Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3442 Great Merit

After making sure nothing was missed, we took the floating cloud boat back.

On the way back, many captains tried to get close to Ye Xinghe.

After this battle, everyone knew that Ye Xinghe's future was absolutely limitless.

This victory can earn him at least the title of Captain of Thousands.

I don’t know how high my future achievements will be!

Establishing a good relationship with him will serve you well in the future.

After returning to the outpost, I heard that the demon army brought by everyone was wiped out.

News that the crisis has been resolved.

The soldiers of the 90,000th and 100,000th troops cheered heartily.

There is the ecstasy of surviving a disaster.

And a piece of news also spread quietly among the soldiers.

He said that he could win a great victory this time and change his fate against the will of heaven.

In fact, it was all because of a person named Ye Xinghe.

This man is the centurion in the 90,000-man army and is in charge of the scouts.

It was precisely because of his strategic planning that this great victory was achieved.

The news spread quickly.

Within an hour or two, everyone in the two teams of ten thousand people knew clearly.

At this time, in a dark barracks at the outpost.

Fang Hang cupped his hands and said, "Sir, all the news has been disseminated. Now there are two teams of ten thousand people, and no one knows your contribution!"

Ye Xinghe nodded and said softly: "Good job."

It turned out that Ye Xinghe had instructed Fang Hang and others to spread the news.

Fang Hang and others are not only excellent scouts.

Moreover, its ability to fan the flames and spread information is also first-rate.

Fang Hang wisely didn't ask too much, just said goodbye and left.

In the dark barracks, Ye Xinghe's eyes flashed slightly.

At this time, there was a 'bang' and the door was pushed open unceremoniously.

A slender figure walked in, it was Kong Nanyan.

She half-smiled, with a hint of teasing in her tone.

"Ye Xinghe, is it necessary to make a fuss known to the world?"

"What are you afraid of?"

Ye Xinghe said softly: "Suffer a loss."

"I've suffered too many losses, and sometimes I have to be on guard."

Kong Nanyan frowned and said, "Do you suspect that your father will take your credit and not report everything to you?"

Ye Xinghe said lightly: "It's not that I doubt him, it's just that we must be on guard against others and make some preparations in advance."

Kong Nanyan shook his head, looked at him deeply, and said, "Ye Xinghe, you are too scheming!"

Ye Xinghe said leisurely: "If you were not scheming, you would have died a long time ago."

"You grew up under the wing of your father and cannot understand us."

Kong Nanyan was speechless for a moment, and said no more. He just said softly: "I have already written the paperwork for my father. My father will report your achievements today, one by one, without any concealment, just waiting for the legion." Come down with the reward.”

Ye Xinghe asked with great interest: "I wonder what the reward will be?"

Kong Nanyan frowned and thought for a moment, then said: "According to past practice, you will be promoted to captain of a thousand at least. However, both father and Yu Fengming strongly recommended you, and even asked me to give you a message."

Ye Xinghe asked: "What?"

Kong Nanyan said softly: "Practice quickly and break through to the Three-Star Heavenly Lord as soon as possible."

"Because, if you want to serve as a general at the level of captain or deputy captain, you must at least have a cultivation level of three-star Tianzun." "If you haven't reached it, even if someone wants you to take a step forward, it won't matter. Method."

Ye Xinghe's heart was pounding, he cupped his hands and said, "Thank you for your kindness, I will definitely live up to it!"

On the same day, after rebuilding the outpost position, the 100,000-man team said goodbye and left.

The 90,000-man team also returned to their residence.

This time, the 90,000-man team suffered heavy losses.

Like a wounded giant beast, it slowly licked its wounds.

The turmoil of this battle was subsided, and everything became quiet again.

However, the undercurrent is quietly surging.

The core of the Nine Heavens Battlefield is a giant floating continent.

It has a radius of tens of thousands of miles and the area is extremely huge.

Floating in the air, blocking out the sky and the sun, like a legendary palace in the sky.

Compared with the place where the 90,000-man team is stationed, it is like fireflies competing against the bright moon.

In fact, the area where the 90,000th Army is located is on the edge of the Nine Heavens Battlefield.

The entire Jiutian battlefield spreads tens of millions of miles, and the area is extremely vast.

The location of this giant continent is the center of the Nine Heavens Battlefield.

This continent is also where the Demon Suppressing Legion is stationed, and is the core of the entire Demon Suppressing Legion.

Command from the center and control everything.

The many ten thousand troops of the Demon Suppressing Legion are scattered throughout the Nine Heavens battlefield, stationed in various places.

The entire floating continent has been built into a giant fortress.

There are towering towers and fortresses everywhere, forming lines of defense.

There are more than a dozen lines of defense, and from the outside to the inside, there are dense formations everywhere.

Countless giant war machines were placed at the top of each tower fortress.

These powerful and powerful giant magic weapons can often kill a powerful person in the Heavenly Realm with one blow.

The entire floating continent is built like a giant hedgehog.

Just because this is the headquarters of the Demon Suppression Legion.

In addition to these dozen or so tightly defended lines of defense.

On this giant continent, there are even more than 300,000 elite demon-suppressing legions stationed there.

However, this does not mean that it is safe here.

In fact, the demon clan in the Sky Demon World is powerful and extremely cunning.

In the past, we have sent out powerful monsters that were almost at the emperor level many times.

Led many powerful demons at the level of Tianzun to attack the main altar of the Demon Suppressing Legion.

In one of them, the main altar of the Demon Suppressing Legion was directly breached, resulting in numerous casualties inside.

After that time, the demon-suppressing army was almost completely destroyed.

Later, there were still several major forces in the East Heavenly Court, working together to contribute.

Only then did the demon-suppressing army be rebuilt.

The main altar of the Demon Suppressing Legion is located at the core of the entire floating continent.

Surrounded by barracks where hundreds of thousands of troops are stationed, the place is even more heavily guarded.

At this time, in one of the courtyards, the main building was built with blue bricks and was simple and unpretentious.

There are no precious or luxurious utensils placed inside.

An old man with white hair was sitting behind a major case.

He was thin and looked a little sickly.

Suddenly, he coughed violently, and his face became increasingly sallow.

However, there was an unspeakable majesty between his eyebrows that made people dare not look at him.

Although his expression was quite sick, it did not affect his power at all.

Just like a sick tiger that was strong and once had infinite glory.

Although he was lying on the boulder, his expression was wilted.

But it can still give people a glimpse of his majesty and domineering power back then.

The Chinese-haired man had a smile on his face and was reading a document in his hand.

As his power was gently revealed, light and shadow instantly flowed in the document.

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