Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3291: Moonlight Holy Land Destroyed

In other words, there are still people alive in Yuehua Holy Land!

Realizing this, Ye Xinghe perked up.

Start looking for clues.

After a moment, he frowned slightly and whispered to himself: "There are five people attacking us, four with swords and one with empty hands."

"Their strength should be far better than the strong men of Yuehua Holy Land."

"Everyone in Yuehua Holy Land had almost no power to fight back in front of them, so they were destroyed within three hours."

He looked for any clues.

Suddenly, Ye Xinghe's eyes narrowed.

Found a huge broken mountain.

This mountain peak seemed to have been smashed into pieces by someone's slap.

The entire upper half of the mountain, which was hundreds of miles high, was shot away.

But Ye Xinghe saw that there were several deep scratches at the break.

Those were obviously not traces that human monks could leave.

He soon found more traces.

"There are monster beasts participating in the battle. There are five monster beasts in total, which is consistent with the number of incoming human cultivators."

"This also means"

An unspeakable ferocity suddenly flashed across Ye Xinghe's eyes.

"Each of them has the ability to control beasts, and they all carry a powerful demon saint!"

Ye Xinghe almost said a word through gritted teeth.

"They are from the Beast King Clan, they are coming for me!"

Ye Xinghe is such a smart person, he immediately realized the problem.

Look at the wild world and even the Lieyang Dynasty.

There are not many forces that can easily wipe out Yuehua Holy Land.

After all, the power of Yuehua Holy Land is not weaker than some second-rate forces in Lieyang Imperial City.

You can destroy it if you want.

However, it only took five people to directly wipe it out with such overwhelming posture.

This is also difficult.

Among such forces, even fewer have the ability to control beasts.

Those who are in contact with themselves are ready to come out.

Only the Beast King Clan!

Ye Xinghe stood there, clenching his fists tightly.

Two lines of bloody tears flowed from his eyes.

He punched the ground hard.

"It's me who harmed you, it's me who got you involved!"

He knew very well that Yuehua Holy Land had no qualifications to enmity with the Beast King Clan.

The Beast King Clan is too lazy to deal with this force, which is like an ant in their eyes.

What they have to deal with is themselves.

Maybe it was because he couldn't find his whereabouts and to vent his anger.

Or maybe he just simply wants to force himself out.

They just attacked Yuehua Holy Land.

Under the grief and anger, the five senses and six consciousnesses also declined a lot.

At this time, behind Ye Xinghe, a stone slab quietly moved away.

Among the ruins, a figure suddenly emerged.

The sword hit Ye Xinghe's heart and stabbed it hard.

But there is a huge gap between his strength and Ye Xinghe.

Ye Xinghe sensed it the moment he took action.

He roared violently: "You haven't left yet and you want to ambush me again. You deserve to die!"

The anger in his heart reached the extreme, and he took action with hatred and punched out.

It is necessary to turn this person directly into powder.

However, the next moment, his eyes froze.

It turned out that the attacker was wearing a Yuehua Holy Land robe, covered in blood and in tatters.

Only those eyes were filled with hatred and pain.

Not from the Beast King Clan!

Ye Xinghe quickly turned his fist into claws and reached out to catch him.

"You are from Yuehua Holy Land. Are there still people alive in Yuehua Holy Land?"

The disciple didn't expect that he was so strong.

Under his hands, there was no way to fight back.

A flash of despair flashed in his eyes, he closed his eyes and sneered: "Kill or behead, it's up to you!"

"You want me to reveal the traces of others, dream!"

Ye Xinghe's heart was pounding and he whispered: "I am Ye Xinghe, you should have heard my name!"

The disciple looked stunned and stared at him and said, "What, you are Ye Xinghe!"

For Yuehua Holy Land, the name Ye Xinghe is like thunder.

Seeing that he didn't seem to believe it, Ye Xinghe casually snatched the sword from his hand.

The power condensed slightly, and a black lotus bloomed quietly.

"Is the smell familiar?"

This Black Lotus of Nirvana cannot be faked.

The Yuehua Holy Land disciples were shocked at first.

Then, his face was filled with ecstasy, and he burst into tears: "Senior Brother Ye, you, you are finally back!"

"I've finally waited for you. You don't know how miserable we are!"

Ye Xinghe said in a deep voice: "Tell me what is going on."

"Don't worry, I will avenge you, and I will make them repay you ten times and a hundred times!"

This Yuehua Holy Land disciple calmed down his emotions and spoke briefly.

Only then did Ye Xinghe find out.

It turned out that it was the day he left the Yunlong Ancient Clan.

Several powerful men suddenly arrived at the Moonlight Holy Land.

They didn't talk nonsense, and they were extremely ruthless in their attacks.

The headmaster of Yuehua Holy Land and other powerful men fought hard, but they were no match at all.

One of them held back most of the powerful men in Yuehua Holy Land.

The other four people started killing.

It seems that it is not enough.

They summoned five more powerful demon saints, no less powerful than them.

It began to crazily destroy everything that could be seen in Yuehua Holy Land.

In almost a cup of tea, Yuehua Holy Land was about to be destroyed.

The headmaster of Yuehua Holy Land is also a very decisive person.

Immediately, Liang Zizhen was asked to leave with some young heroes from Yuehua Holy Land.

And he led the others to start fighting.

In order to leave some seeds for the Moonlight Holy Land.

Ye Xinghe quickly asked: "So, there are still people alive in Yuehua Holy Land?"

The Yuehua Holy Land disciple nodded and said: "Uncle Liang, there are more than a dozen senior brothers and sisters, they are still alive now."

"After we left, we hid outside for a long time before we dared to come back."

His face was full of sadness: "Master Headmaster is dead, all the masters and uncles are dead, no one is alive!"

"We collected the bodies for them. Senior Uncle Liang took the others and left. I was asked to stay here and wait for you to come back, Senior Brother."

"Uncle Liang said that the only one who can avenge Yuehua Holy Land is you, senior brother!"

Ye Xinghe remained silent, just gritting his teeth.

"Take me to them."

The two of them immediately left here and headed towards the clouds, mountains and sea of ​​mist.

Ye Xinghe raised his eyebrows slightly.

Liangzi really chose this location well.

The clouds, mountains and fog are full of dangers, but they are also a good place to hide.

Soon, they came to a valley on the edge of the Yunshan Mountains and the Sea of ​​Mist.

Several simple houses have been erected here, apparently once inhabited.

But only once.

Because, when Ye Xinghe and the two arrived here at this time.

I found that the valley was also in a mess.

There were a lot of blood stains, and there were even signs of a fierce fight.

The house was almost destroyed.

There were several bodies on the ground.

The Yuehua Holy Land disciple immediately panicked and cried: "These are our people, why were they killed?"

Others are missing.

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