Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3317 Submission

Lan Yunxi's expression suddenly changed, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Your Majesty is not willing to let me live?"

The Emperor of Lieyang Dynasty laughed and said: "I'm not asking for your life, I'm asking you to serve me from today on!"

"Let me work for you?"

Lan Yunxi sneered: "I know you have many ways to control me, but you should also know that my mental power is so strong that I am not much weaker than you. I also have ways to counterattack."

"If you keep me by your side to serve you, are you really not afraid that I will bite you back and send you to the west directly?"

The Emperor of Lieyang Dynasty frowned slightly.

He actually also had this fear in his heart.

Lan Yunxi's threat was extremely effective. ..

He wasn't sure about Lan Yunxi's background.

In an instant, the situation reached a stalemate.

At this time, the Holy Son spoke leisurely.

"Old man, why are you causing so much trouble? Just kill him. I don't want to mess around with him anymore."

The Emperor of Lieyang Dynasty nodded, and instantly made up his mind, preparing to kill him.

At this time, Lan Yunxi seemed unable to bear the tremendous pressure.

He gritted his teeth and roared: "Your Majesty, I can also serve you sincerely, whatever you want, but you must agree to a few conditions!"

When the Emperor of Lieyang Dynasty saw him giving in, he nodded and said, "Tell me, what are the conditions?"

Lan Yunxi actually already had a plan in mind.

But he pretended to think about it for a long time, and then he opened his mouth and put forward five conditions in sequence.

After putting forward the five conditions, Lin Langtian frowned.

The Emperor of the Lieyang Dynasty had a bit of murderous intent in his eyes.

The Holy Son directly sneered: "Your life, plus the inheritance of the God Burial Ancient Clan, are not worth these conditions."

The Emperor of Lieyang Dynasty was also ready to take action.

At this time, Lan Yunxi said sternly: "My life is not worthy of the inheritance of the Ancient God Clan. What if there is something else?"

After saying that, he raised a crystal in his right hand and hung it in his hand.

There is something similar to a fragment sealed inside the crystal.

It doesn't seem like anything special.

But as soon as it appeared, the whole world seemed to change.

The void seemed to be distorted.

In the dark, there seemed to be a huge leisurely sigh.

The Holy Son and the Emperor of Lieyang Dynasty are both knowledgeable people.

Naturally, they instantly realized that this thing was extraordinary.

Both of them are perverted.

The Holy Son was shocked by such an insight, and said in a trembling voice: "This, this is legendary."

"That's right!"

Lan Yunxi looked a little intoxicated.

"This is the legendary fragment of God. The Ancient God Burial Clan got this thing!"

He pointed at the three corpses on the ground and said nothing more.

But Shengzi and others were able to guess the whole process.

Of course, the Buried Ancient Clan accidentally obtained this treasure.

After a few of them got the news, they actually became greedy.

He stole the treasure from his family and fled all the way.

Wants to take the fragment of God as his own.

But at this moment, they also felt that this behavior was excusable and even very normal.

After all, this is a fragment of God!

Moreover, this fragment of God is quite large and complete.

Unlike those tiny fragments of God in the legend, they are even more precious.

Lan Yunxi said calmly: "My life, plus the inheritance of the God-Buried Ancient Clan, plus this God's Fragment, can these conditions be met?"

In fact, these conditions he set were extremely stringent.

But Lan Yunxi knew very well that when he had such a trump card.

The more stringent the conditions, the higher the credibility.

If he comes up, he will worship directly and submit to the Lieyang royal family.

That would arouse others' suspicion.

There was a threat in his eyes, and he said: "If you don't agree to these conditions, I will destroy the inheritance of the God Burial Ancient Clan and this fragment of God at the same time!"

In an instant, the Emperor of Lieyang Dynasty fell into hesitation.

Although, he knew that both of these things were extremely difficult to destroy.

But he didn't dare to gamble.

That price will be unbearable.

The Holy Son's heart was pounding at this moment.

These two things happen to be what he needs urgently now.

Needless to say, there is no need to mention the inheritance of the God Buried Ancient Clan.

After practicing on your own, you should be able to quickly improve your combat effectiveness.

As for the God's Fragment, even he had only heard of it in his previous life.

No chance at all.

And now he is also afraid that Lan Yunxi will destroy these two things.

After thinking for a moment, he finally nodded and said, "Okay, I promise you."

A smile appeared on Lan Yunxi's face.

"make a deal!"

"But you still have to swear."

Lieyang Dynasty nodded towards the emperor.

The two then made their own vows.

For those who have reached the peak of Nascent Soul Realm, the oath is still extremely effective.

If one violates the oath, inner demons will often arise inexplicably during cultivation.

It can range from minor to serious injuries, and there will be no progress from now on.

In severe cases, one's soul will immediately fly away.

After each made their vows.

The Emperor of Lieyang Dynasty looked at Lan Yunxi with a little more trust and appreciation.

For him, Lan Yunxi's strength ranks among the top ten in the Lieyang royal family.

Having such an extra helping hand would naturally be of great benefit.

There was a hint of sarcasm deep in Lan Yunxi's eyes.

But his expression didn't reveal it at all.

He felt much more relaxed.

"Not only have I completed what the young master assigned me, I have also received many additional benefits!"

"As for this oath?"

He sneered in his heart and didn't take it to heart at all.

He has survived tens of thousands of years ago to this day.

Relying on his own secret method, I don’t know how many things he has experienced.

I don’t know how many identities I have had.

The current body is just a skin.

I swear with this body, he is not afraid at all.

So what if this body is destroyed?

At most, it will take a while to practice again from the beginning.

Although the price is quite heavy, it is nothing compared to the benefits gained.

Among Lan Yunxi's conditions, two are extremely difficult to handle.

This was also the reason why Emperor Lieyang Dynasty hesitated just now.

One of them is a ninth-grade spiritual treasure.

Although this item is extremely precious, there are only two or three of them in the Lieyang royal family.

Moreover, what Lan Yunxi wanted was to use it for three years.

It's not that you take this thing as your own.

In the eyes of the Emperor Lieyang Dynasty, it was acceptable.

But his other condition is to borrow the most profound secret method of Lieyang Royal Family.

That is the foundation of the Lieyang royal family.

Although it is just for borrowing, after Lan Yunxi learns this secret technique, his strength will greatly increase.

But under the temptation of the fragment of God, he was still unable to bear it.

Then, Lan Yunxi handed them the secret book of extinguishing the divine light and the fragments of the gods.

The Holy Son took it directly without any politeness.

He first read through the secret book of the Nirvana Divine Light.

He couldn't help but frown slightly, and then relaxed after a moment, looking relaxed.

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