Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3441: Take advantage of the situation

This is also a question that everyone has.

Everyone's eyes were all looking at Ye Xinghe.

Everyone is not a fool, so they can understand clearly at this time.

The person behind all this is Ye Xinghe.

This seemingly inconspicuous centurion is actually the ultimate controller behind this operation!

At this moment, no one dared to underestimate him.

Ye Xinghe smiled and said, "Sir, this is what happened."

"The demon clan's attack this time was extremely strange. It was caught off guard. There was no warning, and we don't know the reason."

"I was very confused at the time, and I kept looking around since then."

"It just so happens that Miss Kong also has questions in this regard. The two of us jointly investigated and got a lot of information."

"In the end, Qu Jinfeng was found."

"Qu Jinfeng had made some unusual moves before this. Finally, we followed the clues and found out that he turned out to be the mastermind of colluding with the demon clan!"

"However, we did not take action immediately, but held back and wanted to see how he was doing."

"I have known for a long time that Gu Tianhui is Qu Jinfeng's confidant, but he has always been by my side."

"In the past few years, I have actually known his identity, but I have always held back and said nothing."

"Gu Tianhui got the news about the Stone of Life and Death in the morning. After telling me, I became suspicious."

"Then, I connected the two things and knew their conspiracy."

"That's to capture all the top experts from the 90,000th and 100,000th teams at once!"

"So, we told Master Yu and prepared to use the plan."

"Just in time, this blood-killing gem in Master Yu's hand can come in handy."

With a hint of anger on his face, Kong Aoyang said loudly: "Ye Xinghe, Kong Nanyan, you two even hid it from me!"

"You already knew his plan, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Kong Nanyan smiled awkwardly and said, "Dad, it's not because you hate Qu Jinfeng so much."

"Moreover, you have a bad temper and have never been to the city. I'm afraid that after you find out, you won't be able to control your emotions and they will see your flaws."

Kong Aoyang was immediately very embarrassed.

My daughter said this in public, but she couldn't refute it.

Ye Xinghe cupped his hands to Kong Aoyang and said with a smile: "Master Wan, please forgive me. After I discovered this conspiracy trap, I did not report it immediately. I was really afraid that too many people would know about it and the flaws would be missed."

"Therefore, only Miss Kong and I knew about it, and we didn't reveal our backhand until now. It makes the boss think too much and hope to atone for his sins!"

Kong Aoyang was stunned for a moment and pointed at him.

"You're a great kid. You're really great. What's wrong with you!"

"You have done a great job this time. The biggest credit belongs to you. After this battle, you will be promoted to captain!"

To be honest, Ye Xinghe kept it secret from him and put himself into the chess game as a pawn.

Kong Aoyang naturally felt uncomfortable.

But at this moment, what else could he say?

Ye Xinghe saved his life, and saved the entire 90,000 team and 100,000 team.

He can only reward such a great achievement!

At this time, everyone finally knew the whole story.

Ye Xinghe and Kong Nanyan immediately went to Yu Fengming to discuss.

By coincidence, Yu Fengming happened to have a blood-killing gem in his hand.

Without this blood-killing gem, the entire plan would not be possible.

Ye Xinghe smiled and said: "Thanks to Master Yu, without this blood-killing gem, everything would be just a cloud of smoke."

Yu Fengming is quite forthright and magnanimous.

He waved his hand and said with a smile: "You planned it well. This blood-killing gem has been in my hands for many years, but it has never been used."

"I regretted why I had to ask for it as a reward that day, but in the end, it was so powerful in your hands."

He's right.

In fact, this blood-killing gem is quite useless.

Although it is powerful, its attack range is quite limited.

It must be within a few kilometers of the user.

The range of several thousand meters seems to be quite huge.

But in fact, for high-level cultivators like them.

The battlefield where the two sides fight is often thousands or even tens of thousands of miles across.

Not only are the monsters huge, but their monks are also extremely fast, covering thousands of miles in an instant.

Therefore, the distance of just a few kilometers is nothing at all.

It is possible that the opponent has already escaped as soon as the Blood Killing Gem is activated.

Therefore, although the Blood Killing Gem is extremely high-level, it is extremely powerful.

But it is quite useless and has very little use.

It is extremely important to choose the opportunity to use the Blood Killing Gem, and it must be on a battlefield with a large number of people.

Moreover, the moment you rush in front of the opponent.

Moreover, with the high price of the Blood Killing Gem, it is definitely not cost-effective to kill only one opponent.

The best time is when you are surrounded by many opponents.

Because the usage conditions are so picky.

Therefore, neither the ordinary monks outside nor the powerful people in the world of demons know much about this.

Moreover, this thing has been sealed in the treasury of the Demon Suppression Legion for a long time, and no one has used it.

But later it was obtained by Yu Fengming.

But after he got this thing, he never had a good chance to use it.

Kong Aoyang asked: "Ye Xinghe, what reward do you want? You can take whatever you want from these big monsters!"

Ye Xinghe looked deeply and said softly: "I don't want anything else. Give me all the origins of their demon world."

Kong Aoyang raised his eyebrows and smiled: "What kind of reward is this? Although these demon world origins are precious, no one can use them, so no one cares about them."

Ye Xinghe looked deeply and did not answer.

After getting Kong Aoyang's permission, he came to the battlefield.

Put away all the origins of the demon world.

It has to be said that the origin of the demon world is indeed extremely expensive and rare.

Only monsters with special bloodline or extremely powerful ones will possess it.

Among these hundreds of big monsters, there are only six groups of monsters that are the origin of the world.

But this is enough.

Surprise flashed across Ye Xinghe's eyes.

"These six groups of monster world origins are enough for me to break through to the four-star heavenly realm, and even reach the peak of the four-star heavenly realm!"

Especially the mass of world origin left by the ghost-eyed demon butterfly.

The diameter is about one and a half feet, revealing colorful light.

The light on it continued to condense, turning into patterns of ghost eyes.

It looks eerie and magical.

Ye Xinghe put it into the jade box, the corner of his mouth slightly raised.

"This group of monster world origins alone can allow me to reach the peak of the Three-Star Heavenly Lord. The harvest from this battle can be said to be huge!"

Then, Kong Aoyang ordered people to put away the bodies of these big monsters.

These are all great military achievements.

Then, everyone cleaned up the battlefield.

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