Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3430 Disappeared into thin air

Xie Xuhao quickly took the order.

Ye Xinghe whispered again: "Is there any movement from Qu Jinfeng?"

This is what he would tell Xie Xuhao before entering meditation every time.

He would ask him to send someone to keep an eye on Qu Jinfeng.

After all, Ye Xinghe knew that Qu Jinfeng hated him to the core.

He would definitely find a time to attack him.

Xie Xuhao shook his head and said: "Nothing unusual."

Ye Xinghe did not think about it any more.

However, three days later, Ye Xinghe received another bad news.

The other three teams sent to support the scout team, a total of thirty scouts.

Still did not come back.

And if they went to support, they should be back in two days at most.

Now it's past time, and they haven't returned yet, there must be an accident.

In the scout team's meeting room, Xie Xuhao frowned slightly and said softly: "Sir, do you want me to take people to investigate? How about taking a team of 100 people?"

Everyone nodded.

Ye Xinghe also glanced at Xie Xuhao.

Now, in the scout team, besides Ye Xinghe, the strongest one is Xie Xuhao.

Xie Xuhao and Ye Xinghe have the closest relationship.

Over the years, Ye Xinghe has also given him a lot of guidance on his cultivation, and has given him many resources, elixirs, etc.

He is now at the peak of the One-Star Heavenly Venerable, much stronger than before.

It should be the most foolproof method to have him lead the team.

But Ye Xinghe thought for a moment, shook his head and said: "No, I will lead the team myself, and the entire scout team will set off."

"This time, I must make things clear."

Ye Xinghe could vaguely feel that this matter was not that simple.

The truth behind it might be shocking.

In a vague way, he had an ominous premonition.

Since Ye Xinghe said this, naturally no one dared to object.

A moment later, all the more than 400 strong men in the scout team were reorganized.

Under the leadership of Ye Xinghe, they left the camp and headed towards the Jiutian battlefield.

However, Ye Xinghe didn't know.

At the moment they left.

In a courtyard of the 90,000-man team camp.

Qu Jinfeng looked up and watched many floating cloud boats leave.

The corners of his mouth curled slightly, revealing a strange and incomprehensible smile.

Soon, Ye Xinghe led the entire scout team to the agreed meeting place.

This is a small base for the scout team.

Some weapons, pills, food and other things are stored inside.

It can be used as a resting place for the scout team when they are out on a mission.

You can heal your wounds and hide here.

And this is also the place where the three teams sent out before were ordered to pick up the missing team.

Normally, whether or not the missing team is picked up.

The three teams sent later should wait here.

Ye Xinghe entered this base and frowned slightly.

The ominous premonition in my heart became stronger.

At this time, there was no one in the stronghold.

The precious things such as elixirs, weapons, etc. in the stronghold were all there.

But there was no one in sight.

Ye Xinghe ordered: "Check everywhere for signs of fighting and blood."


Everyone responded and immediately went to explore everywhere.

A moment later, they came to report.

In this stronghold, no signs of fighting were found.

Not to mention blood, there was not even any fluctuation of spiritual energy.

Ye Xinghe's face suddenly sank.

Three teams, more than 20 masters, their strength is not weak.

It is possible to kill them.

However, they want to capture all three teams quietly.

Moreover, they don't even have the opportunity to attack, and there is no trace of fighting left.

Ye Xinghe asked himself that even he couldn't do this.

The strength of the opponent is a bit scary.

Xie Xuhao suddenly thought of something and said in a lost voice: "Sir, this may be the method of the demon race."

"Some demons are born with great cultivation, and their methods are strange and unpredictable. It is normal for them to rob three teams silently."

At this moment, a sharp laugh suddenly sounded outside.

"I didn't expect that there are people with good knowledge among the human race!"

The voice was hoarse and mocking, strange and unpleasant.

Ye Xinghe's face changed drastically.

The next moment, with a "bang", the entire base was shattered.

Ye Xinghe and others hid in the ruins where rocks were flying.

At this time, a huge black shadow covered the sky and killed everyone.

Ye Xinghe saw that this black shadow was actually a huge bat.

It was about 30 meters long and had a wingspan of 50 meters.

It was green with a black tint and covered with black fur.

It passed silently in the void at an extremely fast speed.

It was close in the blink of an eye.

Not only that, its belly suddenly swelled.

Then, a powerful sound wave with substance but no form came fiercely towards everyone.

In an instant, hundreds of people in the scout team were all covered.

This sound wave had a strong killing power.

Many strong men in the scout team were covered by it, and instantly felt their hearts beating wildly, their blood flow accelerated, and they felt nauseous.

Then they had a splitting headache, trembling all over, and their Dantian cultivation almost collapsed.

The blood vessels throughout the body began to flow backwards, and the heartbeat was like a big drum.

For a moment, everything around him was inaudible.

All I could hear was the pounding of my own heart.

The next moment, everyone spurted blood.

He was seriously injured in an instant.

The entire scout team lost combat effectiveness almost at the same time.

The same is true for masters like Xie Xuhao and Fang Hang.

The giant blue-black bat let out a proud, high-pitched laugh.

In the void, the sound waves were even more powerful.

Ye Xinghe now knew how the three teams of scouts disappeared.

It was probably a surprise attack by it, and it was swept away without even being able to resist.

The giant bat's eyes flashed with disdain.

"You humans are really trash, and you are worthy of occupying this world!"

"Only our Celestial Demon Clan should be the masters of this world!"

Then, its wings suddenly grew longer again.

The wingspan reaches about 100 meters.

Looking at the scouts who were dull to the ground and unable to move.

Its wings swept across, preparing to wrap them all up and take them away.

Many scouts didn't even have the strength to resist at this moment, and were directly swept into its wings.

Those black fluffs instantly fixed them, making them unable to move.

Sweeping all the way, the giant bat encountered no resistance.

And just when it swept more than ten scouts into its wings.

But an unspeakable panic suddenly arose in its heart, and the warning signs in its heart suddenly sounded loudly.

It is a perception of danger derived from the demon race's instinct.

A voice in its heart shouted: "I will die next moment!"

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