Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3346: Your real opponent

Seeing his calm and calm look, everyone felt much more at ease instantly.

For some reason, after Ye Xinghe's performance today, they were all very convinced of Ye Xinghe.

I just feel that as long as he is here, everything can be solved naturally.

Ye Xinghe led everyone and fled towards the Great Tianlong Mountain Range.

Soon, they reached the Great Tianlong Mountain Range.

Of course, along the way, the God Buried Ancient Clan kept chasing and approaching.

Four or five strong men also died in their pursuit.

But in the end, nearly ten people, including the headmaster of Guanghan Dao Sect and others, fled deep into the Great Tianlong Mountains.

However, at this moment, everyone was injured and covered in blood.

After arriving at a valley, Ye Xinghe suddenly stopped.

Everyone was breathing heavily.

Immortal White Crane said coldly: "Ye Xinghe, why did you bring us here?"

"If you end up with no place to die, I will kill you first before I die!"

Ye Xinghe glanced at him and said coldly: "If you can't trust me, just run away by yourself, no one will stop you."

"If you don't want to get out, just listen to my arrangements!"

The White Crane Immortal was so angry that the veins on his forehead jumped.

But in the end I didn't dare to say another harsh word, so I gritted my teeth and endured it.

Then, Ye Xinghe cut his wrists first and sprinkled the blood in the valley here.

Let everyone do this.

Everyone did so.

Ye Xinghe led everyone to the sky again.

But in an instant, the strong men from the God-Buried Ancient Clan caught up here.

Seeing the large amount of blood on the ground and the breath of everyone in the air.

The leader of the Ancient God Burial Clan frowned and said, "What's going on?"

And at the moment they entered the valley.

Ye Xinghe suddenly roared: "Start the formation!"

In an instant, Lan Yunxi crushed something in his hand.

In an instant, countless complicated white lines appeared on the valley floor.

A big formation was formed. ..

Around the valley, thirty-six beams of light appeared, reaching into the sky.

Then, it curved slightly in the air.

Finally, they gathered together in the sky.

A huge magic circle was formed like a birdcage.

Directly above the magic circle, the light beams gathered together, forming a huge stick.

The headmaster of Guanghan Dao Sect exclaimed: "The Demon Trapping Array, this is the legendary Demon Trapping Array, it is extremely powerful!"

"It seems that you had a backup plan and actually set up a formation here, but it's not of much use."

Then, the headmaster of the Guanghan Dao Sect frowned and said, "Although this demon-trapping formation is extremely powerful, it is mainly aimed at the demons."

"With their strength, they can only be trapped for a cup of tea at most. A cup of tea is not enough time for us to escape."

Ye Xinghe said leisurely: "Who said we are going to escape?"

Immortal White Crane sneered: "What can we do if we don't escape? Is it possible that we enter the trapped demon formation to kill them now?"

"It's not the same as being trapped inside, and you can't beat it. If you go in, you'll be killed."

"If you run away, you will be caught up. What's your bad idea!"

Everyone else was also quite dissatisfied and looked at Ye Xinghe.

Ye Xinghe didn't speak, just waved his hand.

The surrounding clouds dispersed, revealing his figure.

At this moment, the people of the God Burying Valley tribe are trapped in the Demon Trap Formation.

After a brief panic, he regained his composure and discovered the situation of the trapped demon formation.

The leader of the Ancient God Burying Clan looked up to the sky and sneered: "Ye Xinghe, is this little trick of yours useful?"

"The Demonic Trap Formation will at most keep me waiting for a cup of tea. Even if I give you a cup of tea to escape, so what. I have already marked your aura, and you can't escape!"

"If you want to come in and fight, you are not a match for me. Why do you do such meaningless things?"

Ye Xinghe smiled and said: "We are indeed not your opponents from the God Burial Ancient Clan, but unfortunately, your opponent is not me either!"

Everyone in the Guanghan Dao Sect was confused by what he said, and even the leader of the Ancient God Burial Clan was shocked.

Only Chu Xiaoyun knew Ye Xinghe very well, and an ominous premonition surged in his heart.

He exclaimed: "No, we have been fooled!"

Before he finished speaking, something appeared in Ye Xinghe's hand.

There was a ‘pop’.

He crushed the thing into pieces and threw it into the Demon Trap Formation.

Ye Xinghe smiled at that thing and cupped his hands and said: "The two seniors have traveled a long distance and finally arrived at my Xuanhuang World. I give you a generous gift, please accept it!"

Everyone saw that what was crushed by Ye Xinghe was something like a gem.

Some well-informed people identified it carefully and exclaimed: "This is the time stone. Why did he throw such a thing away?"

Lan Yunxi and Fang Tingxue suddenly thought of something.

He looked at Ye Xinghe with eyes full of admiration.

At this moment, inside the Time Stone, the world has already overturned.

At that time, the time guard looked at the collapsing world in front of him and the black and white lines that appeared in the sky.

His expression was neither sad nor happy, he just looked forward.

There was a "boom" and two huge time channels appeared.

Two terrifying shadows jumped out.

The two demonic figures laughed triumphantly.

"We finally arrived at this time stone!"

Another demon shadow laughed and said, "The timing is really good. The moment we arrived, the time gem also shattered directly, allowing us to directly enter the world in front of us, which saved us a lot of effort!"

The time guard, who always had no sadness or joy, had no expression on his face.

And he was indeed not endowed with emotions, like a mechanical creation.

At this time, he showed a bit of ridicule in his eyes, and sneered, "You don't know how terrible the person you are facing is. He really calculated it to the extreme."

"Unfortunately, I can't see that good show."

The next moment, the time guard shattered directly.

And the time gem also shattered.

The two terrifying demon shadows rushed directly to the Xuanhuang world outside.

At the same time, everyone in the Xuanhuang world exclaimed in horror.

The two demon shadows appeared directly in the magic trap array.

The demonic energy was surging, and instantly filled the entire magic trap array.

The height of the two figures was about 100 meters, not very huge.

But the aura revealed on their bodies was terrifying.

Xuemo Luo took a deep breath, full of intoxication.

"I smell such a powerful cultivation and the breath of blood. After swallowing you, my strength should be able to recover 30%!"

Shihuan shouted excitedly: "It is enough to show that this world is not weak, and it has also bred countless cultivators. This is enough for the two of us to refine for a while!"

Then, they saw the situation in front of them clearly and saw the surrounding magic trap formation.

They also saw the people of the Zangshen Ancient Clan who looked at them in horror.

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