Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3443 Good News

It condensed into the image of Kong Aoyang in the air.

Kong Aoyang told the whole process of the matter.

As expected, he did not hide anything, and even asked for credit for Ye Xinghe many times.

In some places, he was even more outspoken.

"Without Ye Xinghe, the 90,000-person team and the 100,000-person team would have been completely destroyed by now."

After he finished speaking, the light and shadow disappeared.

The blond man slammed the table, stood up excitedly, and murmured to himself.

"The future achievements of this Ye Xinghe are absolutely limitless, and our Demon Suppression Army has gained another peerless talent!"

"He is now young, already at the peak of the Two-Star Heavenly Lord, and has made such great achievements!"

"Moreover, the level of strength, skill, and power shown in this event are absolutely extraordinary!"

There was unspeakable excitement in his eyes.

"It has been many years since the Demon Suppression Corps produced a young hero like this. I must focus on cultivating him."

"Maybe he can inherit the mantle of us old guys in the future!"

"It's a pity that I have important things to do next, so I can't see this young hero with my own eyes."

He thought for a moment and then made a decision.

His thoughts moved slightly.

A moment later, a middle-aged man appeared at the door, saluted respectfully: "I have met Lord Gongsun!"

The name Gongsun Yu was spoken in this nine-day battlefield with a radius of tens of millions of miles.

It can make all human beings and monsters tremble.

This person is one of the four generals of the Shangzhu Kingdom in the Demon Suppression Corps.

The person who leads the demon-suppressing army of ten thousand people is the captain of ten thousand people, and above the captain of ten thousand people is the great commander.

Depending on the level of their strength and the area they are stationed in, the commanders can respectively control four to eight thousand troops.

Above the generals are the four most powerful people in the Demon Suppressing Legion, who are called the generals of the Shangzhu Kingdom.

The so-called pillar country refers to the pillar of the country.

The four of them led the demon-suppressing army to resist the invasion of the great world of demons.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the pillar of the country in this big black and yellow world.

The middle-aged man in front of him is named Yao Chengchuan, and he is one of Gongsun Yu's deputies.

He has always been quite capable and is trusted and valued by him.

Gongsun Yu threw the document to him and said: "Go and pass the order, let this young man named Ye Xinghe come to the headquarters of the Demon Suppression Army to report his work, and make him a captain of thousands."

"Then, you give him an assessment."

"If his strength reaches the three-star Tianzun realm, appoint him as the deputy captain of the 90,000-man team."

"What, you want to make him deputy captain at such a young age?"

Yao Chengchuan was stunned after hearing this.

Among the demon-suppressing army, the position of deputy captain is extremely important.

Moreover, they are generally given to people who have made great achievements and have a promising future.

Basically, after sitting in the position of deputy captain for a period of time, you can single-handedly control an army of ten thousand people.

Thinking that this young man is only so old and already has such a future.

Even Yao Chengchuan couldn't help but feel a little jealous and even a little angry.

He thought to himself: "Previously, the deputy captain of the 90,000th Corps has been vacant. I originally thought of sending my nephew there, but I didn't expect that someone has snatched him up."

He was a little unwilling and asked: "Sir, is this person so young? Is there something wrong with his character?"

Gongsun Yu was about to say a few words of praise for Ye Xinghe, but he suddenly thought: "No, if I say too much, my subordinates will misunderstand him. When the time comes, they will pay special attention to Ye Xinghe, but it will harm him."

Then, he said solemnly: "So I want you to assess him and deal with him impartially. If he is not at a high level, you are not allowed to take more care of him. Do you understand?"

Upon hearing this, Yao Chengchuan suddenly felt happy, and several thoughts came to his mind.

He nodded quickly and said, "I understand!"

The headquarters of the 90,000th troops.

Ye Xinghe quietly used the magic technique of destroying the demon to destroy the world.

At this time, the jade box in front of him was empty.

The origin of a group of monster worlds was completely refined and absorbed.

In Ye Xinghe's dantian, the huge mediation suddenly increased to a diameter of more than 30,000 feet.

The stars are shining brightly in it, and it is as vast as the sea of ​​stars.

Ye Xinghe opened his eyes, a smile appeared on his lips.

"Three-Star Heavenly Lord Realm, I have broken through to the Three-Star Heavenly Lord Realm!"

This is already half a year after the end of that war.

In the past six months, Ye Xinghe did not take any other actions and just practiced quietly.

In half a year, he refined two of the six groups of the origin of the demon world.

Of course, they are the two weakest groups.

But despite this, it also allowed him to break through and enter the Samsung Tianzun.

He whispered to himself: "Sure enough, joining the Demon Suppressing Legion is the wisest choice!"

"Looking at any place in the Xuanhuang world, it is impossible for me to practice at such a speed."

"But now the cultivation speed is too fast, and the foundation is a little unstable. Next, we need to stabilize it."

Ye Xinghe sighed.

"There's still not enough time. I don't even have time to refine the Cang Nether Realm."

He has been here for several years, but the progress of refining the Cang Nether Realm is still slow.

Of course, this is just his own opinion.

In fact, it took less than ten years to refine Cangming Realm to this level.

Ye Xinghe's speed is unprecedented.

Outside, footsteps suddenly sounded.

Ye Xinghe's mouth showed a bitter smile.

There are only a handful of people who can break into their own homes so brazenly.

It must be Kong Nanyan who is here.

Sure enough, Kong Nanyan opened the door and said happily: "Ye Xinghe, the good news is here!"


Ye Xinghe had already detected it, raised his eyebrows and asked: "But the general altar has been appointed?"

"Better than that!"

Kong Nanyan said excitedly: "The president asked you to report on your work!"

"What debriefing?"

Ye Xinghe also felt happy after hearing this.

If you simply appoint yourself as a captain of thousands, an order will be enough.

There is no need to go to the general meeting to report on the work.

Now that he has reported on his duties, it means that the news that he may be appointed as the deputy captain has been confirmed!

Kong Nanyan smiled and said: "Dad is going with you. This time, dad should be promoted to deputy commander, and it should be no problem for you to be promoted to deputy captain of ten thousand!"

In the evening of that day, the group took a floating cloud boat on the road.

Kong Aoyang stood proudly on the bow of the floating cloud boat, looking at the layers of clouds in the distance.

He said softly: "It takes several months to go to the main forum, and it can take several years to go back and forth. I just want to tell you what methods I should use to control an army of ten thousand people alone in the future."

Ye Xinghe listened carefully.

Kong Aoyang has been a captain of ten thousand men for so many years, and his experience is extremely valuable.

Take out any one of them and you will find endless benefits.

The floating cloud boat quickly crossed the sky.

Originally, cultivators of their level could come and go freely and could take the teleportation array, greatly reducing their time.

But there are exceptions to this nine-day battlefield.

Back then, the human race had just entered into war with the Great World of Heavenly Demons.

He used the floating magic circle to shuttle around to dispatch troops and generals, which was very fast and made the demon clan miserable.

Later, many powerful people from the demon clan joined forces and spent a huge price.

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