Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3429 Reward

The space inside is not large, only two or three feet in diameter.

There were two shelves, most of them empty.

There was only a small jade box placed at the bottom of one shelf.

Kong Nanyan said: "The thing you want is extremely precious in itself, and its yield is very small. It can only be found on some special heavenly demons."

"But it doesn't have many uses. Only the nobles in the East Heavenly Court will occasionally send a message and ask for one or two to be sent."

"Oh, do the people in East Heaven also need this?"

Ye Xinghe raised his eyebrows, keenly aware of something.

If the people in the East Heavenly Court need this thing.

Could it be related to the magical power of the devil to destroy the world?

The jade box was opened, and inside were two smaller jade boxes.

There are several layers of seals densely covered on it.

Kong Nanyan opened them one by one.

Ye Xinghe saw that there were two balls of light inside.

One is about the size of a fist and is entirely yellow.

The other one is slightly smaller, and the whole body is pitch black.

Without exception, both of them are filled with the strong original power of the demon world.

Ye Xinghe felt it carefully.

Adding the two together, the origin of the demon world inside is close to three.

It's more than what you got from the demon puppet guard.

Ye Xinghe nodded and said: "I want them all as a reward this time."

Kong Nanyan said nothing and handed him the jade box.

She took a deep look at Ye Xinghe and said, "Serve your father well from now on, and the benefits will be yours."

After leaving here, Ye Xinghe returned to his camp.

He has now been promoted to centurion, so his residence has also changed.

There is a separate small courtyard, which is quiet and undisturbed.

After Ye Xinghe came back, he couldn't wait to sit cross-legged and use the magic technique to destroy the world.

Then, he took the two groups of demon world origins in his hands and started refining them.

With his previous experience in refining, he is now familiar with the process.

The magical power of demon-destroying the world is constantly operating.

A month later, Ye Xinghe has refined the origin of this black demon world.

Then, it took another month and a half to refine the yellow mass of the origin of the demon world.

The rest of the time is spent consolidating one's own cultivation and tempering the foundation.

Three months later, Ye Xinghe slowly walked out of the room.

At this time, winter has turned to spring in the small courtyard.

The big tree in the courtyard has sprouted buds, and a feeling of spring is coming.

Ye Xinghe slowly exhaled his turbid air, feeling the warmth in the air, and whispered to himself.

"Now, I have reached the peak of the Two-Star Heavenly Lord."

Ye Xinghe himself didn't expect that his cultivation speed would be so fast.

In a short period of time, he reached the peak of two-star Tianzun.

You know, after reaching the Tianzun realm, you want to improve your cultivation and reach a higher realm.

It became an extremely difficult thing.

In the past, cultivation was about fighting against heaven.

And after reaching the Tianzun realm, you still have to fight with others.

The object of competition has become the cultivators in the world.

Because the origin of this world is limited.

Moreover, most of them are occupied by powerful warriors.

If you want to be promoted, you have to get the origin of the world, which is not easy.

Therefore, many cultivators in the Tianzun realm, after entering this realm, almost never make any progress throughout their lives.

Always stay in the current situation.

But Ye Xinghe found a path of his own.

Ye Xinghe thought to himself: "I didn't expect that when I came to the Demon Suppression Legion, I found the most suitable path for my cultivation."

"These things that contain the origin of the demon world can only be found in the demon-suppressing army."

"Other than that, it is extremely difficult to find this thing even in East Heaven."

But, he had some feeling in the dark.

All this seems to have been arranged by the mother, and it does not seem to be accidental.

Ye Xinghe shook his head and threw this thought behind him.

There is nothing to think about now, just meditate and practice.

Next, time passed, and three years of cold and heat passed by in a blink of an eye.

In the past three years, Ye Xinghe has not made any movement and is just consolidating his foundation.

This makes his cultivation level firmly stop at the peak level of Two-Star Tianzun.

In addition, other times during these three years.

He used the secret method given by Lord Taixu to refine the Cangming Realm.

However, progress has been slow.

After all, the Cangming Realm is a thousand worlds in one place, and it is extremely difficult to refine.

Even if it took three years, Ye Xinghe could only refine about 1%.

Three years later, spring came and flowers bloomed.

In the courtyard, vegetation is flourishing, and green leaves have already covered the canopy.

Fragments of sunlight fall through the gaps in the leaves.

It shined on the face of the person sitting cross-legged on the stone platform.

He looks handsome and looks like yesterday, as if he has not changed in these years.

Ye Xinghe slowly stood up and stretched, his joints cracking all over.

He walked out of the courtyard.

Outside, Xie Xuhao was patrolling and guarding with his own people. The defense was tight and he did not neglect at all.

Although Ye Xinghe was in deep sleep, he was not lazy at all.

Seeing Ye Xinghe coming out, he quickly saluted respectfully: "Sir!"

Ye Xinghe smiled and said: "How long did it take me to practice this time?"

Xie Xuhao said: "For five months, you have not woken up."

Ye Xinghe yawned.

"No wonder, but this time I feel pretty good in meditation."

Ye Xinghe felt that his peak state of two-star Tianzun seemed to be loosened.

Next, there might be a breakthrough.

Ye Xinghe asked: "What wars have happened recently? Is there anything unusual?"

It turned out that in the past few years, Ye Xinghe not only practiced himself.

But he was also organizing the forces in his hands.

His position is still a centurion, and he has not been promoted.

But the power of the scout team is much larger than before.

From more than 200 people before, it has grown to 400 people now.

Moreover, it is divided into four hundred teams.

Ye Xinghe leads a hundred team himself.

Xie Xuhao, Fang Hang, and Gu Tianhui each lead a hundred team.

As a centurion, Ye Xinghe controls these four hundred strong men.

In the 90,000-man team, he is already a very prominent figure.

Xie Xuhao said: "Nothing unusual, but there is one thing that is a little strange." He frowned and said: "The ten-man team led by Xu Mingcheng entered the Jiutian battlefield for exploration about two months ago." "Normally, they should have returned three days ago, but they haven't returned yet." "But..." He then laughed and said: "This situation often happens. When our scouts go out to perform tasks, eight out of ten times they have to delay their return date. After all, they often encounter some accidents." Ye Xinghe frowned and said: "Send three teams to meet them first. We can't be careless about this kind of thing. We can't ignore the lives of our brothers."

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