Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3292 It’s just that strong

Ye Xinghe said coldly: "It seems that the people from the Beast King Clan have no intention of letting us go. They should have left one person behind to look for traces of you."

"This is to eradicate the Yuehua Holy Land!"

At this time, he was calm and said loudly: "Look quickly to see if there are any traces of where they left to point the way!"

The Yuehua Holy Land disciple quickly looked around.

Sure enough, in a hidden place, I found an arrow.

The two of them quickly followed the direction indicated and continued to move forward.

Finally, after about half an hour.

Here we have entered the sea of ​​clouds, mountains and mist.

Ye Xinghe heard a short, shrill scream coming from the front.

The next moment, there was wild laughter.

"You remnants of the Moonlight Holy Land, stop struggling to your death!"

"Under my hands, you are like ants. No matter how you escape, you will only end up dead. Accept your fate as soon as possible!"

At this time, a huge floating mountain appeared.

More than a dozen people from Yuehua Holy Land stood back to back, forming a circle and facing the outside world at the same time.

All of them were injured, covered in blood, and extremely embarrassed.

And behind them, in the small protective circle, were several people lying there.

The injuries were extremely serious, and some even had pale faces, not knowing whether they were alive or dead.

The one at the front is Liang Zizhen.

And there was only one person who attacked them.

It was a middle-aged man with a joking smile on his face.

He swung the sword in his hand casually and lightly.

Obviously, they were not taken seriously at all.

Playing with it like a cat playing with a mouse.

However, the strength gap between the two sides is too big.

Despite this, every time he swung his sword, he could still seriously injure at least one person.

Then he struck down with another sword.

A huge scar appeared on Liang Zizhen's body, and the left Pipa bone was almost pierced.

He couldn't hold the sword in his hand and took several steps back, his face turned pale.

The strong man from the Beast King Clan was full of teasing and ridicule.

"It's just a bunch of ants, no matter how desperate it is, it's still just ants!"

Liang Zizhen was already in despair at this moment, with a calm look on his face.

Suddenly, he gritted his teeth and said sternly: "You go first, and I will stop him. Isn't it just a desperate effort!"

The strong man from the Beast King Clan said with a hint of sarcasm in his mouth: "No matter how hard I fight, you are no match."

"Today, you will all die!"

With a casual wave of his hand, Liang Zhen flew away.

He sneered and said: "I don't want to waste time with you anymore. Now, I will die for you!"

Just when the offensive was about to fall.

Suddenly, an extremely powerful force came from the side.

The majestic power of the rules directly knocked him away.

The strong man from the Beast King clan roared and took seven or eight steps back.

Suddenly he looked towards the source of the attack.

Then he saw a man in green robe slowly walking over.

He was handsome, with a murderous intent that could not be concealed on his face.

After seeing this person, Liang Zizhen and others were shocked at first.

Then, the faces showed excitement and joy.

Some even cried with joy

"Ye Xinghe, it's Senior Brother Ye. He has finally arrived. We are saved!"

Liangzi struggled to get up, bursting into tears.

"Ye Xinghe, we are finally waiting for you!"

Ye Xinghe looked at them with a guilty look on his face.

"Sorry, I'm late."

At this time, the strong man from the Beast King clan was stunned for a moment.

Then, his face lit up with joy.

"It turns out that you are Ye Xinghe!"

"I, the Beast King Clan, have been looking for you for a long time, but I didn't expect you to come to our door today!"

"Hahaha, it seems that this credit is destined to be mine, and no one else can take it away!"

"I didn't expect that I would be so lucky!"

"Oh, good luck, huh?"

Ye Xinghe sneered and said: "I think you are unlucky when you meet me!"

The strong man from the Beast King Clan stood up straight and said proudly: "Ye Xinghe, don't think that just because you attacked me secretly means you are so strong."

"You just took advantage of me when I wasn't prepared. You're only at level 6 of Nascent Soul, but you really treated yourself like a dish!"

He saw that Ye Xinghe's realm was at the sixth level of Nascent Soul, and his heart immediately relaxed.

Didn't take him seriously at all.

You know, this strong man from the Beast King Clan is already at the seventh level of Nascent Soul.

Moreover, he also has a monster with similar strength.

Everyone's faces also showed a bit of worry.

"Is Senior Brother Ye his opponent?"

"Yes, I haven't seen Senior Brother Ye in these years. Although his strength has improved by leaps and bounds, the opponent is at the seventh level of Nascent Soul!"

"It's very difficult to fight against a strong person at rank seven of the Nascent Soul, as well as a monster beast spirit pet."

Ye Xinghe's strength was already far beyond their imagination.

We haven’t seen each other for almost seven or eight years, and no one expected that Ye Xinghe’s strength has actually reached the sixth level of Nascent Soul.

In their opinion, this is already very remarkable.

But I still feel that he is no match for the strong man from the True Name Beast King Clan.

This beast king clan man also laughed wildly and rushed towards Ye Xinghe.

On his body, the power of rules twisted, and Nascent Soul appeared instantly.

Above his head, a giant silver python also spiraled out.

The aura on his body is not weaker than his at all, he is a sixth-grade demon saint!

This person is also quite cautious.

As soon as he saw Ye Xinghe, he tried his best and had no intention of holding back.

He laughed wildly and said: "Two Nascent Soul Rank 7 powerhouses are surrounding me. What are you going to do to fight with me?"

Looking at the man and beast that came over, Ye Xinghe's eyes were calm.

If it were before, he would indeed be no match.

But it's a pity that now I have experienced many things about the Yunlong Ancient Clan.

He has been transformed.

A mere seventh-level Nascent Soul is like an ant in his eyes.

This person is also considered a good player in the Beast King Clan.

But in Ye Xinghe's eyes, it was nothing.

His divine right arm instantly turned into gold, and he punched hard.

In the worried eyes of everyone.

A shrill scream sounded instantly.

The strong man from the Beast King Clan was instantly beaten by Ye Xinghe until all his bones were shattered and he fell heavily to the ground.

At this moment, the silver python above his head saw this scene.

There was also a look of horror in his eyes.

He immediately abandoned his master and turned around to flee.

Ye Xinghe sneered: "I want to escape, but can I escape?"

As he said that, he chased after him and punched him.

Directly kill the silver python.

In an instant, one of these two powerful men was killed and the other injured.

The reason why Ye Xinghe still kept the strong man from the Beast King Clan alive.

It was just to get some information out of him.

Everyone was dumbfounded and dumbfounded.

"This, is this the end of it?"

"Oh my god, under his hands, the two powerful Nascent Soul Seventh Level masters didn't even have two moves to beat them to pieces!"

"Is Senior Brother Ye so strong?"

Their eyes were filled with wonder.

Looking at Ye Xinghe was like looking at a god.

Everyone rushed over.

Liang Zizhen patted his shoulder heavily, laughed and said: "Ye Xinghe, I really didn't misjudge you at the beginning!"

"Not only have you established a firm foothold in Lieyang Imperial City, but you also have such strength!"

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