Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3347 Four Treasures

Everyone in the God Buried Ancient Clan was stunned the moment they appeared.

The auras of these two demons were one level stronger than them.

Together they are no match for each other!

None of them were stupid, so they naturally figured it all out in an instant.

The leader of the Ancient God Burial Clan roared: "Ye Xinghe, your back-up plan is here!"

"You led us into the Demon Trap Formation just to let these two demons deal with us, right?"

Ye Xinghe smiled and said: "That's right, I will reward you with two big demons if you guess it right!"

Lan Yun sighed in amazement and said in a tone of great amazement: "Sir, even if you have no cultivation and are just a mortal, I'm afraid you can control countless people in the palm of your hand."

"Combined with your strength, the future is limitless, and this Xuanhuang world may be trampled under your feet!"

Fang Tingxue was also shocked and speechless at this time, she just sighed.

"The young master's scheming palace is really too deep!"

"Even two demons fell into his scheme."

You know, these two demons haven't arrived in the Xuanhuang World yet.

While still on the road, Ye Xinghe had already figured him into the game and was reduced to two chess pieces.

If the two great demons knew that they had such a fate. Even if he is beaten to death, he refuses to come to the Xuanhuang World.

At this moment, everyone in the Guanghan Dao Sect was so impressed that they fell to the ground.

The headmaster of Guanghan Dao Sect shook his head repeatedly and said: "Ye Xinghe, after this battle, I want to abdicate in favor of someone more worthy."

"Even if you cannot enter the Tianzun realm, if you control the Guanghan Dao Sect, I, the Guanghan Dao Sect, can become the overlord!"

Ye Xinghe smiled and said: "I'm not interested in this position."

He looked at the White Crane Immortal and said calmly: "Does your face hurt?"

"Do you still remember how you mocked me just now?"

Immortal White Crane's face turned green and red for a while. He was extremely embarrassed and did not dare to refute at all.

Thinking of the ridicule he had just made to Ye Xinghe, he felt ridiculous.

Guanghan Dao Sect Headmaster said coldly: "I just said the wrong thing, why don't you apologize to Ye Xinghe quickly!"

The White Crane Immortal said reluctantly: "I was wrong. I just couldn't express what I said. Don't be as knowledgeable as me."

Ye Xinghe didn't bother to pay attention to him at all.

At this time, the two demons also figured out the situation.

Seeing the trapped demon formation, my heart suddenly went cold.

This demon trapping formation cannot trap human cultivators, but it can completely trap them!

Xuemoluo said in shock and anger: "Who, who has sensed our existence a long time ago and set up this magic trap, I will kill you!"

Ye Xinghe smiled and cupped his hands and said: "Senior, I did it. You can kill me if you want, but you have to come out first."

The leader of the Ancient God Burying Clan hurriedly handed over his hands and said with compliments on his face: "Two seniors, we were also deceived into this Demon Trap Formation. Our common enemy is Ye Xinghe."

"You two must not do anything. When we get out, we will kill him to avenge you!"

Xemolo actually thought it made sense and nodded repeatedly.

Ehuan said angrily: "You are stupid, you were fooled by him and you can't find Bei!"

"The Demonic Entrapment Formation can trap us, but it cannot trap these human monks. They will be able to get out in a while."

"When he goes out, if he breaks his promise, what can we do to them?"

The leader of the Ancient God Buried Clan said quickly: "I can swear!"

Ehuan Huan sneered: "I won't believe a word of the bullshit oaths you made!"

Xemolo felt that what Ehuan said was very reasonable, and quickly asked: "Then what should we do now?"

Eclipse Huan smiled coldly.

"Of course we must kill all the humans in the trapped demon formation first, and then we can deal with the trapped demon formation after our cultivation levels have improved."

As he said that, without any nonsense, he went straight to kill the people of the God Buried Ancient Clan.

At this time, Ye Xinghe said lightly: "Okay, no need to read, let's go back first."

"The Ancient God Burial Clan has been destroyed, and the Demon Trapping Formation can trap these two demons for at least three years."

"We still have three years to prepare how to deal with them."

Everyone from the Guanghan Dao Sect walked out.

At this time, in an instant, Xuemoluo and Ehuan had killed several people from the Ancient God Burial Clan.

Seeing Ye Xinghe who was about to leave, Ehuan narrowed his eyes and suddenly smiled strangely: "Your name is Ye Xinghe, right? Little thing, it's quite interesting!"

"After I go out, I will come to you personally to settle the score. Don't give me this chance!"

Ye Xinghe waved his hand without looking back.

"Senior, we are destined to meet again, but we still don't know who will kill whom then!"

Erosion laughs wildly.

"I like your temper. If it weren't for the different paths between humans and demons, I would like to accept you as my disciple and train you well."

Ye Xinghe smiled and said: "If you really want to train me, just let me refine all of your cultivation. It will not be in vain for us as master and disciple."

Erosion Huan was so angry that he flew into a rage.

But he had no choice but to take out his temper on the Ancient God Buried Clan.

Screams continued to sound behind him.

Soon, Ye Xinghe and others returned to Guanghan Dao Sect.

At this time, Guanghan Dao Sect was already boiling.

Because, just now, Guanghan Dao Sect had won a great victory.

There is news that the ancient Yunlong clan and the Lieyang royal family were destroyed, and even Emperor Lieyang surrendered to the Guanghan Dao Sect.

It has spread across this land like flying.

Everyone returned to Guanghan Dao Sect and came to the central hall.

At this time, everyone in the main hall was silent.

No one spoke.

After a while, the headmaster of Guanghan Dao Sect took out the iron ring and placed it in front of everyone.

He sighed sadly.

"For this thing, for the hegemony of our Guanghan Dao Sect, we lost half of our top masters, but it's worth it."

Everyone has mixed emotions.

Then, the headmaster of Guanghan Dao Sect opened the iron ring.

In an instant, four things appeared in the void.

One is a palm-sized piece of black jade, with a hazy black light shining on it.

As soon as this thing appeared, it exerted extremely terrifying pressure.

Everyone trembled in their hearts and could hardly help but fall to their knees.

It was as if what he was facing at this moment was not a piece of jade, but a powerful man in the Heavenly Realm.

Everyone hurriedly calmed down and then stabilized themselves.

The other thing was a yellow bamboo slip, exuding an ancient desolate atmosphere.

Then, there was a fist-sized doll, which seemed to be a funny-shaped little person whose true appearance could not be clearly seen.

Maybe it's because it's so old that it's a little blurry.

The last item is a robe.

The headmaster of Guanghan Dao Sect said in a deep voice: "Ye Xinghe, you asked for the Heart of Naga Loulua before, so I will give it to you. It means that everyone is working for you."

"But the treasure in the iron ring was snatched back by the concerted efforts of everyone in our Guanghan Dao Sect."

"For this reason, I can't give you all these things. I have to give an explanation to others."

Next to him, Immortal White Crane nodded repeatedly and said, "The Master is right!"

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