Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3444: We can’t let him be wronged

The rules in this area were changed drastically, and even the origin of the world was rewritten.

Therefore, within the Jiutian battlefield area, the teleportation array can only transmit small items.

For example, human cultivators, who have powerful aura of power in their bodies, cannot teleport at all.

The months passed by in a blur.

The Imperial Palace of the Kingdom of God in the Clouds of the East Heavenly Palace is in a luxurious hall.

The God of Suffering will happily walk into the hall, with joy written on his face.

As soon as he entered the door, he shouted loudly: "Madam, we have great news!"

Xie Qingling raised her eyebrows and smiled: "What good news is worth your disrespect?"

"At your age, you have a lot of experience, and you have always been deep-tempered in the city. You can't express your emotions and anger, so it seems like it must be a good thing!"

Xie Qingling suddenly thought of something and asked, "But what about Xinghe?"

The God of Suffering smiled and said: "That's right, Madam has a clever plan!"

"Young Master has only been in the Demon Suppression Corps for a few years, and he has already become famous!"

Xie Qingling was overjoyed when he heard it, and quickly said seriously: "What's the matter? Tell me carefully."

The Suffering Divine General smiled and said: "Young Master set a trap during the previous monster attack and killed hundreds of monsters almost single-handedly. He made great contributions and saved 90,000 people." Team and the 100,000th Team!”

"Now, the headquarters of the Demon Suppressing Legion is discussing meritorious service and giving rewards. The young master should be named deputy captain of ten thousand!"

"So fast!"

Xie Qingling couldn't help but be surprised.

She knew that Ye Xinghe was very talented and extremely strong, and his work was beyond words.

But no matter what, I never imagined that Ye Xinghe would have reached this point in the past few years.

This is the deputy captain of ten thousand!

In the future, he will surely control a team of ten thousand people and command tens of thousands of strong men!

According to her previous estimate.

In the past few years, Ye Xinghe has been able to become a centurion, which is already very good.

This is much better than I imagined.

The God of Suffering looked deeply and said meaningfully: "Madam, if this momentum continues, in a few years, the young master will most likely become the high-ranking general of Shangzhu Kingdom!"

"When the time comes, I will even be able to control the demon-suppressing army for you!"

Xie Qingling was slightly absent-minded.

"Control the demon-suppressing army?"

She shook her head slowly and said with a smile: "It's too far to say this, and I don't have much hope."

"The demon-suppressing army has long been on its own and has escaped the control of East Heavenly Court."

The God of Suffering couldn't help but sigh when he heard this.

He thought to himself: "Madam, what you said is against your will."

"I don't believe it. You sent the young master to the Demon Suppressing Legion at that time. In addition to letting him experience and grow, you had no intention of climbing to a high position in the Demon Suppressing Legion and taking the opportunity to take control."

However, he would naturally not say this.

Instead, he followed Xie Qingling and said, "Yes, the demon-suppressing army is a group of white-eyed wolves. If it hadn't been for several major forces in the East Heavenly Court to join forces to rebuild it, the demon-suppressing army would have ceased to exist in the world."

"Their soldier supplies, various magic weapons, spiritual beasts, puppets, etc., which one is not provided by Dongtianting?"

"Now it is already outside the East Heavenly Court."

Xie Qingling interrupted him and said with a smile: "I don't blame them. Now they are powerful. The strength of the entire demon-suppressing army is comparable to a kingdom of gods."

"Even if our Yunzhong Divine Kingdom goes to war with them, they dare not say that they will win. Naturally, they don't want to be controlled by others."

Xie Qingling curled up the corner of his mouth slightly, looked at the Suffering God General, and said lightly: "Just in time, take this opportunity to go to the Demon Suppressing Army for a walk."

"Although the major forces in our Eastern Heavenly Palace do not rule each other, the Demon Suppressing Legion and our Yunzhong Divine Kingdom can be regarded as equals."

"But the Demon Suppressing Army was originally established. After all, it has the power of our Yunzhong Divine Kingdom in it, so it can be said to be true."

The God of Suffering said softly: "I don't know, what kind of propriety should I do when I go?"

He was a very smart man, and he immediately pointed out the key.

Xie Qingling thought for a moment, slowly stood up, walked to the main hall, and looked out the door.

She looked deeply and said in a deep voice: "You don't have to go too far, but you must not let him suffer."

The God of Suffering looked solemn.

"My subordinates understand that whoever makes the young master suffer, I will let him lose his life!"

A few months later, Ye Xinghe arrived at the headquarters of the Demon Suppression Legion.

The defenses along the way were tight, and Ye Xinghe's eyes were opened wherever he passed.

He realized even more how powerful the demon-suppressing army was.

Millions of demon-suppressing legions are scattered across the Nine Heavens battlefield.

And there are three hundred thousand people stationed at the headquarters alone.

Ye Xinghe discovered that all the experts here were like crucian carp crossing the river.

Along the way, he saw many powerful people in the Tianzun realm.

But think about it, there may be quite a few elites in the East Heavenly Court gathered here.

After all, this place has to resist the invasion of the entire world of demons.

After explaining his intention, a dignified middle-aged man quickly came out and led the two of them in.

The dignified middle-aged man remained silent, and the two of them did not dare to say anything more.

After wandering around the camp, he soon came to a courtyard.

The middle-aged man stretched out his hand and said, "Please come in, Mr. Yao is waiting for you."

This courtyard is very big, and there are people coming and going inside.

Some people came out with happy faces, while others were dejected.

Kong Aoyang whispered: "This is the place responsible for assessing military merit and promotion. I have been here before."

There was some reminiscence in his eyes.

"That happened decades ago. At that time, I had just been promoted to the captain of ten thousand men and stayed in the 90,000th Army for decades. I didn't expect that I had the opportunity to leave because of you."

The two walked into the courtyard with laughter.

Crossing the three courtyards, they came to the innermost hall.

In front of the hall stood more than a dozen people, all of whom were powerful members of the Demon Suppression Corps waiting to be summoned.

The two also waited patiently outside.

Soon, Kong Aoyang was summoned.

After about a quarter of an hour, he came out happily and laughed.

Ye Xinghe said, "But it went smoothly?"

Kong Aoyang nodded.

"Half a month after returning to the 90,000th Army this time, I will be promoted to deputy commander. When the new captain of the 90,000th Army goes there, I can leave!"

Ye Xinghe smiled and said, "Then congratulations!"

For him, Kong Aoyang is a good teacher and friend.

Seeing that he can rise step by step in the Demon Suppression Corps, Ye Xinghe is naturally happy.

Then, a voice came from the hall.

"Ye Xinghe, come in."

Ye Xinghe walked in with his head held high.

The people waiting outside were all dumbfounded when they saw this scene.

The lowest rank among them was a thousand-man captain.

At this time, a young man dressed as a centurion walked in.

They all looked at each other in surprise.

"Who is this person? A mere centurion can actually come to the legion headquarters to report on his work?"

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