clan can control.

And it has to be said that the ancestor of the Yunlong Ancient Clan was indeed a very capable and knowledgeable person.

After he discovered the traces of Huayun Shenlong.

I actually found a way to get the best of both worlds.

Huayun Shenlong is already very old, due to the severe injuries he suffered back then.

Now he is dying and barely surviving.

The reason why its injuries were so serious was that its heart was destroyed.

After discovering this.

The ancient Yunlong clan took the initiative to put Garuda's heart into its heart veins.

This is equivalent to giving Huayun Shenlong a brand new heart.

As a result, Huayun Shenlong can continue to survive.

But Garuda's heart was directly suppressed by Huayun Shenlong.

will not exceed its limits.

At the same time, the Ancient Yunlong Clan also reached a deal with Huayun Shenlong.

Every once in a while, he would lead his tribe to the heart of Garuda.

Accept the inheritance in the heart of Garuda.

Huayun Shenlong wants to help these disciples of the Yunlong Ancient Clan.

In this way, an extremely stable situation was formed.

The three coexist to maintain this balance.

The blood-robed ancestor pointed at Garuda's Heart and said: "The so-called inheritance, to put it bluntly, means that you embrace this Yunlong Heart."

"Then, Yunlong's Heart will select the ones that are suitable for you from those cultivations that have been devoured in the past, and then pour them into your body."

"If these cultivations can be successfully integrated with your own cultivations, your strength will be greatly increased."

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