Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3463 What to do if you win

Ye Xinghe's heart flashed with murderous intent.

I can't bear it anymore, no need to bear it anymore!

Ye Xinghe suddenly smiled, and his smile was particularly bright.

Seeing him smiling like this, Kong Aoyang suddenly understood.

Then there was some expectation.

He knows Ye Xinghe.

Naturally, he knew what Ye Xinghe's expression at this time meant.

Kong Aoyang secretly thought to himself: "Nie Chengxiao, it's unlucky for you, you have to hit Ye Xinghe's hand yourself!"

Ye Xinghe looked at Nie Chengxiao and said with a bright smile: "May I ask Master Nie, do you know how many thousands of troops you command?"

Nie Chengxiao said proudly: "I am the peak of the Four-Star Heavenly Lord. I have been here for more than two hundred years. Now I command a team of five thousand people!" "Oh, a team of five thousand people?"

"Presumably, this is relatively common among all the deputy commanders, right?"

Ye Xinghe asked.

Nie Chengxiao said proudly: "That's natural. The number of ten thousand troops under my command ranks first among all deputy commanders!"

Ye Xinghe laughed.

"very good!"

Nie Chengxiao frowned and said, "Little boy, what do you mean?"...

Ye Xinghe suddenly roared: "Nie Chengxiao, didn't you just keep saying that I was a newcomer? You didn't take me seriously at all. You also said that I am not qualified to lead a team of ten thousand people."

"Then if I defeat you now, will I be qualified to lead a team of ten thousand people?"

"Am I qualified to replace you and control your team of five thousand people?"

Nie Chengxiao and others were stunned for a moment.

After a moment, he burst into laughter.

"Did I hear you correctly, little bastard, you actually want to challenge me?"

"You're not talking nonsense, are you? It's just you?"

Ye Xinghe said coldly: "Yes, I just want to challenge you!"

He straightened his body and looked at Cao Zhaoxiong and others.

"Master Cao, let me ask, if I challenge him to win, am I qualified to control a team of 10,000 people, am I qualified to gain a foothold here, and am I able to lead his 50,000-person team for him?"

"I asked this question, do you dare to respond?"

The aura was so powerful that for a moment, everyone was overwhelmed by his aura.

He froze in place and was speechless.

Even Cao Zhaoxiong was murmuring in his heart.

For a moment, the hall fell into silence.

But Nie Chengxiao came back to his senses at this time, and his face turned red instantly.

In his opinion, Ye Xinghe was the ultimate humiliation to himself!

When eating persimmons, pick the soft ones and pinch them.

Obviously, Ye Xinghe feels that he is the biggest soft persimmon among the many deputy commanders, and he wants to use himself to establish his authority!

He said viciously: "Boy, you have found the wrong person!"

"You want to challenge me, don't you know that my strength has exceeded the realm?"

"Don't you know that even though I am at the peak of the Four-Star Heavenly Venerate, I can often display combat power that far exceeds this level?"

Ye Xinghe looked at him and smiled.

"I only care about whether you dare to challenge me or not, and whether you dare to agree to it!"

Nie Chengxiao said grimly: "What if you lose?"

Ye Xinghe said proudly: "If I lose and you want me to get out of here, I will get out and won't let you see me again."

"If you want to kill me, I will kill myself right here. Is this result satisfactory?"

Nie Chengxiao was stunned for a moment, then laughed and said: "Okay, very good, neat and easy!"

He roared loudly: "The commander-in-chief promised him that if I don't take this battle, I won't have the dignity to stand here!"

Cao Zhaoxiong nodded and said, "Okay, Ye Xinghe, I agree."

"If you win, we will take back our previous words, and you will be able to gain a foothold again, and you will be able to command the five-thousand-person team controlled by Nie Chengxiao!"

However, at this moment, his face was already a little solemn.

For some reason, he had a vague premonition of something ominous.

Ye Xinghe nodded.


The next moment, Nie Chengxiao roared violently, a ferocious look flashed in his eyes.

With a flash of his body, he immediately charged towards Ye Xinghe.

With a palm shot in the air, the tyrannical power of the world's origin surged.

He is truly the pinnacle of the Four-Star Heavenly Lord.

With this blow, his powerful strength was fully revealed!

He shouted sternly: "Boy, is this enough to defeat you?"

Ye Xinghe smiled and said: "It seems a bit insufficient."

Nie Chengxiao yelled: "Arrogant!"

Ye Xinghe also struck out with one palm, and the world's original power surged wildly.

With a 'boom', the two collided together.

Ye Xinghe was shocked and took several steps back.

And Nie Chengxiao also retreated continuously and fell to the ground.

Under this attack, the strength of the two was actually about the same!

The strength of the two people collided, and extremely powerful auras surged everywhere.

Seeing that this hall is about to be shattered, buildings within a hundred miles will not be able to escape the fate.

Cao Zhaoxiong frowned slightly.

He waved his hand, and a huge protective shield took shape, covering the two of them.

It's like a ring to prevent breath from escaping.

A one-move competition revealed Ye Xinghe's powerful strength.

Nie Chengxiao's face was filled with astonishment: "You are actually the peak four-star Tianzun!"

Cao Zhaoxiong frowned and immediately realized that something was wrong.

Nie Chengxiao had been following him for so many years. If the boat really capsized in the gutter, all the 50,000-man troops in his hands would be taken away.

What kind of face is there to stand on this?

He immediately said loudly: "I think the strength of the two of you is between the two, so let's do it today, shake hands and make peace!"

He looked at Ye Xinghe and said: "Ye Xinghe, your strength is pretty good. I will give you a team of ten thousand people to take charge of you."

Ye Xinghe sneered in his heart.

"You're trying to win me over now, it's too late!"

Cao Zhaoxiong obviously didn't want them to fight anymore.

If Nie Chengxiao wins, it is a matter of course.

If Nie Chengxiao loses, then everything will be lost.

When the time comes, will Ye Xinghe really be allowed to lead a team of five thousand people?

Moreover, it seems that Ye Xinghe is not falling behind at all!

Naturally, he was trying to make peace with Nie Chengxiao to save his face.

Nie Chengxiao also felt a little weak at this time and could not figure out Ye Xinghe's true strength.

He took this opportunity, cupped his hands and said, "Ye Xinghe, let's give it up."

Ye Xinghe sneered: "Let's leave it at that. Have you asked me?"

He dodged, counterattacked, and struck hard with his palm.

Nie Chengxiao had to fight with him.

The two punched each other three times in a row.

Nie Chengxiao took a few steps back and said sternly: "Ye Xinghe, you and I are of similar strength, what's the point of continuing to fight!"

Ye Xinghe laughed wildly and said: "If you say I'll fight, I'll fight. If you say you don't, I won't fight. How can there be such a cheap thing!"

He attacks again.

Nie Chengxiao was extremely angry at this time and shouted loudly: "Ye Xinghe, you are going too far. You and I are of similar strength. Do you really think you are stronger than me?"

Cao Zhaoxiong suddenly felt that he had lost face and scolded him coldly: "Ye Xinghe, don't go too far!"

Ye Xinghe attacked again and turned a deaf ear to their words.

Nie Chengxiao was also furious at this time, and said to himself: "We are about the same strength, you really think I am afraid of you!"

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