Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3464: Fooled

Seeing Nie Chengxiao attacking again, his aura was no different from before.

A light flashed in Ye Xinghe's eyes.

Before, he had always controlled his strength to be at the same level as his opponent, the four-star Tianzun peak.

Just for this moment!

He thought to himself: "You have finally been fooled!"

The next moment, the two fists collided.

Nie Chengxiao actually felt that a terrifying force that was infinitely stronger than before was rushing in!

It has already surpassed the peak of the Four-Star Heavenly Lord, and it is definitely not something that I can resist!

He growled lowly: "You actually hid your strength before!"

As soon as he finished speaking, that terrifying power, like the sky and the earth collapsing, was already approaching.

He couldn't resist anymore and was knocked out hard.

There was a loud bang as it hit the protective shield laid out by Cao Zhaoxiong.

The protective shield was also blown to pieces.

Then, he hit the wall of the hall again.

The hall was hit almost to the point of collapse.

Cao Zhaoxiong quickly took action and was able to maintain his position.

Nie Chengxiao fell to the ground, coughed up blood violently, and staggered before standing up.

The injury was obviously serious.

Ye Xinghe glanced at everyone and said with a smile: "Who is similar in strength to you, are you worthy?"

Nie Chengxiao's face turned sallow and he was extremely angry, but there was nothing he could do.

Ye Xinghe showed his great strength to everyone through his actions.

Nie Chengxiao is no match for him!

Cao Zhaoxiong and others also looked astonished.

No one expected that this young man they didn't like at all.

The strength is so strong!

Nie Chengxiao was by no means a weakling among the group, but Ye Xinghe defeated him easily.

There was no contempt in their eyes when they looked at Ye Xinghe, but full of awe.

Ye Xinghe actually knew that he won suddenly.

In fact, Ye Xinghe is the peak of the Four-Star Heavenly Lord, on par with Nie Chengxiao.

However, he added 1.5% of the strength that he had refined into the Xuanming Realm.

With the accumulation of the two factors, he will be better than Nie Chengxiao.

However, he can only mobilize this part of the power once, but cannot continue to fight.

Therefore, it can only be used once and for all to overwhelm the opponent.

Ye Xinghe glanced at everyone and said with a smile: "Master Cao, you will not go back on what you have said now. I want Nie Chengxiao's 50,000-person team."

Ye Xinghe directly offered a condition that the other party could not accept.

He also knew very well that this matter would only require negotiation.

Sure enough, Nie Chengxiao's face was full of indignation.

But when I think of what I said before, I feel like a deflated rubber ball, unable to say a word.

Just stood there blankly.

Cao Zhaoxiong was in a dilemma.

Nie Chengxiao is his capable general.

The five-thousand-person team he controlled was also one of the most elite.

Just leave it to Ye Xinghe, such an outsider who doesn't know the details, how can he feel relieved.

Moreover, how could this be worthy of Nie Chengxiao. ..

But the promise I made before has been made, and it is impossible to go back on it.

The so-called promise of a thousand dollars, if it is the same as fart, how can he convince the public?

At this time, Ye Xinghe quietly winked at Kong Aoyang.

Kong Aoyang smiled in his heart and thought to himself: "Ye Xinghe is quite smart!"

He knew that Ye Xinghe was signaling for him to come out and speak.

Giving the other party a step down can also solve the problem satisfactorily.

Kong Aoyang understood in his heart and immediately said: "Your Majesty, the deputy commanders, you have just made a bet with Ye Xinghe. You are all people who promise a thousand pieces of gold, so you must abide by it."

Cao Zhaoxiong and others were filled with anger and thought to themselves: "You really want to help Ye Xinghe, now you are making sarcastic remarks!"

But they didn't expect that what Kong Aoyang said next moment was beyond their expectations.

Kong Aoyang continued: "But, Lord Nie has been commanding the five-thousand-person team for a long time. If Ye Xinghe takes over rashly, I'm afraid it will be difficult to convince the public."

"Moreover, Mr. Nie Chengxiao is very powerful, has deep qualifications, and has high prestige. If he doesn't have a team of 10,000 people at once, it will make people laugh at us."

Everyone was suspicious and didn't know what kind of medicine he was selling in his gourd.

Kong Aoyang smiled and said: "I have a suggestion. It is better to put three of the five thousand troops in Lord Nie's hands under the command of Ye Xinghe, and the remaining two will still be led by Nie Chengxiao."

"As for today's matter, we will keep it a secret and never tell it. How about that?"

Cao Zhaoxiong suddenly felt happy, this is the best way!

It can not only save Nie Chengxiao's face, but also solve the matter perfectly.

The only concern is what to do if Ye Xinghe disagrees and continues to pursue and fight.

Then he will be in trouble.

Cao Zhaoxiong looked at Ye Xinghe: "Ye Xinghe, what do you think?"

Ye Xinghe swept through everyone.

Nie Chengxiao's eyes were already filled with pleading.

You know, if his team of 50,000 people is really taken away by Ye Xinghe.

From then on, Nie Chengxiao would lose all face and have no words to stay here any longer.

Ye Xinghe looked reluctant and shook his head.

"Okay, I'll give you this face."

But he gave this favor to Kong Aoyang.

When everyone heard this, they immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

They already knew that they had definitely underestimated Ye Xinghe before.

This person has the city, the means, and the strength.

Moreover, the background is definitely not small!

You can’t afford to offend such a difficult person!

If Ye Xinghe is willing to compromise, that would be great.

At this point, this farce has come to an end, and everyone is happy.

Under Kong Aoyang's mediation, Nie Chengxiao's strongest team of 30,000 people was given to Ye Xinghe.

He knew the inside story, so Ye Xinghe naturally couldn't suffer any loss.

After walking out of the hall, Kong Aoyang patted Ye Xinghe on the shoulder and laughed.

"Boy, I haven't seen you for many years. You are so powerful. You can actually conquer the peak of the four-star Tianzun. I'm afraid I am no longer your opponent. You are also the number one person here!"


He changed the topic and said with a serious look on his face: "Next, you have to be careful. The three thousand-person team assigned to you is one of the most elite."

"But their captain of ten thousand is also rebellious. You may not be able to convince them. This matter is also quite difficult."

Ye Xinghe smiled lightly.

"Don't worry, I know this matter is different from dealing with Nie Chengxiao. I will convince them, and then gather our minds little by little to make them convinced!"

Kong Aoyang glanced at him approvingly.

"Boy, you're right to think so!"

Soon, Kong Aoyang accompanied Ye Xinghe to take over the team of three thousand people.

Half a time later, Ye Xinghe also saw the captain of the three thousand people team.

He has a team of three thousand people.

They are the 2.47 million team, the 2.48 million team, and the 2.49 million team.

Among them, the 2.47 million-person team is the most elite.

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