Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3318 The Supreme Secret Technique

"This secret method is indeed very good, almost comparable to the royal family's supreme secret method."

"Moreover, it is more suitable for disciples with average talent to practice, and it is easy to achieve quickly."

"I should be able to refine it within three months."

"When the time comes, after winning that duel, I will teach this secret method to the Lieyang Royal Family."

After hearing this, the Emperor of the Lieyang Dynasty suddenly asked excitedly: "How much strength can it increase for them?"

The Holy Son said proudly: "I dare not say if there are too many, but it is okay to at least let them increase by 70%."

The Emperor of Lieyang Dynasty was overjoyed.

This was far beyond his expectation.

Then, after carefully sensing the fragment of God.

There was also a hint of excitement on the face of the Holy Son.

He said in a deep voice: "After I refine and absorb this thing, I can crush that thing with one punch."

Just as he was about to say Ye Xinghe's name, he suddenly became alert.

He glanced at Lan Yunxi next to him, laughed, and covered up the matter.

Seeing this scene, Lan Yunxi sneered in his heart.

"You have already fallen into the young master's plan, and you are pawns but you don't know it yet!"

Today's trip was extremely successful.

Not only did he gain a huge harvest, but he also subdued Lan Yunxi, a giant in the underground world.

As well as the underground forces of the entire Lieyang Imperial City.

The Emperor of Lieyang Dynasty was also satisfied and left with a group of people.

And three hours later.

Lan Yunxi came to the deepest part of Lieyang Imperial City, the extremely heavily guarded Royal Scripture Pavilion.

At the highest point of this vast Sutra Pavilion.

He saw the supreme secret book of the Lieyang Royal Family, the Ancient Huang Ting Sutra, that he had been thinking about for a long time.

For the next seven days, Lan Yunxi stayed at home.

I have been reading the ancient Huangting Sutra and studying it carefully.

During this process, he was always guarded by Lin Langtian and more than ten top experts from the Lieyang Royal Family.

After all, in this vast Sutra Pavilion, there are hundreds of thousands of volumes of various magical techniques and secrets.

The value of the ancient Huangting Sutra is the greatest.

This is the foundation for the Lieyang royal family to settle down and live.

Being able to lend it to Lan Yunxi to read is already a great kindness.

Lan Yunxi did not dare to waste any time.

Promote all mental power, focus extremely, and feel the mystery.

When the seven days were up, Lin Langtian immediately said coldly: "The time is up, let it go."

Lan Yunxi glanced at it again with a face full of reluctance, and then closed it.

Lin Langtian paid great attention to it and put it into a jade box with many mechanisms.

The jade box itself is also a high-level spiritual treasure.

Then, he put it into a secret room with his own hands.

At this moment, Lan Yunxi closed his eyes.

After a long time, he exhaled a breath and opened his bloodshot eyes.

"The ancient Huangting Sutra is indeed extremely mysterious!"

"In seven days, I can only comprehend about 30% of it, but this is already my limit."

"But fortunately, 30% should be enough. It should be quite helpful for the young master's plan."

"How is it? How much have you understood? Is there a level?"

Next to him, Lin Langtian put back the ancient Huangting Sutra.

He asked jokingly with a bit of teasing on his lips.

He wanted to laugh when he saw Lan Yunxi's look before.

What's the use of all this effort?

The ancient Huangting Sutra is mysterious and unfathomable, and it pays attention to one Tao and nature.

To understand it with a quiet and inactive attitude will achieve the best results.

Lan Yunxi was so impatient, how could he achieve enlightenment in a short period of time.

I'm afraid that there is a danger of going crazy and going crazy, which will also damage my own cultivation.

The reason why Emperor Lieyang Dynasty agreed to this condition.

It is because of this characteristic of the ancient Huangting Sutra.

In his opinion, even if Lan Yunxi was given seven days, he wouldn't be able to do anything.

But how did they know that Lan Yunxi had lived for tens of thousands of years.

What scene have I never seen before?

The first moment I read the Ancient Huangting Sutra, I knew what kind of mentality I should adopt to deal with it.

Immediately adjust your mentality to the best one.

In these seven days, I have understood 30%.

Lan Yunxi shook his head, made a distressed and angry look, gritted his teeth and said: "Not only did I not understand anything, it also caused great damage to my own cultivation!"

"Damn it, I should have known better not to mention this condition!"

Lin Langtian snickered beside him.

Then, Lan Yunxi was sent out of the palace.

"Lan Yunxi, the level of that magic weapon is too high. It is a ninth-grade spiritual treasure. The royal family is preparing it now. It should be delivered to you in two months."

"Remember, you only have the right to use it for a few years, this thing does not belong to you!"

"If you dare to move, we will find out immediately. Not only will the spirit treasure be taken back, but your life will also be difficult to save!"

Lan Yunxi said: "Don't worry, I still understand these rules."

Then he took his leave.

Lin Langtian and others left quickly.

I walked around Lieyang Imperial City a few times and then went to the underground world.

After confirming that there was no tail following behind, Lan Yunxi quickly hid his figure.

Arriving at the depths of Guanghan Dao Sect, on the solitary peak, Ye Xinghe’s training place.

At this time, Ye Xinghe was looking at the objects in his hands and sighed softly.

The thing in his hand is about the size of two palms.

But it's a turtle shell.

However, the top is already dilapidated.

The turtle shell doesn't look big, but it is covered with complicated and obscure ancient characters.

One look at it and one feels traumatized.

If a person with low cultivation level just takes a look, he will be violently shocked mentally and will be beaten to the point where blood spurts out.

Or even die directly.

When Lan Yunxi came in, he raised his eyebrows when he saw the object and asked, "Young Master, what is this?"

Ye Xinghe said softly: "Nascent Soul Great True Interpretation Chapter."

It turns out that Ye Xinghe’s current identity is different from what it used to be.

Naturally, he would not need any meritorious deeds if he redeemed the Nascent Soul Dazhenjie Chapter.

Ye Xinghe just said one sentence.

Guanghan Daozong immediately presented all the remaining chapters of Yuan Ying Dazhen's interpretation.

Not only that, their copy of Ye Xinghe is still the original version of Nascent Soul’s Great Truth.

It is the original version made and written by the founder of Guanghan Taoist Sect.

You must know that the ancestor of the Guanghan Dao Sect has learned a lot about nature, and his strength makes it easier to step into the realm of the Heavenly Lord.

The original copy of his handwriting is so precious.

It contains extremely magical and unpredictable effects.

It is the most precious treasure of Guanghan Dao Sect.

Even if the headmaster wants to borrow a book, he needs to be accompanied by several elders to supervise it.

But now, it was given to Ye Xinghe so easily.

When Lan Yunxi heard this, his heart couldn't help but move.

He understands the preciousness of the Nascent Soul Dazhen Explanation Chapter.

He suppressed his thoughts and said with a smile: "Young Master, fortunately you have fulfilled your mission. The mission has been completed."

With that, he told the story of what happened.

Then he smiled and said: "Sure enough, just as we thought before, because I have been hiding in the underground world before, I have never dealt with the Lieyang royal family."

"And only a very few people know about the relationship between the two of us."

"So, they don't have any suspicion about you."

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